Contracts (CISG)
Convention applies (1) This Convention applies to contracts of sale of goods between parties whose places of business are in different States: (a) when the States are Contracting States; or (b) when the rules of private international law lead to the application of the law of a Contracting State. (2) The fact that the parties have their places of business in different States is to be disregarded whenever this fact does not appear either from the contract or from any dealings between, or from information disclosed by, the parties at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract. (3) Neither the nationality of the parties nor the civil or commercial character of the parties or of the contract is to be taken into consideration in determining the application of this Convention.
Convention does not apply This Convention does not apply to sales: (a) of goods bought for personal, family or household use, unless the seller, at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract, neither knew nor ought to have known that the goods were bought for any such use; (b) by auction; (c) on execution or otherwise by authority of law; (d) of stocks, shares, investment securities, negotiable instruments or money; (e) of ships, vessels, hovercraft or aircraft; (f) of electricity.
Taikymas Vis pirma, pažymtina, kad Konvencija taikytina preki pirkimo-pardavimo sutartims. Pirma, pagal Konvencijos 2 (a) straipsnį, ji nėra taikytina vartojimo sutartims. Tai reiškia, kad Konvencija taikytina tik komercinio pobdžio prekių pirkimo-pardavimo sutartims. Antra, jos taikymo sritis apribota tik pirkimu- pardavimu. Galiausiai, Konvencija taikoma tik prekių pirkimui-pardavimui. Nors pati Konvencija nepateikia “prekės” svokos, jos 2 straipsnis išvardija atvejus, kuriems ji nra taikytina (pvz. ji netaikytina pirkimui-pardavimui aukcione)
Contract terms v. Convention (1) In the interpretation of this Convention, regard is to be had to its international character and to the need to promote uniformity in its application and the observance of good faith in international trade. (2) Questions concerning matters governed by this Convention which are not expressly settled in it are to be settled in conformity with the general principles on which it is based or, in the absence of such principles, in conformity with the law applicable by virtue of the rules of private international law.
Ar šalys gali pasirinkti Vienos Konvenciją, kaip ją sudarytai pirkimo-pardavimo sutariai taikytiną teisę, jeigu nei viena iš jų Konvencijos tikslais savo verslo vietos neturi valstybse, kurios yra Konvencijos dalyvs, tebelieka ginčytinu klausimu, tačiau pažymėtina, kad dauguma autorių mano, kad toks taikytinos teiss pasirinkimas teisiniu požiūriu būtų galiojantis kai kilęs ginčas yra išspręstinas arbitražo, tokiam šalių pasirinkimui būtų neabejotinai suteikta teisinė galia, nes arbitrai Konvencijos nuostatas ir UNIDROIT Komercinių kontraktų principus taiko netgi neatsižvelgdami šalių pasirinkimui kaip Lex Mercatoria
Negotiations in bad faith (1) A party is free to negotiate and is not liable for failure to reach an agreement. (2) However, a party who negotiates or breaks off negotiations in bad faith is liable for the losses caused to the other party. (3) It is bad faith, in particular, for a party to enter into or continue negotiations when intending not to reach an agreement with the other party.
Sąžiningumo pareiga 1. Turėti tikslą sudaryti sutartį 2. Atskleisti esminę informaciją 3. Laikytis konfidencialumo
(Freedom of contract) The parties are free to enter into a contract and to determine its content. Limitation of party autonomy by mandatory rules With respect to the freedom to determine the content of the contract, in the first instance the Principles themselves contain provisions from which the parties may not derogate. Moreover, there are both public and private law rules of mandatory character enacted by States (e.g. anti- trust, exchange control or price laws; laws imposing special liability regimes or prohibiting grossly unfair contract terms, etc.),
I l l u s t r a t i o n s 1. A grants B forty-eight hours as the time within which B may accept its offer. When B, shortly before the expiry of the deadline, decides to accept, it is unable to do so: it is the weekend, the fax at A’s office is disconnected and there is no telephone answering machine which can take the message. When on the following Monday A refuses B’s acceptance A acts contrary to good faith since when it fixed the time-limit for acceptance it was for A to ensure that messages could be received at its office throughout the forty-eight hour period.
