Beam dynamics simulation for HEBT at KHIMA Synchrotron System Dong Hyun An, Heejoong Yim, Garam Hahn and Chawon Park* (Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences) Nov. 13th, 2014 International Conference on Accelerators and Beam Utilization
CONTENTS Clinical requirements & Beam specification for clinical requirements Layout of KIRAMS-Synchrotron system Beam Transport System (HEBT) - Specifications & components - Requirements & Main features Modulated sections Boundary conditions Electrostatic septum Chopper - Horizontal & Vertical lines Error analysis Beam loss analysis Summary
Clinical Requirements Clinical Requirements For Carbon Therapy Carbon Beam Range : 3.0 to 27.0 g/㎠ Range Modulation Steps : 0.1~0.2 g/㎠ Additional Distal Dose Fall-Off : < 2 mm Dose Rate for 1 liter : 2 Gy/min Beam size at Isocenter : 4~10 mm FWHM [1] Accelerator-related Clinical Requirements 1 Beam particle species proton, carbon-12 2 Beam Range 3.0 to 27.0 g/㎠ 3 Bragg peak modulation steps 0.1~0.2 4 Range adjustment 0.1 5 Adjustment/modulation accuracy ≤± 0.025 6 Distal dose fall-off (80%-20%) (in addition to the intrinsic DFO) < 2 mm 7 Average dose rate (for treatment volume of 1000 ㎤) Gy/min [3] Irradiation-related Clinical Requirements 13 Beam position step 0.1 ㎜ 14 Beam position accuracy ≤± 0.05 15 Delivery dose precision ≤± 2.5 % 16 Field Size 2x2 to 20x20 ㎠ 17 Field position accuracy ≤± 0.5 18 Field dimension step 1 19 Field size accuracy 20 Lateral penumbra (80%-20%) (for each side at the phantom surface) < 2 21 Field homogeneity (orthogonal) Rt ≤ 105 22 Field homogeneity (longitudinal) Rl ≤ 111 23 Field symmetry 24 Source to surface distance (SSD) > 4 m [2] HEBT-related Clinical Requirements 8 Beam size (FWHM) 4 to 10 ㎜ 9 Beam size step 1 10 Beam size accuracy ≤± 0.20 11 Beam axis height (above floor) 120 ㎝ 12 Irradiation Room 1 H (scanning) 1 H+V (scanning) 1 H+V (SOBP) 1 H (scanning, Research) Beam energy Beam Intensity Beam Size and Position
Beam Specifications for clinical requirements items Beam Specifications for KIRAMS 1 Beam particle species proton, carbon-12 Type of ion 1H3+ for proton and 12C4+ for carbon at ECRIS 2 Beam Range 3.0 to 27.0 (without scatterers) g/㎠ Energy range 60~230 MeV for proton 110-430 MeV/u for carbon (with the consideration of 3-5 ㎝ scatterer) 3 Bragg peak modulation steps 0.1~0.2 Energy steps >250 steps 4 Range adjustment 0.1 Energy adjustment 1.101~0.416 MeV for proton 2.030~0.878 MeV/u for carbon 5 Adjustment/modulation accuracy ≤± 0.025 Energy adjustment accuracy ≤± 0.274~0.104 MeV for proton ≤± 0.505~0.219 MeV/u for carbon 6 Distal dose fall-off (80%-20%) (in addition to the intrinsic DFO) < 2 ㎜ Energy spread [1σ in Gaussian dist.] < 0.15 % at 230 MeV for proton < 0.13 % at 430MeV/u for carbon 7 Average dose rate (for treatment volume of 1000 ㎤) ㏉/min Beam intensity Min./Max. No. of particles per spill 1x108 / 1x1010 for proton 4x106 / 4x108 for carbon Nominal number of spills : 60 spills in 2~3 min 8 Beam size (FWHM) 4 to 10 4 to 10 ㎜ 9 Beam size step 1 ㎜ 10 Beam size accuracy ≤± 0.2 ≤± 0.2 ㎜ 11 Beam axis height (above floor) 120 ㎝ Beam axis height 120 ㎝ 12 Irradiation Room 1 H (scanning) 1 H+V (scanning) 1 H+V (SOBP) 1 H (scanning, Research) Beam energy Beam Intensity Beam Size and Position
