Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Vendor Collaboration - 9/20/2018 Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Enovia Vendor Collaboration - Fabrics Envovia X+4 April 21, 2010 Ver. 1 Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics Content Registration Email 2 Log-In 3 Change Password 4 Vendor Page 5 Task List 6 Fabric Properties Page 8 Edit 9 Approved Colors 13 Lab Dips 14 Properties Page 15 Dye House Results 16 Washes 18 Images 19 Fabric Cost 21 Edit (Mode) 22 Cost Version @ Fabric Level 24 @ Fabric/Color Level 26 Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics Registration Email 9/20/2018 1 1b 1a 2 3 Guess? Inc. recently upgraded the current PLM System, known as ‘Enovia’, in late 2009. As a tool to increase ‘speed to market’, Guess? Inc. will implement several key phases of the Vendor Collaboration functionality. The first phase is the Vendor’s profile, then subsequently the fabric, trim, product, and fit evaluations. The Vendor will first receive a set of emails from our system administrator, ‘Admin, Guess’. ‘Thanks for registering’: confirmation to the user (vendor) that they are now register to the Envoia System. ‘GUESS? Inc. – PLM Account Login Information’: confirmation to the user (vendor) the account is now active. The ‘…PLM Account Login Information’ email contains the User ID and Temporary Password. (see ‘Change Password’ for details) **NOTE: Passwords are randomly generated by the system, securing the user’s access. Please retain this email to reference back the USER ID. A login support is setup for vendors to email Guess? Inc., ( if unable to login or to reset password. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics Log-In 9/20/2018 1 2a 2b 3a 3b The Vendor will receive an email similar to the one above. The Vendor may select one of the two available hyperlinks. Item link: will take the user directly to the item detail page, such as Plant profile, Fabric, Trim, Product, etc… Company Link (Recommend): will default to the Vendor’s Page which displays a ‘Task List’ from Guess? Inc. (see ‘Task List’ for details) Upon selecting the link, the system will do one of two things depending if the user has already logged into the web. Not logged in: The system will automatically default to the Log-In page. Logged in: The system will default to the Vendor’s page. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics Change Password 9/20/2018 1 4 2 5 3 Upon logging in, user may change password, as they like, by selecting the ‘Change Password’ button from the enovia toolbar. A new window opens, user must enter the current password, then duplicate the new password. **NOTE: Passwords are case sensitive. Select ‘Done’ to execute. A ‘Password changed successfully’ notification appears when change is done. Select ‘OK’ to exit the page. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics VENDOR PAGE 9/20/2018 1 The Vendor’s Page consist of many sub menus (applications) to help users navigate/find the item/product details. These menu’s vary by Supplier Type (i.e. Finished Goods, Fabric, and/or Trim Supplier). Task List (system default): Lists all submitted activities between Vendor and Guess. Plants: List all plants/factories associated to the Vendor. Images: Pictures associated to the Supplier, not to the item/products. (such as building facilities) Fabrics: List of assigned/sourced Fabrics. Trims: List of assigned/sourced Trims Sample Material Orders: Currently not used Sample Orders: List of assigned product samples (fit evaluation). NOTE: Currently not used. TBD Quotations: Currently not used Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics VENDOR PAGE: Task List 9/20/2018 2 1 3 5 6 4 ‘Task List’ is an on-line ‘To-Do’ request, submitted from Guess, requesting/inquiring information from the Vendor to complete. The ‘Task List’ tracks the product associated to the Vendor (i.e. Plant Profile, Fabric, Trim, Product, Cost, and Fit Evaluations) All submitted items to the Vendor defaults to ‘Assign’, until it is submitted back to Guess? Inc. where it will have a ‘Complete’ status. Select the hyperlink, the system will automatically default to the item’s properties page. In this example. The Fabric’s properties page. The properties page will vary base on the item type. In this example, the item is Fabric, therefore the ‘Fabric’ page is displayed. Select the ‘Edit’ button to update all necessary fields. (See ‘Fabric: Edit’ for details) Once the ‘Fabric’ details are updated, the Supplier will select ‘Submit’ to transmit the completed file back to Guess. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics VENDOR PAGE: Task List 9/20/2018 7 6 8 After sending the profile back to Guess? Inc. The Supplier’s ‘Task List’ (after refresh the page) will be removed from the ‘Assign’ state. Change the Filter from ‘Assign’ to ‘Complete’ to display all completed tasks. The Task List will display all ‘Comments’ within the same subject. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
