Human Growth and Development Day 16 May 1, 2012 Industry versus Inferiority
Agenda for Class #16 Present book reviews Follow-up film – “When Elephants Fight” Present school nutrition activity Grade School Cognitive and Social Development Issues
Book Reviews
FAT City Workshop Richard Lavoie A child with a learning disability cannot try harder, pay closer attention, or improve motivation on their own; they need help to learn how to do those things.
Exceptional Needs Learning disabilities Dyslexia Dyscalcula Dysgraphia Dysnomia ADD/ADHD
Learning disabilities
Testing Aptitude tests measure potential for performance IQ tests are probably best examples Achievement tests measure what you have already learned or can do California Achievement Tests (OPS) or Iowa Tests of Educational Development (ITED; ITBS) Test #3 for PSYC 1120 coming up on Thursday!
Discrepancy Criterion Aptitude and performance are more than 2 years different aptitude testing achievement testing raw score (percent of total possible) percentile (compared to reference pop.)
See handout for additional resources
What can be done to help obese grade school children? 1. 2. 3. 4.
What can be done to avoid waste of cafeteria food? What goes in a good sack lunch? Grade school High school Adults at work
Social and Cognitive Development Erikson -- Industry versus Inferiority Freud -- Latency Piaget -- Concrete Operational Thinking Reversibility Conservation Seriation Classification Consider the issue of fairness, i.e., FAT City Role of the family in child development
Family Function Family function: The way a family works to meet the needs of its members. Children need families to: provide basic material necessities encourage learning help them develop self-respect nurture friendships foster harmony and stability
Family Structure Family structure: The legal and genetic relationships among relatives living in the same home; includes nuclear family, extended family, stepfamily, and so on. Nuclear family – no more than two generations Parent(s) and children Extended families – various generations with diversified family ties (aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, in-laws, etc.)
Family Trouble Dysfunctional family: A family that does not support all its members Three factors increase the likelihood of dysfunction: Low Income Instability Low Harmony
The Peer Group Culture of children: The particular habits, styles, and values that reflect the set of rules and rituals that characterize children as distinct from adult society. Fashion Language Peer culture
Bullies and Victims Bullying: Repeated, systematic efforts to inflict harm through physical, verbal, or social attack on a weaker person. Bully-victim: Someone who attacks others and who is attacked as well Also called a provocative victim because he or she does things that elicit bullying, such as stealing a bully’s pencil
Roll Call
Assignment Be reading chapters on Grade School and Adolescence Test # 3 will be distributed on Thursday 5/3 and will be due on Thursday 5/10!