Layout of KIRAMS-SYNC system KIRAMS Synchrotron System HEBT RFQ 0.4 MeV/u IH-DTL 7 MeV/u ECRIS 8keV/u for H3+ and 12C4+ MEBT p and 12C6+ SYNCHROTRON ACCELERATOR Extraction Injection Treatment Room 3 (H) scanning Room 2 (H+V) Room 1 (H+V) SOBP Research Room (H) Stripper Beam particle species p, 12C Type of ion 1H3+ for proton and 12C4+ for carbon at ECRIS Beam Range 3.0 g/㎠ to 27.0 g/㎠ Energy range 60-230 MeV for proton 110-430 MeV/u for carbon Dose rate 2 ㏉/min for 1 liter Beam intensity 1x108 ~ 1x1010 protons/spill at Isocenter 4x106 ~ 4x108 carbons/spill at Isocenter Nominal number of spills : 60 spills in 2~3 min Beam size 4 to 10 ㎜ FWHM Injection Multi-turn injection Field Size 20x20 ㎠ Extraction RF-KO slow-extraction Irradiation Room Gating / 1 H (scanning), 1 H+V (scanning), 1 H+V (SOBP), 1 H (scanning, Research) Machine Dimension 37.9 x 66.4 x 17.6(H) m
HEBT Specifications Treatment : 1 H, 2 H+V Research : 1 H RFQ 0.4 MeV/u IH-DTL 7 MeV/u ECRIS 8keV/u for H3+ and 12C4+ MEBT p and 12C6+ SYNCHROTRON ACCELERATOR Extraction Injection Treatment Room 3 (H) scanning Room 2 (H+V) Room 1 (H+V) SOBP Research Room (H) Stripper Treatment : 1 H, 2 H+V Research : 1 H Phase Shifter and Stepper Beam Chopping system Beam direction Irradiation Method Ion type Beam energy Size at isocenter Treatment room H1 H+V fixed beams SOBP proton C-12 60-230 MeV 110-430 MeV/u 4-10 mm FWHM H2 Scanning H3 H fixed beams Research room HR
HEBT Components Chopper system Phase shifter & stepper Quantity of component determined after beam dynamics simulation Family ID/Total N Magnets Dipole 1 / 3 [22.5 deg] 10 2 / 3 [30.0 deg] 3 3 / 3 [45.0 deg] 8 Quadrupole 1 / 2 [L=350] 62 2 / 2 [L=550] 17 H/V Corrector 1 / 1 22 Chopper 4 Monitors Profile 23 Qualification 1
Requirements & Main Feature Layout depends on the configuration of the required beam ports in the different treatment rooms Two type of treatment mode: active + passive H+V fixed beam lines provide larger flexibility in applying radiation fields from various angles during one fraction Design based on PIMMS Beam size at the iso center in any beam line can be changed by altering the strength of quadrupoles on the phase shifter (for horizontal plane) & stepper (for vertical plane) in common part of the main extraction line, while keeping all other magnets setting constant Has a region for dispersion free separately Beam delivery: in case of active scanning Horizontal/vertical fast scanning system with magnets for pencil beam Energy variation directly with the synchrotron Thanks to modulated design, Flexibility is guaranteed adding a new treatment rooms in the future
Boundary conditions for extraction line design Dispersion vector at the entry to the extraction line (ES) is determined by the characteristics of the bar of charge for different momentum in horizontal phase space Even though there is difference among different momentum, the dispersion vector is not so significantly different and can be ignored the difference For the lowest energy ( E=110 MeV/u with carbon beam) beam is a segment of the extraction separatrix
