Do Now – April 20 Imagine that you and your family have loaded a wagon and are heading for unsettled land in the Oregon Territory Write a journal entry about the things you have seen along the way and what you plan to do once you arrive in Oregon.
Story Telling You will be writing a story featuring the historical knowledge you have about the Oregon Trail Using the graphic organizer, put your thoughts together before you begin writing your first draft. Today, we will be researching online. Here are some quick facts….
Text source http://www. octa-trails Image source The Oregon Trail covered more than 1,900 miles and stretched across over half of the United States. It has been called our nations longest graveyard and contributed to over 65,000 deaths in 25 years.
Perils of the Trail River Crossings Food Shortages Disease and sickness Shootings Wagon Accidents Facing the elements Indian Encounters
Deschutes River Crossing Image Source and Text Source “The Oregon Trail crossed the hazardous Deschutes River at this point by floating the prairie schooners and swimming the livestock.”
Snakes River Crossing Text source Text source Image source Image Source “The river was six to eight feet deep, but its clarity was deceptive, making it appear shallower. Combined with its swift current, this was generally considered the most treacherous river crossing on the entire Trail.”
Starvation and Food Shortages Image source Text source Although at times the settlers had to face starvation it was mainly the animals that perished.
Image source http://www. oregontrailcenter Text source One person said "Looked starvation in the face. I have seen men on passing an animal that has starved to death on the plains, stop and cut out a steak, roast and eat it and call it delicious.“- Clark Thompson, 1850
Sicknesses Image source Text source The disease with the worst reputation was Asiatic cholera, known as the "unseen destroyer."
Image source Text source "First of all I would mention the sickness we have had and I am sorry to say the deaths. First of all Francis Freel died June 4, 1852, and Maria Freel followed the 6th, next came Polly Casner who died the 9th and LaFayette Freel soon followed, he died the 10th, Elizabeth Freel, wife of Amos [and Martha's mother] died the 11th, and her baby died the 17th. You see we have lost 7 persons in a few short days, all died of Cholera." - Martha Freel, June 23, 1852
Text source http://www. historicoregoncity Image source Malaria Malaria was so bad in Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa that some of the medical experts at the time said that those states would never be able to hold a permanent settlement.
Diphtheria Image source Text source Diphtheria was caused by contaminated food and caused the most deaths in the children.
Shooting Accidents Image source Text Source Accidental shootings were very common on the trail but luckily the number of murders were few. Usually the shootings would consist of someone shooting themselves, oxen, or a trail member.
Wagon Accidents Image source Text source One of the most prominent accidents occurred from wagon related injuries. The result would usually be broken bones but in a few cases it would be fatal.
Image source Text source According to Virgil Pringle (1846), "Mr. Collins' son George, about six years old, fell from the wagon, and the wheels ran over his head killing him instantly, the remainder of the day occupied in burying him."
Weather Image source Text source The settlers were faced with many obstacles from the weather. Some were killed because they were struck by large hail the size of baseballs.
Dust Storms Image source Text source “The dust on the Trail itself could be two or three inches deep and as fine as flour.”
Large amounts of Snow Image source Text source The settlers had to plan their voyage carefully because in the winter the mountain passes would be closed due to the large amounts of snow fall.
Summers on the Trail Image source Text source Severe thunderstorms caused half a dozen setters to be struck by lightening.
The Indians Image source Text source “Tales of hostile encounters far overshadowed actual incidents, and relations between emigrants and Indians were further complicated by trigger-happy emigrants.”
Image source http://www. 1st-art-gallery Text source “The Ward Train, for instance, was attacked by Shoshones who tortured and murdered nineteen emigrants. One boy escaped with an arrow in his side.”