(Inconsistent Behaviour) A party cannot act inconsistently with an understanding it has caused the other party to have and upon which that other party reasonably has acted in reliance to its detriment. This provision is a general application of the principle of good faith and fair dealing (Art. 1.7).
I l l u s t r a t i o n s 1. A has negotiated with B over a lengthy period for a contract of lease of B’s land under which B is to demolish a building and construct a new one to A’s specification. A communicates with B in terms that induce B reasonably to understand that their contract negotiations have been completed, and that B can begin performance. B then demolishes the building and engages contractors to build the new building. A is aware of this and does nothing to stop it. A later indicates to B that there are additional terms still to be negotiated. A will be precluded from departing from B’s understanding.
Because of difficulties it is experiencing with its own suppliers, A is unable to make deliveries on time to B under their contract. The contract imposes penalties for late delivery. After being made aware of A’s difficulties, B indicates it will not insist on strict compliance with the delivery schedule. A year later B’s business begins to suffer from A’s late deliveries. B seeks to recover penalties for the late deliveries to date and to require compliance with the delivery schedule for the future. It will be precluded from recovering the penalties but will be able to insist on compliance with the schedule if reasonable notice is given that compliance is required for the future.
B is indebted to A in the sum of AUS $10,000 B is indebted to A in the sum of AUS $10,000. Though the debt is due A takes no steps to enforce it. B assumes in consequence that A has pardoned the debt. A has done nothing to indicate that such actually is the case. It later demands payment. B cannot rely on A’s inaction to resist that demand.
Duty of confidentiality Where information is given as confidential by one party in the course of negotiations, the other party is under a duty not to disclose that information or to use it improperly for its own purposes, whether or not a contract is subsequently concluded. Where appropriate, the remedy for breach of that duty may include compensation based on the benefit received by the other party.
Linguistic discrepancies Where a contract is drawn up in two or more language versions which are equally authoritative there is, in case of discrepancy between the versions, a preference for the interpretation according to a version in which the contract was originally drawn up.
A and B, neither of them native English speakers, negotiate and draw up a contract in English before translating it into their respective languages. The parties agree that all three versions are equally authoritative. In case of divergencies between the texts, the English version will prevail unless circumstances indicate the contrary.
Objective v. Subjective (1) For the purposes of this Convention statements made by and other conduct of a party are to be interpreted according to his intent where the other party knew or could not have been unaware what that intent was. (2) If the preceding paragraph is not applicable, statements made by and other conduct of a party are to be interpreted according to the understanding that a reasonable person of the same kind as the other party would have had in the same circumstances. (3) In determining the intent of a party or the understanding a reasonable person would have had, due consideration is to be given to all relevant circumstances of the case including the negotiations, any practices which the parties have established between themselves, usages and any subsequent conduct of the parties.
Aiškinant sutartis atkreiptinas dėmesys: Kam teikti pirmenybę – šalių ketinimams ar gramatiniam teksto aiškinimui; Koks yra teismo vaidmuo aiškinant sutartis; Kokiais principais vadovaujantis šalintini atskirų sutarties dalių prieštaravimai; Kuo remiantis užpildytinos sutarties spragos.
