Ancylostoma duodenale
Taxonomy Kingdom : Animalia Phylum : Nematoda Class : Rhabditea Order : Strongylida Family : Ancylostomatidae Genus : Ancylostoma Species : duodenale .
Old world hook worm Causative agent of ancylostomiasis Parasitic description by Dubini Mode of infection by Loose Habitat : lumen of small intestine
Adult worm : cylindrical , greyish white , slightly curved . Morphology : Adult worm : cylindrical , greyish white , slightly curved . ant. end : bent slightly in same direction of body curve . Buccal capsule : 6 teeth . Post. end : bell shaped – copulatory bursa – holding the female worm . Copulatory bursa : 13 rays in 3 lobes .
Buccal capsule Copulatory bursa Adult worms
Difference b/w male and female Caudal end Expanded Umbrella like shape Tapering Not expanded Genital opening Posterior part In b/w middle 1/3 and post. part
Egg : Size : 60 mc in L ,40 mc in B . Shape : oval Non bile stained Thin shelled 8 blastomeres , clear space .
Filariform larva Non feeding form Slender 500 – 600 mc in L Pointed tail Shorter oesophagus Infective form .
Pathogenesis Source : human faeces Host : man No intermediate host Route : Penetration Ingestion Transmammary Transplacental .
Life cycle
Clinical manifestations 20 – 40% Asymptomatic Skin manifestations : ground itch small itchy papules Site : around feet , b/w toes . Symptoms : intense itching edema erythema rash .
Respiratory manifestations : Low grade fever Mild cough , pharyngitis dyspnea , pneumonia . Intestinal manifestations : low grade fever , anaemia , git disturbances Anaemia : hypochromic microcytic types – mild , moderate , severe .
concentration – formalin ether Lab diagnosis specimen : stool Methods : microscopy – direct wet mount concentration – formalin ether salt flotation kato katz method culture – harada mori method . imaging methods : x – rays .
Treatmant Mebendazole Pyrantel pamoate Thiabendazole .