Warm up Welcome! Please answer the following questions as pretest material (this won’t be graded on accuracy, but please try your best): America was named after _____ When he arrived in America, Columbus originally thought he had landed in _____ The trade of goods between Europeans and Native Americans was called the ________ Why do you think European colonists went exploring (what motives)? The ”Lost Colony” was also known as ______ The first governing document of the United States was the _____ The president of the Confederate States of America was _____ The War of 1812 lasted from _______
Warm up Answers Amerigo Vespucci The Indies Columbian Exchange Religious reasons, economic reasons, glory, etc Roanoke Articles of Confederation Jefferson Davis 1812-1815
Pre-Columbian Period 1st people to arrive in the New World arrived around 40,000 years ago. Crossed over on a land bridge Connected Siberia and Alaska
Pre-Columbian Period Migrated and settled from the Arctic Circle to South America 100’s of tribes formed Developed different cultures 1490-between 50 and 75 million inhabitants
Culture of North America Mostly small settlements Gender Roles Men-warriors, hunters Women-planted crops, cared for children In some areas, larger civilizations developed Iroquois- located in upstate New York Formed the League of Iroquois 6 Native American nations create a union which they would govern cooperatively Historians believe the founding fathers used this template when drafting the Constitution
Culture in Central and South America Location of most Native Americans 3 major Native Americans groups Mayans: Central America Aztecs: Central America Inca: Located in Peru
European Arrival
DISCOVERY OF THE NEW WORLD Vikings-Leader-Leif Erickson; Discovered Northeastern coast of North America-named land “Vinland” Christopher Columbus-never knew he had discovered a new world; explored the Caribbean for Spain Amerigo Vespucci-announced that a new continent had been discovered so land named after him-”America”; explored South America for Portugal
Improvement of technology Renaissance Artistic and scientific discovery Increase in scientific knowledge and understanding Maps Compass Improvements in ship-building
Religious Conflicts and Motives Catholicism was being challenged in Europe In 1492, Catholics defeated the Muslims in Spain Increased the belief that Christianity was the superior religion Protestant Reformation Martin Luther Rebellion against the Catholic Church
Religious Conflicts and Motives Religious leaders wanted to spread their religion Some religious groups were trying to escape persecution Puritans
Economic Motives Exploration grew from conflict for eastern goods Attempting to find a faster sea-route to far east for trade Increased number of poor and starving Recession Crop failure Cold weather
Columbus Proposed to establish new route to East Indies; Voyage funded by Spanish monarchs Landed in the Bahamas on October 12, 1492
How did Christopher Columbus’ plan for reaching Asia differ from other explorers? Columbus wanted to sail west across the Atlantic to reach Asia believed he had landed in the East Indies hence the name “Indians” for Native Americans
Columbus: Hero or Villian? Created the first permanent link between Europe and the Americas Forced natives into slavery and was arrested by Spanish for treatment of colonists
WHY DID EUROPEANS EXPLORE? Land=Empire=Power Gold=Money=Power New markets and materials Glory-become famous Religion-they wanted the spread their beliefs Spices/food
Columbian Exchange Exchange of goods between Europe and the Americas Native Americans gave Europeans Tobacco (most important) Food Europeans gave Native Americans Livestock Coffee and sugar cane However: Europeans also brought diseases.