SUTARČIŲ AIŠKINIMO TEORIJOS Valios (subjektyvi) – subjektyvusis aiškinimas Valios išraiškos (objektyvi) – objektyvusis aiškinimas
Tarptautinės kodifikacijos 2.1.UNIDROIT komercinių sutarčių principai (angl. Principles of International Commercial Contracts) 2.2. Europos sutarčių teisės principai –PECL (angl. Principles of European Contract Law)
UNIDROIT komercinių sutarčių principai 4.1 str - Šalių ketinimai (1) – Sutartį reikia aiškinti pagal bendrą šalių valią (ketinimus); (2) – Jeigu valia negali būti nustatyta, sutartį reikia aiškinti pagal tą reikšmę, kurią protingi asmenys, veikdami kaip sutarties šalys, suteiktų sutarčiai analogiškomis aplinkybėmis
UNIDROIT komercinių sutarčių principai 4.2 str. – Pareiškimų ir kitokių veiksmų aiškinimas – atsižvelgiant į tikruosius šalių ketinimus, jeigu kita šalis juos žinojo ar turėjo žinoti arba kaip juos esant tokiai situacijai tokioje padėtyje esantis protingas asmuo;
UNIDROIT komercinių sutarčių principai 4.3 str. – Susijusios aplinkybės. Taikant 4.1 ir 4.2 straipsnius, turi būti atsižvelgiama į visas aplinkybes, įskaitant (a) preliminarias šalių derybas; (b) tarp šalių susiklosčiusią praktiką; (c) šalių elgesį sudarius sutartį; (d) sutarties prigimtį ir tikslą; (e) konkrečioje verslo srityje visuotinai priimtą atitinkamų sąlygų ir teiginių reikšmę; (f) papročius
PECL 5.101(1) str. – sutartis turi būti aiškinama pagal bendrą šalių valią, net jei ji skiriasi nuo pažodinės žodžių reikšmės; 5.101(2) str. – jei nustatoma, kad viena šalis suteikė sutarčiai tam tikrą reikšmę, o kita šalis sutarties sudarymo metu tos reikšmės negalėjo nežinoti, sutartis turi būti aiškinama pagal pirmosios šalies sutarčiai suteiktą reikšmę ; 5.101(3) str. – jei valia negali būti nustatyta vadovaujantis (1) ir (2) dalimis, sutartis turi būti aiškinama, atsižvelgiant į tai, kokią reikšmę jai suteiktų analogiški protingi asmenys, veikdami tokiomis pat aplinkybėmis.
PECL 5.102 str. – Susiję aplinkybės (be UNIDROIT 4.3. str. nurodytų aplinkybių, PECL dar nurodoma: sutarties sudarymo aplinkybės; reikšmę, kurią šalys yra suteikusios tokioms pat sutarties sąlygoms; šalių tarpusavio santykių praktiką; sąžiningumo ir doros dalykinėje praktikoje principus. 5.103 str.- Contra Proferentem taisyklė – neaiškių sutarties sąlygų aiškinimas jas pasiūliusios šalies nenaudai; 5.104 str. – Individualiai aptartų sutarties sąlygų pirmenybė
Sutarčių aiškinimo taisyklės (CK 6.193 str.) sąžiningas aiškinimas; nagrinėjami tikrieji šalių ketinimai; jeigu tikrųjų ketinimų negalima nustatyti, sutartis aiškinama “protingo asmens” akimis; atsižvelgiama į sutarties sąlygų tarpusavio ryšį, sutarties esmę ir tikslą bei jos sudarymo aplinkybes; neaiškiai sąvokai priskiriama priimtiniausia reikšmė, atsižvelgiant į sutarties prigimtį, esmę bei jos dalyką; sąlygos dėl kurių abejojama aiškinamos jas pasiūliusios šalies nenaudai ir jas priėmusios šalies naudai (contra proferentem ) Visais atvejais sutarties sąlygos aiškinamos vartotojų naudai ir sutartį prisijungimo būdu sudariusios šalies naudai. atsižvelgiama į šalių derybas iki sutarties sudarymo, šalių tarpusavio santykių praktiką, šalių elgesį po sutarties sudarymo ir papročius.
Intent There must be evidence that the parties had each from an objective perspective engaged in conduct manifesting their assent, and a contract will be formed when the parties have met such a requirement. An objective perspective means that it is only necessary that somebody gives the impression of offering or accepting contractual terms in the eyes of a reasonable person, not that they actually did want to contract.
