FRQ Directions Items You Need: Piece of paper Pen (NOT a pencil) You will have 20 minutes to complete 3 FRQs During the AP COGO exam, you have a suggested time of 30 minutes for 5 of these questions.
3 FRQs Define referendum. Describe one referendum that took place in Great Britain in the last twenty years. Describe one political consequence of the referendum result. Statement X: The rate of population growth has decreased in Iran since the 1990s. Statement Y: Developing countries should adopt population growth policies similar to Iran’s. Identify the empirical statement above. Identify the normative statement above. Explain the difference between a normative and an empirical statement. Briefly compare the United States judicial system to the United Kingdom judicial system.
Russia’s Political Economy
Market Reform Market reform Four main pillars Oligarchs Reducing role of the state in managing the economy and increasing role of market forces Four main pillars Lifting price controls Encouraging private business Privatizing state-owned enterprises Opening economy to international influence Oligarchs Small group with ownership and control of important sectors of economy during privatization Soviet period – land, industry, etc. belongs to the state Insider privatization: state-owned to private-owned businesses with majority of control in hands of employees/managers Quick turn-around for privatization – around 80% of businesses by 1994 Problem in agriculture – going back from the large collectivization to privatized companies that operated inefficiently Weakness of early post-Soviet states became a major issue; couldn’t tax to make infrastructure or regulate literally anything led to corruption Oligarchs: wealthy; benefit from privatization; wield political influence; eventually leads to a rising crime rate Russian mafia handles some things Putin’s reforms in 2000: legislative changes; 13% flat income tax; limited power of the economic oligarchs (i.e. Khodorkovksy)
Society and Economy (of the Soviet Period) Remarkable achievements Rapid industrialization Free healthcare Low-cost access to essentials Maternity leave Child benefits Disability pensions Mass education Shortages and low- quality services Limited medical equipment Scarce goods and services Housing shortages Nearly a universal literate society Received social benefits through workplace Soviet experience led to the expectation of social welfare.
Society and Economy Steady decline in population until 2009 Positive influx of immigrants – mainly from other Soviet Republics Life expectancy during 2016 – 65 for males and 77 for females; still lower than most Western societies High mortality rates due to stress in social and economic dislocation and unnatural causes of death Policies to encourage a rising birthrate Higher child support payments Monetary and other benefits for women having two or more children
Environmental Issues High air and water pollution Chernobyl nuclear accident (located in what is now Ukraine) Reliance on resource-extraction industries Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology EU goal to gain Russian ratification for the Kyoto Protocol
Russia in Global Economy Ruble responded to market conditions. Firms made foreign agreements. World Bank, IMF, EU provided economic assistance. August 1998 – economic crisis Russia defaulted on their loans.
Russia in Global Economy Admitted to World Trade Organization in 2012 High trade with China, Germany, the Netherlands, and the European Union Without change in industrial capacity, Russia will continue to be vulnerable to shifts in world energy prices and changes in supply and demand. Overall, ability to stay in global economy will depend on domestic economic challenges and a change in country’s export base.
Question 1 Which is NOT a major pillar of Yeltsin’s market reform? Lifting price controls Encouraging private business Increase in educational reform for working class Privatizing state-owned enterprises Opening economy to international influence
Question 2 What is Russia’s largest percentage of exports? Energy and fuel Chemical and rubber Machinery and Equipment Foodstuffs and textiles Metals and precious stones
Question 3 The following benefits occurred during the Soviet period EXCEPT… Rapid industrialization Free healthcare Increase in exports to non-Soviet states Nearly universal literate society Maternity leave
Questions 4 and 5 (very short answer) How has the Russian government encouraged a rising birthrate? Create your own question related to Making of the Modern State or Political Economy for Russia.