Conversation Piece: Pepsi Commercial Why do people protest?
Pepsi Commercial with Kendall Jenner This Pepsi commercial featuring Kendall Jenner was released on April 4th, 2017 This video caused much controversy on social media websites worldwide and was taken off the network on April 5th, just one day later. This commercial is no longer shown on television as an advertisement for Pepsi products.
What are your initial reactions to this commercial What are your initial reactions to this commercial? Can you guess why there was such backlash upon its release?
What is the political, historical, cultural, and social context of the video, and what issues is it representing?
How is difference understood How is difference understood? Do you feel like it is acknowledged/unacknowledged? “Pepsi was trying to project a global message of unity, peace and understanding. Clearly, we missed the mark and apologize.” -Pepsi
What relations of power and social positions are activated?
Are stereotypes being perpetuated or challenged?
How does the video slide over the issues that it is trying to reveal?
What authority is being spoken in the video; what body of expertise is cited?
What kinds of realities are being constructed? V.S.