Usages (1) The parties are bound by any usage to which they have agreed and by any practices which they have established between themselves. (2) The parties are considered, unless otherwise agreed, to have impliedly made applicable to their contract or its formation a usage of which the parties knew or ought to have known and which in international trade is widely known to, and regularly observed by, parties to contracts of the type involved in the particular trade concerned.
FORMATION OF THE CONTRACT (1) A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance. A proposal is sufficiently definite if it indicates the goods and expressly or implicitly fixes or makes provision for determining the quantity and the price. (2) A proposal other than one addressed to one or more specific persons is to be considered merely as an invitation to make offers, unless the contrary is clearly indicated by the person making the proposal.
I l l u s t r a t i o n 1. A and B enter into negotiations with a view to setting up a joint venture for the development of a new product. After prolonged negotiations without any formal offer or acceptance and with some minor points still to be settled, both parties begin to perform. When subsequently the parties fail to reach an agreement on these minor points, a court or arbitral tribunal may decide that a contract was nevertheless concluded since the parties had begun to perform, thereby showing their intention to be bound by a contract.
constitutes an offer if is sufficiently definite 2. indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance.
Examples of binding offers A buyer was found to have indicated its intent to be bound when it sent the seller an "order" that stated that "we order" and "immediate delivery". A communication in the English language sent by a French seller to a German buyer was interpreted by the court as expressing the seller's intent to be bound. Where both parties had signed an order indicating a computer programme and its price, the buyer was unable to establish that the order merely indicated an intention to indicate details of a contract to be concluded at a later time rather than an intention to conclude the contract by the order. Another buyer's order specifying two sets of cutlery and the time for delivery was likewise interpreted as indicating the intent to be bound in case of acceptance notwithstanding buyer's argument that it had merely proposed to conclude future purchases.
Definiteness of proposal To be deemed an offer, a proposal to conclude a contract not only must indicate an intent to be bound by an acceptance but also must be sufficiently definite. A proposal is sufficiently definite if it indicates the goods and expressly or implicitly fixes or makes provision for determining the quantity and the price. Practices established between the parties may supply the details of quality, quantity and price left unspecified in a proposal to conclude a contract. One court has concluded that, if the intent to be bound by an acceptance is established, a proposal is sufficiently definite notwithstanding the failure to specify the price. Article 14 does not require that the proposal include all the terms of the proposed contract. If, for example, the parties have not agreed on the place of delivery or the mode of transportation the Convention may fill the gap.
Indication of the goods A proposal must indicate the goods. There is no express requirement that the proposal indicate the quality of the goods. One court found that a proposal to buy "chinchilla pelts of middle or better quality" was sufficiently definite because a reasonable person in the same circumstances as the recipient of the proposal could perceive the description to be sufficiently definite. Another court assumed that an offer to purchase monoammoniumphosphate with the specification "P 205 52% +/- 1%, min 51%" was a sufficiently definite indication of the quality of the goods ordered. If, however, the parties are unable to agree on the quality of the goods ordered there is no contract.
Definiteness of an offer Even essential terms, such as the precise description of the goods or the services to be delivered or rendered, the price to be paid for them, the time or place of performance, etc., may be left undetermined in the offer without necessarily rendering it insufficiently definite: all depends on whether or not the offeror by making the offer, and the offeree by accepting it, intends to enter into a binding agreement, and whether or not the missing terms can be determined by interpreting the language of the agreement in accordance with Arts. 4.1 et seq., or supplied in accordance with Arts. 4.8 or 5.1.2.
