Revise the following sentences, so that each is written in correct parallel structure: An actor knows how to memorize his lines and getting into character. Tell me where you were, what you were doing, and your reasons for doing it. To donate money to the homeless shelter is the same as helping people stay warm in the winter. The writer was brilliant but was never patient. She told Jake to take out the trash, to mow the lawn, and be listening for the phone call. Warm-up
Abase (v.) = literally, to lower or depress, to throw or cast down A = from, away Bas = low The intent of the negative comment was to abase the student in front of his peers. Abase
Contrarian (n.) = a person who opposes or rejects popular opinion Contra = against Bob is in the habit of opposing whatever view is popular, a true contrarian in every sense. Contrarian
Celerity Celerity (adj.) = rapidity of motion; swiftness, speed Celer = swift Ity = state, condition Ernie had studied diligently and completed the test with confidence and celerity. Celerity
Conjecture (n.) = a putting together, a guess; an inference; guesswork - ALSO – (v.) theorizing or predicting from incomplete or uncertain evidence Con = together, with Ject = throw Ure = act, process The case was decided primarily on conjecture because of the limited physical evidence. Conjecture
Disconsolate (adj.)= without comfort; causing or suggesting discomfort or dejection Dis = apart, away Con = together, with Solari = comfort The severe knee injury ended John’s dreams of playing professional baseball and left him feeling disconsolate. Disconsolate