How did the civil rights movement inspire other movements? 7.03 Minority rights How did the civil rights movement inspire other movements?
Agenda Women’s Rights Movement Hispanic Americans Native Americans
OBJECTIVE: explain the advancements made in the women’s rights movement 🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥 🔥
feminism Belief in the need to secure and protect rights and opportunities for women equal to those of men After WW2, young women starting having more children and staying at home. Most women had low-paying jobs, earning about 60 cents for every dollar a man made (today, it is about 79 cents for every dollar a man makes) Only 17 of the 535 members of Congress were women (Today, 104 women in Congress)
Important events 1963 Equal Pay Act required equal pay for men and women for the same work Civil Rights Act of 1964 Prohibited discrimination in employment based on gender and race (only the race part was enforced until 1967)
Equal Rights amendment 1967-A proposed constitutional amendment that read: "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.” Passed Congress in 1972 but not enough stated ratified the amendment so it never materialized. Some women’s groups (conservative and working class women) opposed the amendment. Feared it would have taken away special privileges at work; exemption from military draft; repeal alimony and eliminate the tendency for mothers to obtain custody in divorce cases; unisex bathrooms;
Title ix Prohibits discrimination based on gender in education programs funded by the government Key issues include recruitment, admissions, counseling, financial assistance, athletics, sex-based harassment, treatment of pregnant and parenting students; discipline; single-sex education; and employment
Roe V. wade 1973- Supreme Court ruled that a woman has a legal right to an abortion 7-2 Decision that a right to privacy under the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment extended to a woman’s decision to have an abortion
Pregnancy Discrimination act 1978- Prohibit discrimination in employment of women based on pregnancy or childbirth Maternity Leave is a big problem- In the US, families receive 12 weeks of unpaid leave. Only four countries in the entire world do not have paid leave after giving birth: Lesotho, Swaziland, Papua New Guinea, and the USA
Betty Friedan In 1963, wrote The Feminine Mystique detailing how unhappy women were as housewives Book sparked the feminist movement Formed National Organization for Women (NOW)
Hispanic Americans Instability in Mexico and demand for labor in the southwestern US drew many Mexicans into the US for work During WWII, the Bracero Program allowed Mexican workers into the US Even though many workers became legal citizens, many faced discrimination. Prejudice against illegal immigrants began affecting legal residents Lacked access to better schools, sanitation, police protection, and skilled jobs
How does this compare with the Woman’s Rights Movement? Cesar chavez Organized farm workers to demand better pay and enforcement of California's labor law Delano Grape Strike that began in 1965 and lasted 5 years. Workers in the grape industry walked out and boycotted grape products Formed United Farm Workers (UFW) and included Mexican Americans, Filipino Americans, and other Hispanic Americans. They signed contracts with different companies agreeing to better working conditions How does this compare with the Woman’s Rights Movement?
Native American power movement In the mid-20th century, Native Americans were still the poorest minority group in the US; life expectancy was about 44 years; In 1953, Congress: passed a law making Native Americans citizens Ended reservation system. States removed native Americans from their land. Also created a relocation program with assistance in finding jobs and placed to live Many Native Americans saw this an attempt to kill off their people
National congress of American Indians (NCAI) Created during WW2 Seek legal means to prevent the taking of their lands and land rights “Red Power” and “Native American Power”
American indian movement (AIM) 1972 march called the “Trail of Broken Treaties” Ended with the occupation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs In 1973, 200 individuals armed with weapons occupied Wounded Knee, South Dakota, the site of the 1890 massacre of Sioux Indians. Menominee Tribe v. United States (1968)- ruled that states could not take away Native Americans rights to hunt and fish on lands they received though past treaty agreements
How did all these movements compare? Alcatraz island 1969, about 200 Native Americans took control of the island, arguing it was their according to a treaty signed by Abraham Lincoln that said Native Americans could reclaim land that the US government had abandoned. Government cut off all power to the island and removed those who refused to go How did all these movements compare?
OBJECTIVE: explain the advancements made in the women’s rights movement 🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥 🔥
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