Fixing or determining the price A proposal must expressly or implicitly fix or make provision for determining not only the quantity but also the price. A proposal was found to be sufficiently definite in the following cases: a proposal to sell pelts of varying quality "at a price between 35 and 65 German Marks for furs of medium and superior quality" because the price could be calculated by multiplying the quantity of each quality by the relevant price; the price for similar goods in a previous contract between the parties supplied the price for a transaction in which there was no specific agreement on price because the parties had established a course of dealing; a proposal that the prices are to be adjusted to reflect market prices; agreement on a provisional price to be followed by the definitive price after the buyer resold the goods to exclusive final buyer because such an arrangement is regularly observed in the trade. The following proposals were found to be insufficiently definite: a proposal that incorporated several alternatives but did not indicate a proposed price for some elements of the alternative proposals; an agreement that the parties would agree on the price of additional goods ten days before the new year. One court has concluded that if the intent to be bound by an acceptance is established a proposal is sufficiently definite notwithstanding the failure to specify the price.
I l l u s t r a t i o n 1. A has for a number of years annually renewed a contract with B for technical assistance for A’s computers. A opens a second office with the same type of computers and asks B to provide assistance also for the new computers. B accepts and, despite the fact that A’s offer does not specify all the terms of the agreement, a contract has been concluded since the missing terms can be taken from the previous contracts as constituting a practice established between the parties.
Offer An offer is an expression of willingness to contract on certain terms, made with the intention that it shall become binding as soon as it is accepted by the person to whom it is addressed, the "offeree". The "expression" referred to in the definition may take different forms, such as a letter, newspaper, fax, email and even conduct, as long as it communicates the basis on which the offeror is prepared to contract.
invitation to treat An invitation to treat is not an offer, but an indication of a person's willingness to negotiate a contract.
Effectiveness of offer (1) An offer becomes effective when it reaches the offeree. (2) An offer, even if it is irrevocable, may be withdrawn if the withdrawal reaches the offeree before or at the same time as the offer.
Į klausimą, kada pranešimai tampa galiojantys ir teisiškai pareigojantys šalis, tarpusavyje nepalaikanias tiesioginio ir momentinio ryšio, praktika bei doktrina pateikia keletą galimų atsakymų.
informacinė teorija (ang. information theory), gavimo arba recepcijos teorija (ang. reception theory), Pašto dėžutės teorija (angl. mail box rule) Formulavimo teorija (angl. formulation theory)
informacinė teorija bet koks pranešimas įsigalioja tik nuo to momento, kai gavėjas sužino apie tokio pranešimo turinį
recepcijos teorija bet koks pranešimas įsigalioja nuo to momento, kai gavjas realiai fiziškai gavo tą pranešimą ar jis gavėjui tapo bent jau prieinamas, nors gavėjas dar nėra sužinojęs jo turinio.
Pašto dėžutės teorija pranešimas įsigalioja kai tik yra išsiunčiamas
Formulavimo teorija pranešimas įsigalioja nuo to momento, kai gavėjas pradeda formuluoti savo atsakymą į gautą pranešimą
How to revoke (1) Until a contract is concluded an offer may be revoked if the revocation reaches the offeree before he has dispatched an acceptance. (2) However, an offer cannot be revoked: (a) if it indicates, whether by stating a fixed time for acceptance or otherwise, that it is irrevocable; or (b) if it was reasonable for the offeree to rely on the offer as being irrevocable and the offeree has acted in reliance on the offer. An offer, even if it is irrevocable, is terminated when a rejection reaches the offeror.
Acceptance (1) A statement made by or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer is an acceptance. Silence or inactivity does not in itself amount to acceptance. (2) An acceptance of an offer becomes effective at the moment the indication of assent reaches the offeror. An acceptance is not effective if the indication of assent does not reach the offeror within the time he has fixed or, if no time is fixed, within a reasonable time, due account being taken of the circumstances of the transaction, including the rapidity of the means of communication employed by the offeror. An oral offer must be accepted immediately unless the circumstances indicate otherwise. (3) However, if, by virtue of the offer or as a result of practices which the parties have established between themselves or of usage, the offeree may indicate assent by performing an act, such as one relating to the dispatch of the goods or payment of the price, without notice to the offeror, the acceptance is effective at the moment the act is performed, provided that the act is performed within the period of time laid down in the preceding paragraph.
