IMDL Presentation by Li Yang
Park Ranger Subtitle
Park Ranger Block Diagram XBEE Laptop LCD Mega 2560 Arduino IP Cam Tmp Sensor Motor Controller Board Ultrasonic Sensor DC Motor
Obstacle Avoidance Three Ultrasonic sensor Monitoring front, left, right Setting threshold value When distance < threshold value, backwards and go the other direction, when only front below threshold, default right
Temperature Sensor and LCD Temperature sensor Tmp36. 2*16 LCD.
Xbee Communication Xbee communicate each other Receiver receive direction signal based on object location
IP Cam Special Sensor Detect base(color orange object). After base is detected, park ranger will go towards to the it. Problem : IP camera sometimes frozen. Not stable.
Summary What I’ve learned: How to build a robot from scratch. Embedded C programming OpenCV image processing Solidworks
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