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Presentation transcript:


Terminal Learning Objective LESSON OUTCOME: This lesson provides an overview of doctrinal responsibilities, philosophies, and objectives for processing a casualty. At the conclusion of this block of instruction, students will be able to process casualty information with speed and accuracy. 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCIES: Character and Accountability Adaptability and Initiative Lifelong Learner Teamwork and Collaboration Communication and Engagement Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Cultural and Joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational competence 8. Tactical and Technical Competence TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Action: Report Casualty Information Conditions: Given access to FM 1-0 (Human Resources Support), AR 638-8 (Army Casualty Program), AR 600-8-4 (Line of Duty Policy, Procedures, and Investigations), AR 600-25 (Salutes, Honors, and Visits of Courtesy), DA Form 1156 (Casualty Feeder Card). You have DCIPS software, user manual, DCIPS Reporting Training Guide Aug 08, AHRW and awareness of Operational Environment (OE)/Contemporary Operational Environment (COE) variables and actors Standard: Integrate casualty reporting procedures in the unit that ensure all casualties are properly reported within theater standards, Next of Kin (NOK) notification is confirmed, remains, and personal effects are recovered and S-1 key functions are accomplished without error. 1. Ensure all S-1 Personnel are trained on casualty reporting procedures. 2. Receive notification of a casualty incident. 3. Conduct unit level casualty operations. 4. Prepare, review, and dispatch letters of sympathy And/or condolence. 5. Coordinate with BN S-4 for movement of personal Effects from the mortuary affairs collection point. SHOW SLIDE 2: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES

Casualty Reporting PROCEDURES Accurate and timely to provide casualty information to the family and to commanders in the field Controlled Unclassified Information-FOUO Prepared and submitted using DCIPS-Forward DCIPS-CR (Casualty Reporting) web-based DCIPS-CF (Casualty Forward) for field units Reach CMAOC within 12 hrs of incident Submit through pre-established channels Field Grade review and approval for all deceased, DUSTWUN, EAWUN and missing reports. SHOW SLIDE 3: CASUALTY REPORTING PROCEDURES

Casualty Any person who is lost to the organization by having been declared dead, duty status –whereabouts unknown (DUSTWUN), excused absence-whereabouts unknown (EAWUN), missing, ill, or injured. SHOW SLIDE 4: CASUALTY

Reportable PERSONNEL (See AR 638-1, Paragraph 2-6) All Army Members on Active Duty including: Active Guard/Reserve (AGR) Mobilized Reserve and National Guard (under 10 USC) “Sanctuary” RC Soldiers Recalled Retired Soldiers U.S. Army Reserve and ARNG Soldiers who die while en route to or from, or while participating in, any of the authorized training activities (e.g., AT, ADT, FTNGD, etc.) Department of the Army employees paid from appropriated funds while assigned, deployed, or TDY outside the continental United States (OCONUS). Others (As cited in AR 638-8, Paragraph 2-6) SHOW SLIDE 5: REPORTABLE PERSONNEL

How to Report a Casualty At a minimum, the following ten areas of information will be reported to the BN S1: Casualty Type Casualty Status SSN, Rank, Name, Service, Unit, Inflicting Force (when hostile Type) Personnel type Incident date time group Place of Incident Circumstances Preparer Approving Commander Persons having first hand knowledge of a casualty should report critical information as outlined in the Casualty Feeder Card (DA Form 1156) Asterisked (*) items on the DA Form 1156 are critical and must be reported. SHOW SLIDE 6: HOW TO REPORT A CASUALTY

Casualty Feeder Card - DA Form 1156 Use as directed by regulation Casualty report checklist Stands as casualty report during electronic failure Name of person reporting the casualty incident Field Grade officer authentication (deceased and DUSTWUN) DCIPS related fields 15-6 for all Hostile deaths per AR 638-8, Para 1-28i(1) SHOW SLIDE 7: CASULATY FEEDER CARD – DA FORM 1156

Casualty Feeder Card (DA Form 1156) SHOW SLIDE 8: CASUALTY FEEDER CARD (DA FORM 1156)

Casualty Feeder Card (DA Form 1156) SHOW SLIDE 9: CASUALTY FEEDER CARD (DA FORM 1156)

Casualty Reports Five Types: Initial (INIT) Status Change (STACH) Supplemental (SUPP) Progress (PROG) Health and Welfare Emphasis on confidentiality and sensitivity of casualty information and DA Form 1156 For Official Use Only (FOUO) until notification of NOK SHOW SLIDE 10: CASUALTY REPORTS