Boundary conditions for extraction line design (cont’d) Twiss functions at entry (ES in ring) bx = 15 m ax = 0 ‘Free’ parameter ex = 1.67 p mm mrad ‘Unfilled’ ellipse –’free’ by = 5.8250 m ay = -0.1749 Values from ring ey,RMS = 1.4428 to 0.6767 Carbon range from ring (110 ~ 430 MeV/u) ey,RMS = 1.4428 to 0.7065 Proton range from ring (60 ~ 230 MeV) Dx = -0.7407 Dx’ = 0.1272 Determined by extraction geometry Dy = 0 Dy’ = 0 by = 2 m, mx = np at isocenter Twiss functions at Isocenter bx = 5 m ax = 0 According to medical specifications and earlier choice of ‘free’ parameters by = 2 to 27 m ay = 0 Dx = 0 Dx’ = 0 Dy = 0 Dy’ = 0 Control module for combined beam sizes: Horizontal plane: By Variation of the horizontal phase advance (mx), since the beam is a segment of the extraction separatrix that is represented as a ‘diameter’ of an unfilled ellipse (due to slow extraction) Vertical plane: By Adjustment of vertical beta function (by) by = 27 m, mx = (n+1/2)p at isocenter
Twiss functions at matching section ES to Matching section For some value of momentum spread (Dp/p ~-0.5*10-3), the central orbit will be asymmetric in the dispersion region Dispersion and its derivative on horizontal phase space are determined by the disposition of the bars of charge for different momentum In this section, module provides the correct matching of the beam from the extraction at the electrostatic septum Betatron amplitude [m] vs. distance [m] Horizontal beam envelopes [m] Vertical beam envelopes [m] Dispersion [m] Electrostatic septum (ES) Twiss functions at matching section bx = 7 m ax = 0 Free parameters Range from “stepper” by = 2 to 27 m ay = 0 Dx = 0 Dx’ = 0 Dy = 0 Dy’ = 0
Chopper Footprint of Beam Chopper system is composed of the four fast dipole magnets which are interleaved at three-30 deg. bending magnets Switch the beam on and off rapidly ( < 200 ms) Switch the beam on and off without perturbing its position at the patient Be fail safe in that the power-off state is also the beam-off state @ Qualification monitor (QM) (QIM + QPM) s x Basic information for manufacturing chopper magnet Parameters Values Unit Comments Name CPM Chopper Dipole Type Horizontal Maximum rigidity 6.62 Tm @ E = 430 MeV/u Deflection angle 5.5 mrad Effective length 200 mm @ Max. field = 0.18 T Good field region (diameter) 80 Integrated field quality < ± 2x10-3 3D field quality No. of magnets 4 ea.
Twiss functions at each isocenter Horizontal lines Ex) Up to TR3 through horizontal common line Horizontal lines are composed of the TR3, TR2, TR1 and Research room composed of two 22.5 bending magnets and many focusing magnets on lattice design level Include phase shifter and stepper in common section (named as ‘stepper’) By changing the corresponding magnetic strength on each quadrupole, the clinically necessary beam width at isocenter is to be determined Corresponding k (=g/(Br)) for each by, where mx (phase advance)= 6.0 p is set Betatron amplitude [m] vs. distance [m] Dispersion [m] Horizontal beam envelopes [m] Vertical beam envelopes [m] *k (field strength) [1/m2] at each quadrupole in stepper (@ mx = 6.0 p), for TR3 b 2 5 10 15 20 27 QPM-07 -1.409 -1.418 -1.424 -1.427 -1.428 -1.429 QPM-08 1.306 1.431 1.482 1.487 1.486 1.471 QPM-09 -2.488 -2.467 -2.449 -2.437 -2.430 -2.425 QPM-10 1.176 1.179 1.185 1.191 1.184 1.183 QPM-11 -1.831 -1.837 -1.834 -1.829 -1.824 -1.819 QPM-12 0.806 0.770 0.723 0.685 0.663 0.642 Twiss functions at each isocenter bx = 5 m ax = 0 According to medical specifications and earlier choice of ‘free’ parameters by = 2 to 27 m ay = 0 Dx = 0 Dx’ = 0 Dy = 0 Dy’ = 0 * In WinAgile code, the negative value of ‘k’ corresponds to the focusing quadrupole, vise versa