FABRIC: Properties Page 4 2 5 1 3a 3b The ‘Fabric’ page may be viewed from either: The ‘Task List’ – as previously discussed, or from the ‘Fabric Menu’ – see details below. From the Vendor’s Page, navigate to the ‘Fabric’ submenu to list all submitted fabrics from Guess? Inc. Use the Search Filter to narrow the search by fabric status. System defaults ‘Concept’. To select the fabric, select either: The hyper-link under Name. OR Select the new window (Launch) icon to open a new page. When the fabric’s properties page opens, it will display both the submenu (left of page), and the main detail page. The submenu is a list of additional fabric details not listed on the main detail page. More commonly used submenu’s are: Approved Colors; Fabric Cost; Lab Dips; and Washes (Denim). Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics FABRIC: Edit 2 1 4 4a 4b 3 To update the Fabric details, go to the Fabric’s properties page and select the ‘Edit’ button. **NOTE: the ‘Edit’ button will ONLY when the fabric is submitted from Guess. Otherwise, the button will not be visible for editing. A new window opens to allows the vendor to update/change any additional and/or missing fabric attributes such as: Fabric Fiber Content, Country of Origin, Yarn COO, and etc… **NOTE: fields identified by the color RED are Mandatory. Blue are Secondary requirements from Guess. The fabric page is separated into multiple sections. The Fabric’s Header page are un-editable to the Vendor as these are Guess created details except: Mill Name: Name of manufacturer making the item. Mill/Supplier Ref. Code (Mandatory): Manufacturer’s reference code of the item. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics FABRIC: Edit 5 5a 6 5c 5b ‘Fabric Attributes’ Section: Fabric Fiber Content (Secondary): Select the ellipse button to enter the Fabric’s Fiber Content which is a critical field used to determine the Content Class used for Costing. Select the Content of the Fabric. Must total to 100, otherwise Error message appears when 100% of the Fabric Content is not identified. Select ‘Done’ when completed. Complete only those fields applicable to the fabric. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics FABRIC: Edit 7 8 9 10 11 ‘Sourcing Attributes’ Section: Please confirm with your Guess Manager to determine the level of details required to complete this page. In this example, we will define the major requirements: Purchase Cost: Quoted price of the product to be purchased. Purchase Cost Unit of Measure: System of units by means of which quantity is accounted for and expressed. Duty Cost: (if applicable, as most materials costs such as Duty Cost is included into Purchase Price. Please contact your Guess representative for details). if applicable, the total duty cost per Purchase Cost Unit of Measure. Freight Cost: (if applicable, as most materials costs such as Freight Cost is included into Purchase Price. Contact your Guess representative for details). The total freight cost related to the Purchase Cost Unit of Measure. Standard Cost: (un-editable) Overall cost of production, assuming normal operations. [(Purchase Cost/Purchase Cost Unit of Measure) + (Duty Cost) + (Freight Cost)] Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics FABRIC: Edit 12 13 14 15 16 17 ‘UOM’ (un-editable) Defaults ‘yds’, but link to ‘Purchase Cost Unit of Measure’ to determine actual UOM. Shipping Terms: Select from a list of Shipping Terms in which the product cost liability is transferred. Yarn Country of Origin: (Secondary Requirement) Select from a Drop Down List, the Country in which the Fabric Yarn originated. Country of Origin: (Secondary Requirement) Select from a Drop Down List, the Country in which the Fabric was manufactured or made. Additional attributes regarding Fabric. Select ‘Done’ to complete transaction. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