Counter offer (1) A reply to an offer which purports to be an acceptance but contains additions, limitations or other modifications is a rejection of the offer and constitutes a counter-offer. (2) However, a reply to an offer which purports to be an acceptance but contains additional or different terms which do not materially alter the terms of the offer constitutes an acceptance, unless the offeror, without undue delay, objects orally to the discrepancy or dispatches a notice to that effect. If he does not so object, the terms of the contract are the terms of the offer with the modifications contained in the acceptance. (3) Additional or different terms relating, among other things, to the price, payment, quality and quantity of the goods, place and time of delivery, extent of one party's liability to the other or the settlement of disputes are considered to alter the terms of the offer materially.
Time period for acceptation A period of time for acceptance fixed by the offeror in a telegram or a letter begins to run from the moment the telegram is handed in for dispatch or from the date shown on the letter or, if no such date is shown, from the date shown on the envelope. A period of time for acceptance fixed by the offeror by telephone, telex or other means of instantaneous communication, begins to run from the moment that the offer reaches the offeree. (2) Official holidays or non-business days occurring during the period for acceptance are included in calculating the period. However, if a notice of acceptance cannot be delivered at the address of the offeror on the last day of the period because that day falls on an official holiday or a non-business day at the place of business of the offeror, the period is extended until the first business day which follows.
late acceptance A late acceptance is nevertheless effective as an acceptance if without delay the offeror orally so informs the offeree or dispatches a notice to that effect. (2) If a letter or other writing containing a late acceptance shows that it has been sent in such circumstances that if its transmission had been normal it would have reached the offeror in due time, the late acceptance is effective as an acceptance unless, without delay, the offeror orally informs the offeree that he considers his offer as having lapsed or dispatches a notice to that effect.
Contract A contract is concluded at the moment when an acceptance of an offer becomes effective in accordance with the provisions of this Convention. Perhaps the most important feature of a contract is that one party makes an offer for a bargain that another accepts. This can be called a 'concurrence of wills' or a 'meeting of the minds' of two or more parties.
The principle pacta sunt servanda This article lays down another basic principle of contract law, that of pacta sunt servanda. The binding character of a contractual agreement obviously presupposes that an agreement has actually been concluded by the parties and that the agreement reached is not affected by any ground of invalidity.
Moment (Mailbox rule) For the purposes of this Part of the Convention, an offer, declaration of acceptance or any other indication of intention "reaches" the addressee when it is made orally to him or delivered by any other means to him personally, to his place of business or mailing address or, if he does not have a place of business or mailing address, to his habitual residence.
It is sufficient that it be handed over to an employee of the addressee authorised to accept it, or that it be placed in the addressee’s mailbox, or received by the addressee’s fax or telex machine, or, in the case of electronic communications, that it has entered the addressee's server (see e.g. Art.15(2) of the 1996 UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce).
communication of acceptance: The acceptance must be communicated: Depending on the construction of the contract, the acceptance may not have to come until the notification of the performance of the conditions in the offer as in Carlill's case, but nonetheless the acceptance must be communicated. Prior to acceptance, an offer may be withdrawn. An offer can only be accepted by the offeree, that is, the person to whom the offer is made. An offeree is not bound if another person accepts the offer on his behalf without his authorisation. It may be implied from the construction of the contract that the offeror has dispensed with the requirement of communication of acceptance. If the offer specifies a method of acceptance (such as by post or fax), you must accept it using a method that is no less effective than the method specified. Silence cannot be construed as acceptance.
Kalbų neatitikimai – CK 6.194 str. Jeigu sutartis sudaryta dviem ar daugiau kalbų ir kiekvienas sutarties tekstas turi tokią pat teisinę galią, bet skirtingomis kalbomis surašyti tekstai neatitinka vienas kito, tai pirmenybė suteikiama pirmiausiai surašytam tekstui.