Twiss functions at each isocenter Vertical lines Betatron amplitude [m] vs. distance [m] Dispersion [m] Horizontal beam envelopes [m] Vertical beam envelopes [m] Ex) Up to TR1 through vertical common line Vertical lines are composed of the TR2, TR1 room through vertical common line includes few 22.5 and 45 bending magnets and many focusing magnets in lattice design [3D layout of the vertical line up to IR1] k (Field strength) [1/m2] at each quadrupole in stepper (@ mx = 7.0 p), for TR1 b 2 5 10 15 20 27 QPM-07 -1.168 -1.184 -1.049 -1.046 -1.044 -1.041 QPM-08 1.640 1.660 1.568 1.615 1.645 1.672 QPM-09 -2.493 -2.515 -2.522 -2.526 -2.530 -2.537 QPM-10 2.985 2.984 2.976 2.955 2.929 2.911 QPM-11 -1.741 -1.751 -1.747 -1.756 -1.763 QPM-12 0.926 0.962 0.967 0.977 0.990 1.011 Twiss functions at each isocenter bx = 5 m ax = 0 According to medical specifications and earlier choice of ‘free’ parameters by = 2 to 27 m ay = 0 Dx = 0 Dx’ = 0 Dy = 0 Dy’ = 0 * In WinAgile code, the negative value of ‘k’ corresponds to the focusing quadrupole, vise versa
Error analysis (For static errors) Error type Tolerance (1 s) Distribution (3 s) Quadrupole alignment x,y,z 0.3 mm Truncated Gaussian Quadrupole tilt 0.3mrad Bending alignment x,y,z 0.3mm Bending tilt Integrated dipole field error (ΔBL/BL) 0.001 Integrated quadrupole field error Monitor reading error ±0.5mm Flat Need to correct the orbit due to various distortion elements Using MAD-X code, simulations are performed with a sample of 1000 randomly generated machines With a standard alignment technique, 100.0 % of the machines after correction in the horizontal plane and 99.9 % in the vertical plane are within the allowed global closed orbit margin ( ±7.5 mm in both plane) Excursion vs. distance up to IR2 through vertical common line 1000 randomly generated machines Profile monitor Corrector
Error analysis (For static errors) ES Iso center @ ROOM2 MS Stepper VC V2 At iso-center x-excursion vs. Distance Monitor Corrector hc_crm_01 v2_crm_02 ES MS VC V2 1000 randomly generated machine y-excursion vs. Distance
Error analysis (For static errors) Basic information for manufacturing the steerer Parameters Values Unit Comments Name Corr Type H/V combined Maximum rigidity 6.62 Tm @ E = 430 MeV/u Deflection angle 5 mrad Effective length 300 mm @ Max. field = 0.11 T Free aperture diameter 90 Good field region (diameter) 80 Integrated field quality < ± 2x10-3 3D field quality Field stability 500 ppm No. of magnets 22 ea. Maximum required kicking angles are estimated to have the value less than 3.5 mrad in both plane Number of needed correctors for whole lines is to be 22
Error analysis (For dynamic errors) As an unavoidable errors which can’t be corrected with steerer, ~10% of static error tolerance ( stability of Magnet Power supply etc.) are used x-excursion vs. Distance Monitor Corrector hc_crm_01 v2_crm_02 ES MS VC V2 y-excursion vs. Distance
Error analysis (For dynamic errors) Excursion distributions from MS to Iso center through v2 line: Contributed effect on orbit distortion by Dynamic errors are small and comparable with corrected one for static errors Zoomed
Beam loss analysis with TRACK Matching section to IR1 through v1 line ( carbon beam @ E = 430 MeV/u) orbit margins: Applying 7.5 mm for horizontal- and vertical-plane respectively Using beam pipe having 66 mm of inner diameter Layout with MadX In phase space Transmission ratio:99.93 %