FABRIC: Approved Colors 1 2 The Fabric’s ‘Approved Colors’ is a listing of all approved colors assigned by Guess? Inc. At Guess? Inc, the ‘Approved Colors’ are normally the same color name/code assigned to the Finished Product, EXCEPT in the case of Denim Fabric (see Fabric: Washes for details). To view the colors associated to the Fabric, proceed with the following: Navigate to the Fabric page and select the sub men ‘Approved Colors’ The system will default all Active Colors available for the Fabric Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics FABRIC: Lab Dips A B Primarily used as a form of communication between Guess? Inc. and the Vendor to request Fabric Lab Dips and/or Bulk Fabric Lab Dips. **NOTE: Please contact your Guess? Inc. associate for complete instructions. Each Lab Dip number is associated to one color per fabric type (i.e. Shell, Lining, and/or Contrast), therefore having its own instructions/results to either a ‘Lab Dips’ and/or ‘Bulk Lab Dips’ request. There are two method of viewing Lab Dip requests. Task List: each task contains one lab dip request. select the hyperlink under the ‘Subject’ column to default to the ‘Lab Dips’ properties page. OR ‘Fabrics/Lab Dips Sub menu: which lists all lab dips request along with the type of lab dip in reference to the color of the lab dip. Select the ‘Lab Dip Number’ to default to the ‘Lab Dips’ properties page. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
4 1 5 3 2 6 FABRIC: Lab Dips – Properties Page Once the specified Fabric Lab Dip is selected, the system will expand the Lab Dip sub-menu’s. In addition, the Lab Dip properties page is also displayed to the right of the sub-menu’s. The properties page will contain instructions such as ‘Comments’, ‘Qty’, and ‘Requested Date’ for the vendor to follow. If applicable, the Vendor may add comments to the properties page by selecting the ‘Edit’ button. *NOTE: Please contact your Guess? Associate as to which fields are required to be updated. The ‘Edit’ properties page opens a new window allowing the Vendor to edit on those specified fields. Select ‘Done’ when completed. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
2 1 3 4 5 FABRIC: Lab Dips – Dye House Results Dye House Results are entered by Guess? Inc. Color Technicians after receiving the physical Lab Dips from the Vendor. Dye House Results is the placeholder of both Fabric Lab Dip results and Bulk Lab Dip results. These results are instructional information for the vendor. From the selected Lab Dip, select the sub-menu ‘Dye House Result’ to display the details. The ‘Dye House Result’ properties page contains the Lab Dip status; Dye House Results, and Dye House Results – Bulk. Status: Identifies the state of the Lab Dip. Important communication information for the Vendor to determine the next step of the Lab Dip process. The states are: Pending; Submitted; Review; Approved; Bulk; Bulk Approved. Dye House Results: contains information concerning the first submitted Fabric Lab Dips. Dye House Results – Bulk: contains information concerning bulk fabric production by each submitted lot. If applicable, the Vendor may add comments to the properties page by selecting the ‘Edit’ button. *NOTE: Please contact your Guess? Associate as to which fields are required to be updated. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
8 6 9 7 FABRIC: Lab Dips – Dye House Results Dye House Result consist of 3 sections. The first sections contains the General Lab Dip details. Only the ‘Comments’ field is editable. The second section, ‘Dye House Results,’ are information concerning the original Fabric Lab Dip’ Once approved, these fields are no longer editable. The third/last section, ‘Dye House Results – Bulk’ pertains to information surrounding Bulk Production. These fields are only editable from Bulk state. Otherwise it’s not editable. Select ‘Done’ when complete. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics FABRIC: Washes 2 1 At Guess? Inc., ‘Washes’ are primarily assigned to ‘Denim’ Fabrics. When connected to a Finished Product, the wash becomes the Product’s approved color. For example: A denim’s actual color is INDIGO (IND), it goes through a wash process in which the wash name is derived as VINTAGE WASH (VNTG). When the fabric is assigned to a Product, the wash becomes the Product’s approved color, or in this case, approved color/wash. To view the washes available for the Fabric, proceed with the following: Select ‘Washes’ from the Fabric sub-menu The system will default a list of available washes Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics FABRIC: Images 3 2 1 4 5 Fabric Images is an option available for the Vendor to create is applicable. From the Fabric sub-menu, select ‘Images’. If an image is available, it will be displayed, otherwise, the vendor may choose to attach an image of the fabric. To attach an image, select the button to begin loading image files. In the Upload Image page, select ‘Browse’ button to locate and attach image file. More than one image can be loaded to this page. Select ‘Done’ to complete transaction. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics FABRIC: Images 9 6 8 7 The image viewer displays all uploaded images in a thumbnail. Primary image is represented by the primary icon Primary Image is the default image displayed. User may select other thumbnail to view a larger image. To reselect another image as primary, simply select the checkbox next the image to be considered primary. Select the ‘Set As Primary’ Button. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics FABRIC COST 3 4 1 3 Fabric Cost is a table of all possible Cost Options/Versions. For example, FOB shipment versus LDP shipment; Sea versus Air. Costing options can be at Fabric level, or Fabric/Color (detail) level. But ONLY one Cost Version (per Color) can be marked as standard cost. From the Fabric Side-bar menu, select ‘Fabric Cost’ The Fabric Costing Page defaults to ‘Default View’. If details from the Fabric Sourcing Attributes were completed. The system will DEFAULT those details to the Fabric Cost page creating one single Line Cost. This is called Fabric Level cost. NOTE: Only at Initial Single line are they linked, any additional versions are not linked. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
FABRIC COST: Edit (Mode) 4 1 2 3b 3a 6 5 To edit, select the Mode icon from ‘Off’ to ‘On’ Mode icon ‘On’ will activate those fields identified with the red marker on the upper left corner. There are two types of Mode Editing: Single Cell Update Mass Update For Single Cell Update, select the field to edit (e.g. Cost). The field cell will open allowing user to free text. The field color also changes from grey to yellow. Updated (new) and Edited (original) items are both displayed until applied. Edited items are identified in Red and Struck-through. When all items are updated, select ‘Apply’ to complete the changes Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
FABRIC COST: Edit (Mode) 3 5 4 2 1 7 6 For Mass Update, User may apply changes to All rows or Selected rows. For selected rows, select the checkbox next to the row(s) in which to edit. From the Mass Update, Select a field from a list of Drop Down to apply the changes. Once selected, an application window opens. Enter either a value or select from a list of items depending on the type of field to be edited. Select either ‘Apply to Selected’ rows OR ‘Apply to All’. The system will display the change. Updated (new) and Edited (original) items are both displayed until applied. Edited items are identified in Red and Struck-through. When all items are updated, select ‘Apply’ to complete the changes. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
FABRIC COST: Cost Version @ Fabric Level 3 2 5 4 1 Cost Version are used to merely identified the different type of Fabric Cost. Whether it be at a Fabric or Color level; ‘FOB’ or ‘LDP’ Shipping Term; ‘Sea’ versus ‘Air’ Shipment; or simply one color cost differs than the rest. There are two type of Cost Version: Cost Version at Fabric Level and Cost Version at Fabric/Color Level. To create a Cost Version at Fabric Level, Go to Fabric Side-Bar Menu/ Fabric Cost. Select ‘Add Cost Version’ Change the filter from ‘Default View’ to ‘Full View’ to display all Cost. A new line is created duplicating the original cost. To edit, select the Mode icon from ‘Off’ to ‘On’ Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
FABRIC COST: Cost Version @ Fabric Level 3 6 7 Mode icon ‘On’ will activate those fields identified with the red marker on the upper left corner. To edit, see pages 24-25 ‘Fabric Cost: Mode Editing’ for details. When completed, User’s will be able to view a variation of a Fabric Cost Version. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
FABRIC COST: Cost Version @ Fabric/Color Level 4 5 6 3 2 8 7 1 To create a Cost Version at Fabric/Color Level: Go to Fabric Side-Bar Menu/ Fabric Cost. Select ‘Add Cost Version to Color’ Change the filter from ‘Default View’ to ‘Full View’ to display all Cost. A new window opens to select colors Select the checkbox next to color (s) to be added. Select ‘Submit’ A new line is created duplicating the original cost. To edit, select the Mode icon from ‘Off’ to ‘On’ Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics
FABRIC COST: Cost Version @ Fabric/Color Level 9 3 10 Mode icon ‘On’ will activate those fields identified with the red marker on the upper left corner. To edit, see pages 24-25 ‘Fabric Cost: Mode Editing’ for details. When completed, User’s will be able to view a variation of a Fabric Cost Version. Seasonal Libraries - Fabrics