Sutarties spragų užpildymas Jeigu šalys neaptarė tam tikrų sutarties sąlygų, reikalingų sutarčiai vykdyti, tai šias sutarties spragas vienos iš šalių reikalavimu gali pašalinti teismas, nustatydamas atitinkamas sąlygas, atsižvelgdamas į: dispozityviąsias teisės normas, šalių ketinimus, sutarties tikslą ir esmę, sąžiningumo, protingumo ir teisingumo kriterijus (CK 6.195 str.)
Lietuvos teismų praktika LAT 1998 m. balandžio 15 d. nutartis c.b. Valstybinio socialinio draudimo valdyba v UAB “Rina” Nr. 34-3- 21/1998 “....sutartis, kaip šalių valią išreiškiantis susitarimas turi būti aiškinama atsižvelgiant į tikruosius šalių ketinimus, tikrąją valią, o ne tik į rašytinės sutarties gramatinį tekstą”. 2000 m. vasario 2 d. nutartis c.b. Ž. Stankevičius v H.Chadakevičius Nr. 3K-7-23/2000 “Teisinių santykių kvalifikaciją lemia ne šalių pavartota terminologija, o tų santykių turinys, kaip tuos santykius šalys beįvardintų”
2000m. Balandžio 3 d. nutartis c. b. Nr 2000m. Balandžio 3 d. nutartis c.b. Nr. 3K-3-406/2000 AB “Turto bankas” v UAB “Vaidluvė” “esant ginčui dėl sutarties turinio bei sąlygų, sutartis turi būti aiškinama nustatant tikruosius sutarties dalyvių ketinimus...sutarties sąlygos turi būti aiškinamos atsižvelgiant į jų tarpusavio ryšį, sutarties esmę, tikslą, jos sudarymo aplinkybes ..., į šalių derybas dėl sutarties sudarymo, šalių elgesį po sutarties sudarymo, kitas reikšmingas aplinkybes”.
2006 m. lapkričio 27 d. nutartis c.b. Nr. 3K-3-600 Pagal CK 6.187 straipsnį, jeigu sutarties standartinės sąlygos prieštarauja nestandartinėms, pirmenybė teikiama nestandartinėms, t. y. individualiai šalių aptartoms, sąlygoms. CK 6.193 straipsnio 4 dalyje nustatyta, kad tais atvejais, kai abejojama dėl sutarties sąlygų, jos aiškinamos tas sąlygas pasiūliusios šalies nenaudai ir jas priėmusios šalies naudai. Visais atvejais sutarties sąlygos yra aiškinamos sutartį prisijungimo būdu sudariusios šalies naudai. Ši contra proferentem, t. y. neaiškių sutarties sąlygų aiškinimo jas siūliusios šalies nenaudai, taisyklė įtvirtinta ir tarptautiniuose privatinės teisės aktuose. Europos Sutarčių teisės principų 5.103 straipsnyje nurodyta, kad jeigu yra abejonių dėl sutarties sąlygos, kuri nebuvo individualiai aptarta, ji yra aiškinama tokią sąlygą pasiūliusios šalies nenaudai.