Geometric spec. of HEBT elements Based on the beam optics study in the whole horizontal and vertical beam lines, the sizes of aperture are expected less than 30.5 mm and 29.5 mm for both plane Horizontal Vertical General remarks Maximum beam size (x or y) [mm] ±23 ±22 Closed orbit margin (Dx1, Dy1) [mm] ±7.5 Sagitta in dipoles (Dx2) [mm] ±14 Quadrupoles Good field region [mm] ±30 Dipoles ±40 ±25 Ex) longest line through V1 With TRACK
Summary Lattice design was done for whole lines up to each treatment room with several lattice programs Since the design applied the modulation scheme, Beam size at the iso center can be changed freely for both horizontal- and vertical-plane respectively Chopper magnet system is utilized to control the beam stopping immediately Error study was done with various error sources Determined the specification and position of corrector and beam profile (position) monitors on HEBT line Served the information for lattice components to manufacture the components Real tracking analysis should be done with applying the real 3D fringe field of each magnet getting an information from specific magnet design
Thanks for your attention HEBT RFQ 0.4 MeV/u IH-DTL 7 MeV/u ECRIS 8keV/u for H3+ and 12C4+ MEBT p and 12C6+ SYNCHROTRON ACCELERATOR Extraction Injection Treatment Room 3 (H) scanning Room 2 (H+V) Room 1 (H+V) SOBP Research Room (H) Stripper Thanks for your attention
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Beam Intensity SYNCHROTRON ACCELERATOR Carbon Scanning Spread Proton HEBT RFQ 0.4 MeV/u IH-DTL 7 MeV/u ECRIS 8keV/u for H3+ and 12C4+ MEBT p and 12C6+ SYNCHROTRON ACCELERATOR Extraction Injection ηHEBT=0.95 ηcap=0.80 ηMEBT=0.95(C) ηMEBT=0.90(p) ηDTL=0.80 ηRFQ=0.80 ηLEBT=0.95 ηFOIL=0.95(C) ηFOIL=0.90(p) ηinj=0.23(C) ηinj=0.11(p) Ηacc=1.00 ηrebunch=0.90 ηstab=0.90 ηext=0.90 ηSCAN=0.7 ηSCAT=0.3 1 2 8 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 9 12 13 1. Isocenter, 2. Before irradiation, 3. After extraction, 4. After acceleration, 5. After capture, 6. After injection, 7. MTInjection, 8. After MEBT, 9. After FOIL, 10. After DTL, 11. After RFQ, 12. After LEBT, 13. ECR extraction Isocenter Carbon Scanning Spread Proton ⑬ ECRIS extraction Beam current : No. of particles : 12C4+ 122 euA 1.90x1014 285 euA 4.45x1014 H3+ 328 euA 2.05x1015 765 euA 4.77x1015 ⑫ After LEBT 1.81x1014 4.22x1014 1.94x1015 4.54x1015 ⑪ After RFQ 1.45x1014 3.38x1014 1.56x1015 3.63x1015 ⑩ After DTL 74 euA 1.16x1014 173 euA 2.70x1014 199 euA 1.24x1015 465 euA 2.90x1015 ⑨ After FOIL 12C6+ 1.10x1014 2.57x1014 proton 3.36x1015 7.84x1015 ⑧ After MEBT 100 euA 1.04x1014 235 euA 2.44x1014 485 euA 3.02x1015 1130 euA 7.05x1015 ⑦ MT Injection [16turns] 3.67x109 8.57x109 [28turns] 1.87x1011 4.35x1011 ⑥ After Injection 8.26x108 1.93x109 2.07x1010 4.82x1010 ⑤ After Capture 7.42x108 1.74x109 1.86x1010 4.34x1010 ④ After acceleration 6.69x108 1.56x109 1.67x1010 3.90x1010 ③ After extraction[/spill] 6.02x108 1.41x109 1.51x1010 3.51x1010 ② Before Irradiation [/spill] 5.72x108 1.34x109 Scattered 1.43x1010 3.34x1010 ① Isocenter[/spill] 4.00x108 1.00x1010
Time structure Dipole Magnet Extraction RF cavity Injection
Specifications of magnets (dipole) For magnets having different bending angle, share the same cross-sectional yoke plates Courtesy of Hyunwook Kim (Engineering Team)
Specifications of magnets (quadrupole) For magnets having different length, use the same cross-sectional yoke plate and coil structure Courtesy of Hyunwook Kim (Engineering Team)