ANATOMY Unit 3 Notes: The Respiratory System
(1) Respiratory Parts Nasal Cavity Trachea Bronchioles / Bronchiole Tubes Alveoli Lungs Diaphragm
(2) Respiratory System Diagram
(3) Respiratory Function Bring oxygen into the body. Expel carbon dioxide from the body. Work with the Cardiovascular System to circulate oxygen and carbon dioxide to their appropriate locations.
(4) Gas Exchange The alveoli are covered in tiny blood vessels called capillaries. The gases naturally diffuse HIGH to LOW concentration across the tissue walls: Oxygen moves from the alveoli, into the capillaries and blood stream. Carbon dioxide moves from the blood stream, into the alveoli and out of the body.
(5) Inhalation Diaphragm contracts (pulls down). Volume of lungs increases, causing a huge drop in pressure. Gas outside the body rushes into the lungs.
(6) Exhalation Diaphragm relaxes (punches up). Volume of lungs decreases, causing huge increase in pressure. Gas inside body rushes out of lungs.
(7) Bronchitis Bronchiole tubes become inflamed and full of mucus. Individuals often have problems breathing, wheezing, coughing up phlegm, chest pain. Causes: Bacterial or Viral infection Frequent inhalation of irritating gases or dust (smoking, working in a factory, etc.)
(8) Pneumonia The bronchioles become filled with pus and mucus. Individuals will suffer fever, chills and flu like symptoms. Causes: Bacterial infection Viral infection
(9) Cystic Fibrosis Disorder of the CFTR gene. Organs overproduce thick mucus due to an overproduction of sodium. Individuals die from malnutrition and/or suffocation. No cure.
(10) Asthma Oversensitive bronchiole tubes. Easily become inflamed and filled with mucus due to allergens. Caused by genetics or over-inhalation of irritants. Inhalers dilate the bronchioles to allow more air to flow in and out.
(11) Tuberculosis Chronic bacterial infection of the lungs. Airborne Typical flu symptoms in addition to coughing of blood. Treated with several rounds of antibiotics. Tested for with a skin test and x-rays in severe cases.
(12) COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Bronchioles become inflamed, weakened, and blocked by mucus. Result of having several respiratory disorders repetitively.