CHECK ON LEARNING While deployed, what will units use to report casualties? a. DA Form 1155 b. DA Form 1157 c. DA Form 1159 d. None of the above

CASUALTY INCIDENT (1 of 2) Review unit SOP Initiate heads up phone call to higher HQs Complete INIT Report using DCIPS-CF - within 3 hours - ensure all data fields with asterisks are completed prior to submission - confirm accuracy and completeness against source documents (i.e., DD Form 93, SGLC, ERB, etc.) Provide copies of SGLV & DD Form 93 to higher HQs/Casualty Area Command (CAC) Forward missing or changed data using supplemental report

CASUALTY INCIDENT (2 OF 2) Update duty status on Personnel Status Report & databases Monitor patient / casualty tracking in coordination with medical officer or casualty liaison team (CLT) Confirm notification on primary next of kin (PNOK)

Casualty Reporting/Tracking (CONUS) (PORTS) (ASCC) (DIV/CORPS) (BDE/Maneuver Area) X X X X ASCC G1 Corps/Div G1 X XX X THEATER CAC CLT BDE S1 CMAOC CAS OPS DIV (HRSC) CLT HS CAC BN S-1 Next of Kin CLT CLT MACP CSH FM 1-0, Figure 4-5 LEGEND: = Existence = Workload = DA Form 1156 movement = Casualty report = Verification = Supplemental reports and updates = Army Service Component Command = Brigade = Casualty Assistance Center CAS OPS DIV CLT CONUS CMAOC CSH DIV or Div HRSC HS MACP = Casualty Operations Division = Casualty Liaison Team = Continental United States = Casualty and Mortuary Affairs Operation Center = Combat Support Hospital = Division = Human Resources Sustainment Center = Home Station = Mortuary Affairs Command Post ASCC BDE CAC

Casualty Reporting Flow Casualty Liaison Team (CLT) at a Medical Treatment Facility, or Mortuary Affairs Collection Point Theater Casualty Assistance Center verifies & submits DCIPS report HRC CMAOC receives and verifies Casualty report within 12 hours of The incident IAW AR 638-8 ASCC, Corp, or Division G-1, Adjutant General verifies & forwards DCIPS report Installation Casualty Assistance Center Brigade verifies information, Generates DCIPS & sends report within six (6) Hours of incident LEGEND: = Information Processing = Coordinating Information = Inter-Theater Communication Unit / Battalion verifies information and submits DA Form 1156 within three (3) Hours of incident ASCC = Army Service Component Command CMAOC = Casualty & Mortuary Affairs Operations Center DCIPS = Defense Casualty Information Processing System HRC = Human Resources Command Casualty Occurs FM 1-0, Figure 4-4

CHECK ON LEARNING What system is used to report the initial casualty report? RLAS DTAS eMILPO None of the above

BRIGADE LEVEL CASUALTY OPERATIONS ( 1 of 2) Ensure accuracy & completeness of casualty reports Validate the accuracy of casualty & casualty information Initiate and report through casualty channels all investigations surrounding a death Confirmation of completion of LOD determinations Written and telephonic contact with the NOK & ensure family questions have addressed Prompt processing of any posthumous awards & promotions with commander’s discretion

BRIGADE LEVEL CASUALTY OPERATIONS (2 OF 2) Ensure letter of condolence, sympathy, and concern are completed Ensure unit memorial services or events take place Secure, account for, and expedite return of all personal effects (PE) IAW AR 638-2 Ensure all Soldiers review & update DD Form 93, SGLV, DA Form 4037prior to deployment Ensure all BDE HR professional comply with requirements of spousal notification of SGLI benefits

BATTALION LEVEL CASUALTY OPERATIONS ( 1 OF 3) Ensure accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of casualty information submitted to CAC during peacetime, military, and contingency ops Request local police or civilian authority to provide accurate account of circumstances of death Report any investigations concerning casualty incident to CAC Request exception from CMAOC if units cannot meet requirements

BATTALION LEVEL CASUALTY OPERATIONS ( 2 OF 3) Send detailed letter of sympathy surrounding the Soldier’s death Establish procedures that limit unofficial communication of information prior to completion of NOK notification Establish procedures with rear detachments and parent commands to facilitate notification of injured or ill Soldiers, DOD, or DA Civilians in coordination of CMAOC during military or contingency operations

