Monday, 26 October 2015 Welcome back, fabulous readers! Today we will be focusing on AR reading, quizzing, and book selection. Take the INITIATIVE to get out your AR book and reading log. Add an entry for today, and begin reading immediately
Today’s Work AR Read/Quiz AR progress checks & performance updates! Library visits—get books for the next TWO weeks Reminder: AR is an ongoing assignment. In order to meet your goal, you must read an average of 30 minutes daily.
Tuesday, 27 October 2015 Edgar Allan Poe is regarded as the father of the modern detective story, famous for his tales of intrigue and horror. He was an American poet, author and extremely bold literary critic in his day. His contribution in the genres of fantasy, mystery, and horror won him great recognition and appreciation both during his lifetime and after his mysterious death in 1849. Download the text from Class Readings/downloads and read along as we listen to and watch a short creative interpretation of “A Tell-Tale Heart” by E.A. Poe
Today’s Work Read and annotate by creating a timeline from “Poe’s Final Days” Begin to Summarize your understanding of the piece through concise research notes: Record an MLA Citation using the template provided. What was the Main Idea of the piece? What were the possible causes of Poe’s death and evidence used to justify this from the reading? Homework: Finish summarizing the main ideas from today’s article. We will continue to investigate Poe’s death tomorrow, so bring back your completed notes on today’s reading!
Wednesday, 28 October 2015 Quick Review Yesterday’s Reading: Proof MLA Citation What was the Main Idea? Possible causes (so far) and evidence from yesterday’s reading? What is the Mystery of Poe’s Death? Provide an MLA citation for this piece Read “Poe’s Death is Rewritten” p. 225-226 Complete graphic organizer, identify the main idea, list evidence and conclusion drawn by the article Homework: Anything unfinished in class is homework. We will continue to investigate Poe’s death tomorrow!
MLA Citation Example Last, First Name of Author. “Title of Article.” Elements of Literature. Orlando: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2008. pages. Print. Correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation of all information When you type, titles of books and websites get italicized—when you hand write, be sure to underline! Hanging indent Copy the title of the literature book (anthology), city, publishing company, and year correctly Pages look like this: 222-224 Your entry ALWAYS ends with a period. NOTE: If there isn’t an author credited, then simply start with the title. Example from day 1: Silverman, Kenneth. “Poe’s Final Days.” Elements of Literature. Orlando: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2008. 222-224. Print.
Possible Causes of Poe’s Death so far… Alcohol Exposure Encephalitis
Discuss with your table—compare and contrast ideas. Thursday, 29 October 2015 Welcome, researchers! To kick off today’s class, our final day of researching Edgar Allen Poe’s untimely death, let’s start with table talk: At this point in our research, what do you think killed Edgar Allen Poe BASED ON EVIDENCED FROM OUR TEXTS? Discuss with your table—compare and contrast ideas.
Staple and turn in ALL Poe work by the end of the day! Thursday, 29 October 2015 Continue to explore the mystery of Poe’s death with our last two pieces… “Nevermore to Drink” p. 227 Provide an MLA citation for this piece Read article Complete graphic organizer, identify the main idea, list evidence and conclusion drawn by the article “Rabies Death Theory” p. 228 Complete graphic organizer, identify the main idea, list evidence and conclusion drawn by the article Staple and turn in ALL Poe work by the end of the day! Reminders: We will finish and write up our investigation of Poe’s death tomorrow. If you have any missing work from this week, catch up tonight!!!
MLA Citation Example Last, First Name of Author. “Title of Article.” Elements of Literature. Orlando: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2008. pages. Print. Correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation of all information When you type, titles of books and websites get italicized—when you hand write, be sure to underline! Hanging indent Copy the title of your literature book, city, publishing company, and year correctly Pages look like this: 222-224 Your entry ALWAYS ends with a period. NOTE: If there isn’t an author credited, then simply start with the title. Example from day 1: Silverman, Kenneth. “Poe’s Final Days.” Elements of Literature. Orlando: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2008. 222-224. Print.
Possible Causes of Poe’s Death Alcohol Exposure Encephalitis Rabies
Friday, 30 October 2015 We have now thoroughly researched the different perspectives on what caused the early death of the great American writer Edgar Allen Poe. We are attempting to answer questions like, “What really killed Edgar Allen Poe?” and “How does the evidence from our texts support this conclusion?” Task Decide what you think after our extensive research: What killed Edgar Allen Poe? Review ALL of your collected evidence and highlight the THREE most important pieces of evidence that support your conclusion.
Writing a Thesis Statement/Claim Example: Although some people believe_____, evidence shows that Edgar Allen Poe died of _____.
Incorporating Evidence Effectively Incorporate Evidence—blend it into your sentence! Explain the significance of the evidence. Create a Parenthetical Reference –(Author’s last name #) or (“Beginning of Title” #) whichever is the first part of the MLA citation. This should appear at the end of quotations and paraphrases. Paraphrase: According to Dr. R. Michael Benitez, every symptom exhibited by Poe is typical of encephalitic rabies. His heavy sweating, incoherent behavior, trouble drinking liquids, and sudden death can all be attributed to a rabies infection rather than alcohol abuse (“Poe’s Death” 225). Blended Quote with Explanation of its Significance: Edgar Allen Poe was found outside of a tavern in Baltimore, Maryland in “an apparent alcoholic stupor” four days before his untimely death (Pollin and Benedetto 227). This has long been considered by the physicians who treated him the result of excessive drinking. If the doctors who treated Poe believed his illness to be the result of alcoholism, any theories suggesting otherwise need overwhelming and substantial evidence to support them