Romantic Era Key Figures Madeline Sejla Elma Amela Shannon
Key Points The romanticists of this time focused primarily on: The individual Their uniqueness and individual ideas It was their mission to do what felt free and experiment with different ideas. Each idea within a Character is typically accentuated They live through their work.
Victor Hugo Began writing verses of tragedy and poetry during adolescents. Possibly due to the split in his family at a young age Hugo explored lyrical poetry and many of methods of working Lyrical poems holding powerful sounds and rhythms, inspired by actress Juilette Drouet Et nox facta est, Latin for And There Was Light which was about the study of Satan’s fall Based off of Milton’s Satan, which Hugo then interpreted as a bat flying from his everlasting prison. Milton was an English poet, and wrote scholarly letters as wel This Poem was never finished.
Piotr Ilylch Tchaikovsky “The Porcelain Child” Russian Composer 7 symphonies, 11 operas, 3 ballets, 5 suites, 3 piano concertos, a violin concerto, 11 overtures Music was lively, full of harmony, and created a powerful emotional appeal Referred to Mozart as “the musical Christ” Struggled with himself, keeping his homosexuality a secret He lives through his symphonies, ballets, and operas. Famous Ballets: Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, Sleeping Beauty
Johan Wolfgang Von Goethe German Poet, known for Faust Took him nearly 60 years to complete Understood Greek, Latin, French, and Italian by age 8 He wrote a group of working Annette due to woman he fell in love with Wrote 10 poems based off of melodies by Bernhard Theodor Breitkopf, the Songbook The Sorrows of Young inspired by his love for the fiancé of a friend
Samuel Clemens Became an apprentice as a printer at age 14 when his father died. He began writing as a news journalist. Humorous writing was noticed right away; "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.“ Was a hard drinker and a heavy smoker (cigars) Famous works: Huckleberry Finn Tom Sawyer A Tramp Abroad
Nathaniel Hawthorne Added the “w” into his last name within his 20’s to exclude himself from his family, involved in witch trials. Grew up in Salem, Massachusetts Wrote several short stories: “My Kinsman, Major Molineux” “Roger Malvin’s Burial” The Scarlet Letter was an immdiate success, which encouraged him to devote his time to complete his writings. Hawthorne died with still many unfinished works
Prompt What do all of these Romantic Key Figures have in common? How does Mary Shelley fit in with all of the Key Figures?