BATTALION LEVEL CASUALTY OPERATIONS ( 3 OF 3) Contact Family by telephone or other electronic means within 72 hours of completion of all notifications of condolences Report any investigations concerning the casualty to CMAOC

UNIT LEVEL CASUALTY OPERATIONS (1 of 3) Process award Process posthumous promotion (if applicable) Process evaluation (if applicable) Process citizenship action (if applicable) Appoint summary court martial officer (SCMO) for personal effects (if applicable) Coordinate for an investigating officer to conduct an AR 15-6 Investigation - required for hostile deaths, suspected suicides, military related accidents, friendly fire

UNIT LEVEL CASUALTY OPERATIONS (2 of 3) Appoint a Line of Duty Officer for non-hostile injuries or deaths, as directed by commanders Process casualty mail Track evacuated casualties back to home station Analyze personnel strength data & project future strength requirements Track the status of recovered personnel until they complete the reintegration process

UNIT LEVEL CASUALTY OPERATIONS (3 of 3) Maintain personnel information database on isolated, missing, detained, or captured personnel Update the commander throughout the process Assist the Chaplain with memorial ceremony, as required

CHECK ON LEARNING Who is authorized to prepare and dispatch letters of sympathy/condolence? Brigade S1s (ONLY) Battalion S1s (ONLY) Soldier’s Unit (ONLY) All of the above Both a and b

Letters of Sympathy Express sympathy and advise of circumstances DO include: Answers to usual questions Soldier did not suffer Last rites/memorial services held DO NOT include: Inappropriate compliments Ghastly descriptions Photographs of the tragedy CAC or G-1 will review and mail the letter after notification complete

Letters of Condolence Chain of command wishes to express condolence to NOK Does not describe circumstances of death Reviewed by CAC or G-1 Mailed 24 hours after Letters of Sympathy Letters of Concern may be sent to NOK of VSI, SI, or NSI; must follow same rules for preparing and reviewing sympathy letters in AR 638-8, Chapter 7, Paragraphs 7-5 thru 7-8

CHECK ON LEARNING Letters of condolences express condolences for which of the following? Soldiers (ONLY) DA Civilians (ONLY) DoD Civilians (ONLY) All of the above Both a and c

PersonAl Effects (PE) Handling Summary Court Martial Officers (SCMO) SCMOs required to handle all personal effects from theater. SCMOs must be identified and placed on a duty roster in advance of any casualties. W02 and above serve as SCMO, with a mandatory assistant. PE movement for all (not just KIA) Unit must secure PE immediately to prevent loss. SCMO conducts full inventory and packages PE in lockable footlocker to prevent damage. SCMO delivers PE to nearest Mortuary Affairs Collection Point to provide chain-of-custody. All Theater PE is process through the Joint PE Depot prior to being sent to the Person Eligible To Receive Effects (PERE).

CHECK ON LEARNING Which of the following is NOT considered personal effects (PEs)? Pets Money Jewelry Automobile

Terminal Learning Objective LESSON OUTCOME: This lesson provides an overview of doctrinal responsibilities, philosophies, and objectives for processing a casualty. At the conclusion of this block of instruction, students will be able to process casualty information with speed and accuracy. 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCIES: Character and Accountability Adaptability and Initiative Lifelong Learner Teamwork and Collaboration Communication and Engagement Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Cultural and Joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational competence 8. Tactical and Technical Competence TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Action: Report Casualty Information Conditions: Given access to FM 1-0 (Human Resources Support), AR 638-8 (Army Casualty Program), AR 600-8-4 (Line of Duty Policy, Procedures, and Investigations), AR 600-25 (Salutes, Honors, and Visits of Courtesy), DA Form 1156 (Casualty Feeder Card). You have DCIPS software, user manual, DCIPS Reporting Training Guide Aug 08, AHRW and awareness of Operational Environment (OE)/Contemporary Operational Environment (COE) variables and actors Standard: Integrate casualty reporting procedures in the unit that ensure all casualties are properly reported within theater standards, Next of Kin (NOK) notification is confirmed, remains, and personal effects are recovered and S-1 key functions are accomplished without error. 1. Ensure all S-1 Personnel are trained on casualty reporting procedures. 2. Receive notification of a casualty incident. 3. Conduct unit level casualty operations. 4. Prepare, review, and dispatch letters of sympathy And/or condolence. 5. Coordinate with BN S-4 for movement of personal Effects from the mortuary affairs collection point.