Bleeding: escape of blood from arteries, veins and capillaries BLEEDING WOUNDS Bleeding: escape of blood from arteries, veins and capillaries
Hemorrhage Large amt. of blood loss in a short period of time, Internal: no outside blood loss escape into your body cavity, causes by blunt force, sharp injury or fx bone S/S: discolored skin, bruising, soft tissue becomes hard, swollen Anxiety, restlessness, weak rapid pulse
Turns to shock Pale bluish skin, N/V, excessive thirst decline level of consciousness
Treatment internal injuries Depends on area Arm, leg such as a bruise, ICE Emergency care such as abdominal injuries: NO FURTHER HARM No fluids to drink Monitor ABC Victim in comfortable position Maintain body temp.
Function of blood Transport O2, nutrients, remove waste Protect against disease Maintain body temp.
Components of blood Blood volume ½ plasma fluid portion WBC fight infection RBC transport O2 p/u waste Co2 Platelets, clotting factor (10min.)
Types of Vessels Arteries, non clotting carries O2 away from heart Veins, clotting factor transport blood to heart Capillaries, exchange of arteries and veins
External injuries Control bleeding, prevent infections, and pain 1. Direct pressure 2. Pressure bandage 3. Elevation 4. Bleeding continues, apply more pads, treat for shock
Wound types Amputation or Avulsion Impaled object Open wound- chest or abdominal area Minor wounds: abrasion, laceration, puncture, incision Bruise Open fracture