Danielle Trujillo Marshall plan
Why was it needed? Europe was devastated from WWII Industrial production had slowed Agriculture had been destroyed People could not access food ("Importance Of The Marshall Plan To Economic Recovery In Europe In The Post War Era")
Problems occurring in Europe Food rationing Power shortage Coal problems Extreme weather conditions ("Importance Of The Marshall Plan To Economic Recovery In Europe In The Post War Era")
Financial aid Prior to the Marshall Plan, the United States was providing financial aid to Europe to help them with recovery. Over $13 Billion in financial aid was provided ("The Marshall Plan")
Additional aid Aid initially consisted of Food Staples Fuel Machinery And later investment in industrial capacity in Europe ("The Marshall Plan")
origins Created by George Marshall Official name was European Recovery Program (ERP) Intended to rebuild the economies of Western Europe. ("The Marshall Plan")
Countries Aided Austria Belgium Denmark France Greece Iceland Ireland Italy Luxembourg The Netherlands Norway Portugal Sweden Switzerland Turkey The United Kingdom West Germany ("Marshall Plan")
Political connotations The United States felt that it was important to aid Europe in their economic recovery because They feared the conditions in Europe would facilitate the spread of communism ("Marshall Plan")
Reconstructing germany Germany was still trying to deal with repercussions of WWI Other European countries were not supportive of German recovery They may not have recovered if the U.S. hadn’t aided them Marshall Plan ensured German exports in Europe ("Importance Of The Marshall Plan To Economic Recovery In Europe In The Post War Era")
Economic recovery Industrial and agricultural production was restored. Trade expanded Financial stability was established Western European chemical, engineering and steel industries were renewed. ("Marshall Plan")
End of marshall plan Republicans gain control of House and Senate in 1950 Less supportive U.S. becomes involved in Korean conflict Less funding for Marshall Plan Program ends (Ellis-Christensen)
Why it was important Many believe that if it were not for the Marshall Plan, Europe would still be struggling with economic challenges. It made reconstruction of Germany possible. ("Importance Of The Marshall Plan To Economic Recovery In Europe In The Post War Era")
Sources "The Marshall Plan." George C. Marshall Foundation. N.p.. Web. 11 Apr 2013. <http://www.marshallfoundation.org/TheMarshallPlan.htm>. "Importance Of The Marshall Plan To Economic Recovery In Europe In The Post War Era." Articles Base. N.p., 01 Mar 2010. Web. 11 Apr 2013. <http://www.articlesbase.com/business-articles/importance-of-the-marshall-plan-to-economic-recovery-in-europe-in-the-post-war-era-1924449.html>.
Sources "Marshall Plan." Encyclopedia Britannica. N.p.. Web. 11 Apr 2013. <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/366654/Marshall-Plan>. Ellis-Christensen, Tricia. "What was the Marshall Plan?."Wise Geek. N.p.. Web. 11 Apr 2013. <http://www.wisegeek.org/what-was-the-marshall-plan.htm>.