The missing shadow By Nicole
Hero Once upon a time, there were a sea story that seem to be true . It was about a mermaid cat with soft purple fur and green eyes.
Problem Unfortunately , there was problem in her life. She lost her shadow . She ask her smart sister Mila but she didn't know.
Journey So she set off on a long and difficult journey to the cold north .On the way, Lily have to use her claw to break the ice.
Mythical Beast Meanwhile, mean Polydectes was bossing the shadows.
Gods/Special Powers Suddenly , Athena appear she gave Lily a magic dust to give her legs and a mirror for a strong refection.
What happens next? After that , she meet the three headed dog and she threw water in theireyes and use the magic dust and got to the scary palace.
The Battle! Finally , the battle! Polydectes tried to throw fire on Lily but she got the mirror and the fire landed on him instead.
Problem Solved Then found her shadow. And she happily swam home.
The End Bye bye