2006 m. lapkričio 27 d. nutartis c.b. Nr. 3K-3-600 Teisėjų kolegija pažymi, kad draudimo sutartis paprastai yra sudaroma prisijungimo būdu, t. y. pagal vienos šalies (draudiko) parengtas standartines sąlygas (tam tikros draudimo rūšies taisykles). CK 6.992 straipsnyje, reglamentuojančiame draudimo sutarties sudarymą pagal standartines sąlygas, nustatyta, kad jeigu draudimo sutartis sudaroma pagal draudimo rūšies taisykles, parengtas įstatymų nustatyta tvarka, tai draudimo sutarčiai atitinkamai taikomi CK 6.185–6.187 straipsniai. Taigi, vertinant konkrečią draudimo sutartį, kurią sudaro tiek standartinės sąlygos, parengtos draudiko (draudimo rūšies taisyklės), tiek individualios sąlygos (draudimo liudijimas (polisas), privalu vadovautis CK 6.992, 6.185, 6.187 straipsniais, taip pat CK 6.193 straipsnyje įtvirtintomis sutarčių aiškinimo taisyklėmis ir būtent jų kontekste spręsti dėl šių draudimo sutarčių galiojimo. Kartu teisėjų kolegija pažymi, kad, sudarant sutartį prisijungimo būdu, o taip pat ją aiškinant, būtina atsižvelgti ir į tai, kad standartines sutarties sąlygas parengusi šalis privalo ne tik tinkamai atskleisti šias sąlygas kitai sutarties šaliai, tačiau taip pat yra atsakinga už tai, kad jos parengtos standartinės sutarties sąlygos būtų aiškios ir nedviprasmiškos. Jeigu standartines sąlygas parengusi šalis to tinkamai nepadaro, kilus sutarties šalių ginčui, ši šalis negali remtis tokiomis standartinėmis sąlygomis, dėl kurių aiškumo ir atskleidimo kitai sutarties šaliai kyla abejonių. Pareiga įrodyti, kad standartinės sąlygos yra aiškios ir neturėjo būti klaidingai suprastos kitos sutarties šalies, taip pat kaip ir tai, kad jos kitai šaliai buvo tinkamai atskleistos, tenka standartines sąlygas parengusiai šaliai.
2006 m. lapkričio 27 d. nutartis c.b. Nr. 3K-3-600 Teisėjų kolegija konstatuoja, kad sistemiškai aiškinant draudimo sutartį reglamentuojančias teisės normas, galima išskirti dvi galimas teisines situacijas: pirma, jeigu konkrečioje draudimo sutartyje šalių nėra sutarta kitaip, pagal bendrąją įstatyme įtvirtintą taisyklę, draudimo sutartis įsigalioja nuo to momento, kai draudėjas sumoka visą ar pirmą draudimo įmoką (premiją) (CK 6.996 straipsnio 1 dalis); antra, kai konkrečioje sutartyje šalių yra susitarta dėl jų sudaromos sutarties įsigaliojimo tvarkos, draudimo sutartis įsigalioja nuo šalių nurodyto momento, nes įstatymas suteikia sutarties šalims teisę susitarti dėl draudimo sutarties įsigaliojimo, nesiejant jo su draudimo įmokos ar pirmos jos dalies sumokėjimu (CK 6.996 straipsnio 1 dalis). Dėl to draudimo įmokos nesumokėjimo teisinės pasekmės priklauso nuo to, siejamas konkrečios draudimo sutarties įsigaliojimas su draudimo įmokos sumokėjimu ar ne).
LAT 2003 m. balandžio 14 d. nutartis c.b. Nr. 3K-3-485 Advokatūros įstatymo (1998 m. birželio 25 d. Nr. VIII-811) 44 straipsnio 1 dalyje numatyta, kad dėl užmokesčio dydžio už klientui teikiamas teisinės pagalbos paslaugas klientas ir advokatas susitaria raštu Lietuvos advokatūros statute nustatyta tvarka. Lietuvos advokatūros statuto 72 punkte nustatyta, kad advokato honoraro dydis, jo apskaičiavimo formos ir mokėjimo tvarka, terminai nurodomi sutartyje dėl teisinės pagalbos teikimo. Iš pateiktos į bylą sutarties Nr. 99-015 teismai nustatė, kad joje nėra susitarta nei dėl advokato honoraro dydžio, nei dėl honoraro apskaičiavimo formos. Pateikti į bylą Advokato D.Mockūno kontoros įkainiai pasirašyti tik paties advokato, o kliento parašu jie nepatvirtinti. Sutartyje numatyta atsiskaitymo tvarka. Sutarties 3.1 punktas pagrįstai nepripažintas kaip apibrėžiantis honoraro dydį, nes jame nurodyta formuluotė, jog už teisines paslaugas mokama pagal pateiktas sąskaitas, nesuponuoja honoraro dydžio. (objektyvaus metodo taikymo taisyklės)