7th grade social studies School Year 2016-2017 7th grade social studies Miss Spry team 7A Website: espry.weebly,com email: espry@cherrycreekschools.org Room: 107 Students will examine the major periods of Ancient History from prehistoric times to 1500 AD/CE. Emphasis will be given to the study of early man, development of river valley civilizations, development of world religions, ancient history of Asia and Africa, the rise of Greece and Rome, the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, and the Medieval Ages in Europe. There is no assigned book for this class. All readings and activities will be given in class and can be found on Schoology or on my weebly page. Miss Spry reserves the right to deal with late work and make-up work issues on a case by case basis. The general rules that will apply are as follows: Work not turned in on the day the assignment is due will receive a ZERO until such time that the assignment is TURNED in. An assignment is considered late if it is not handed in on the day the assignment is due. Students will receive 70% of the grade earned when turned in late. ABSENCES: *It is your responsibility to go to your class bin and collect your work and information about what happened in class during your absence. *Write “absent” on your starters for the days you missed. This is also your responsibility to do. *For every one day absent, you have two class periods to make up the work and turn it in for full credit. A section in your 3-Ring Binder for social studies. You don’t need a separate notebook for this class Something to write with – a pen or pencil is fine. Highlighters are a must. We will watch multiple historically based videos & clips that contain re-enactments of wars or war like images. If you don’t not feel comfortable having your child view these types of images please let me know. Your provided agenda and passes Remind updates- Make sure you are signed up to get text alerts. Parents and students are encouraged to sign up I will update my teacher webpage daily - there students can find all the daily assignments and homework. If you have a smartphone please download these free apps Weighted Grading Miss Spry is available most days after school. Specifically, Miss Spry hosts homework club on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. You do not need an invitation to attend Homework Club - just come on by. Homework club ends at 4:00pm. The Late Buses depart from Laredo at 4:20. Homework Club and Sports: If you play a sport, you can always come to homework club and I will give you a pass to excuse you from that practice. If you know of any great apps, please share! Extra Credit is very rare in this class. Assignments for recovery credit is not given.
7th grade social studies cont.… 7th grade Colorado Academic Standards: School Year 2016-2017 7th grade social studies cont.… NOTES TO REMEMBER: This is a safe place. Physically safe...of course, but this is also an intellectually and emotionally safe place. When we read and discuss topics of history, we experience it through a lens of who we are: what we believe, what we value, what we understand, what we've experienced, what we love, what we hate... Sometimes, then, it can feel like taking a personal risk when sharing thoughts, asking a question or contributing to a discussion. In this class though, I expect everyone to participate and contribute. I therefore expect everyone to stay appropriate, stay respectful, and stay open-minded both with personal comments and with comments from others. This is a focused place. Will we have fun? Of course. But, will we be on task all the while? You bet. I will do my best to create an open and interesting atmosphere because I believe that when students and teachers are relaxed and engaged, serious work and profound thinking will happen. Every activity I present to you (fun or otherwise) is designed to help you make connections and understand deeply the content. I expect everyone to focus and participate at all times. I also expect everyone to refrain from anything that would detract from the focus or participation of others. This is a self-motivated place. The most important factor in your education is...You! Learning is a consequence of thinking. I will present the raw materials to you, but it is up to you to synthesize, understand, and construct a meaningful understanding. I will do everything I can to help you learn, but only you can choose to think. I expect everyone to come to class prepared to participate and to make the choice to think, every day! LET’S HAVE A GREAT YEAR! Website: espry.weebly.com email: espry@cherrycreekschools.org Room: 107 7th grade Colorado Academic Standards: History: ~Seek and evaluate multiple historical sources with different points of view to investigate a historical question and to formulate and defend a thesis with evidence ~The historical eras, individuals, groups, ideas and themes within regions of the Eastern Hemisphere and their relationships with one another Geography: ~Use geographic tools to gather data and make geographic inferences and predictions ~Regions have different issues and perspectives Economics: ~Supply and demand influence price and profit in a market economy ~The distribution of resources influences economic production and individual choices (Economics and PFL) Civics: ~Compare how various nations define the rights, responsibilities and roles of citizens ~The different forms of government and international organizations and their influence in the world community Where in Miss Spry’s room can I find?? My absent Work The bins on the wall near the door; look for your core class. Band-Aids Blue bucket on the book case in the back of the room Another copy of an assignment -MY website: espry.weebly.com -Schoology Passes to leave the classroom After having your agenda signed, take the appropriate pass found by the front door. The date, what we’re doing today, and homework that you’ll have Look on the board at the front of the room Colored pencils, scissors, glue, markers or pencils On the white table within the plastic organizers or in the table drawers.