LMSC Policies and Procedures Subcommittee Inputs Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx March, 2004 LMSC Policies and Procedures Subcommittee Inputs Author: Matthew Sherman 1st Vice Chair, IEEE 802 BAE Systems - CINR Matthew.Sherman@BAESystems.com Date: XXX, 2004 Matthew Sherman, BAE Systems John Doe, His Company
SA and CS Governance Conformance Ballot Status March, 2004 SA and CS Governance Conformance Ballot Status Matthew Sherman, BAE Systems
Goal Ensure LMSC P&P Conformance with IEEE-SA and IEEE CS Governance March, 2004 Goal Ensure LMSC P&P Conformance with IEEE-SA and IEEE CS Governance Matthew Sherman, BAE Systems
Status Reviewed most key governance documents IEEE Constitution March, 2004 Status Reviewed most key governance documents IEEE Constitution IEEE Bylaws IEEE Policies IEEE-SA Bylaws IEEE-SA Operations Manual IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual Technical Advisory Board Operations Manual IEEE CS Constitution IEEE CS Bylaws IEEE CS Policies and Procedures AUDCOM Model (Society / Council) Sponsor P&P Robert’s Rules Matthew Sherman, BAE Systems
Status (Continued) Noted Deficiencies March, 2004 Status (Continued) Noted Deficiencies Rights of “interested parties” (1.0) Tightened up current text based on MSP&P (1.0) Used to trigger P&P Revision LMSC Scope (2.0 & 3.0) Current scope statement needed to be broadened SBBL, 4.3.1 Sponsor Chair must be SA member (7.1.2) SBBL 5.2.1 WG chairs must be SA members (7.2.2) Matthew Sherman, BAE Systems
Status (Continued 2) Worked to improve IEEE governance March, 2004 Status (Continued 2) Worked to improve IEEE governance Presented Comments to AUDCOM on MSP&P See “SA Model P&P with MJS comments_r2.doc” Presented Comments to CS SAB on SAB P&P See “SAB_P_and_P.v4-4_mjs.doc” Detected additional errors (not addressed yet) IEEE BL I-300.4.2 should say “electronic means” rather than telecommunications IEEE Policies 10.2.10 should site SBBL, not SBOM SBOM 5.4.1 and 5.4.3 on Sponsors conducting ballots in in conflict with 5.4 which says balloting is conducted by balloting center Matthew Sherman, BAE Systems