Sexism and Expectations for Women
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Quiz: According to Elizabeth Wood: What was the main reason why Salvadoran peasants supported the insurgency despite great risks?
Sexism in the New Left
El Salvador 1980-1992 Land Pre Civil War 77% of arable land belonged to .01% of the population Much of the land is in large estates producing products like coffee for export Military and Civilian Governments carry out limited land reform to deal with discontent FMLN Guerrillas make land reform a central demand, encourage occupations Violence 75,000 killed according to the UN Truth Commission finds that the vast majority of abuses were carried out by the government and right wing paramilitaries
It’s time to recruit. You are an organizer trying A. to get Salvadoran peasants to become active in organizing land occupations or to support FMLN guerrillas. B. to get women (men?) to become active in the women’s liberation movement. The Problem: While potential recruits sympathize with your cause, they are tempted to be “free riders,” letting others take the risks and pay the costs, but sharing in the gains. What is your strategy and appeal to get them involved?