DNA Implementation of Theorem Proving September 23, 2003 MEC Meeting Park, Ji-Yoon
Linear Implementation
Linear DNA Implementation nil R is true
Amplification of PCR 587 540 504 458 434 124/123 104 89/80 64/57/51 21/18/11/8 267 234 213 192 184 M 1 2 Fig 1. The amplification of linear molecule in 15% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Lane 1: PCR product with S and ¬R Lane 2: PCR products with ¬ S and R Lane M: 25 bp molecular DNA ladder 75 bp 15 mer 45 mer 587 540 504 458 434 M 1 2 267 234 213 192 184 124/123 104 89/80 75 bp 64/57/51/ 21/18/11/8 Fig 4. The amplification of linear implementation in 15% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Lane 1: PCR product with S and ¬R Lane 2: PCR product with ¬S and R Lane M: DNA ladder
Confirmation of Sequencing (Chromatogram)
Alignment of Blast Search
Scale-up of Theorem Proving (PHP)
PigeonHole Principle 6 variable, 9 clause 3 Pigeon 2 Pigeonhole 10
Material & Method Step I: Individual Hybridization (A & A’), (B & B’) …. (K & K’), (L & L’) 12 tube hybrid rxn Step II: Concatenation of Hybrid -> Hybrid & Ligation Rxn (A& A’ hybrid), (B & B’ hybrid) Hybridization & Ligation A B C 5’ 3’ 3’ 5’ A’ B’ C’
Expected Result Now, we progress steadily… A1 A1’ 5’ 3’ B1 B1’
Restriction Enzyme Site in the Sequence
Discussion I. Linear Implementation - Now, Preparing the paper II. Scale-up of Theorem Proving (PHP) - Effective detection 1) RCA 2) Enzyme digestion 3) AFM