Reading Strategy: Monitoring compiled by M.Siwak
Monitoring A good reader stops and thinks about what they are reading. A good reader knows what to do when meaning has been lost. A good reader knows when a text is making sense and when it doesn’t. A good reader understands the purpose for which they are reading.
Signs that you are stuck and not comprehending.
I don’t get it! The pictures inside your mind stop forming or moving. Your mind wanders and you begin to think of something else or do something else. Your questions are not being answered as you read.
I still don’t get it! You can not recall characters. You don’t understand how information or events link together. You can not retell or explain the text to a friend.
Can we fix it?
Yes, we can .
What can I do?
Fix comprehension problems Re-read Read ahead Make predictions Slow down Draw a picture or diagram Look for clues to make connections Stop and think Ask a question Retell what you have read in your own words Retell the difficulty in your own words Figure out unknown words Look for patterns in text structure Talk to other students and teachers
Give it a try and don’t give up!