Friday December 22
Have a safe and blessed Christmas break. Merry Christmas Have a safe and blessed Christmas break. See you back on January 8.
Get your Gimme Fives into the buckets in the office. Leadership Assembly is TODAY!!
Bus Passes January bus passes are now available!
Lost & Found The Lost & Found is full AGAIN! Please check through all the lost items that are laid out in the gym foyer today for anything that might be yours.
on Friday afternoons from 1:00-3:00pm. After School STEM Club If you interested in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math we are offering a winter session of STEM club but there must be 24 registered and paid participants by January 12. The dates are January 19, 26, February 9, 16, March 2, 16 and 23 on Friday afternoons from 1:00-3:00pm. PICK UP A REGISTRATION FORM from the office TODAY and return it right away with $30.00.
The Little Mermaid Check the google calendar for practices on the last weekend of Christmas break.
Check the Google Athletic calendar Basketball Monday, January 8 Check the Google Athletic calendar for practice times.