Film art Tasks
Estonian film Watch a fragment: What film is it? What does the film speak about? Who are the characters?
Who are in the picture?
Who is the film couple of the century? From what film?
Who is the cartoon star of the century? From what film?
What was the name of the first Estonian puppet film What was the name of the first Estonian puppet film? When was the first Estonian puppet film made?
What was the name of the first Estonian animated cartoon What was the name of the first Estonian animated cartoon? When was the first Estonian animated cartoon made?
Estonian literature Tasks
In what year was the first book in Estonian published In what year was the first book in Estonian published? Who were the authors of the first Estonian books? From which book is the fragment taken?
From which book is the fragment taken?
What book is it?
Who is in the picture?
Who is in the picture? What book is it?
Who are in the picture?
Choice of Estonian poetry – the first animated poetry cassette - Look and listen to the animated poetry cassette „Black ceiling“. Choose one poem and try to describe what feelings you had. Try to guess what this poem speaks about.
Try to check your knowledge in “Golden Fleece”