Conducting the performance appraisal Completing your own appraisal Completing your self-appraisal Acknowledging the performance discussion Requesting colleague input Forwarding to 2nd reviewer and completing the process Conducting the performance appraisal Preparing the employee’s appraisal
Table of Contents ePerformance Module 1 ……………....…………………. 5-11 Work Flow & Access ….........…………………………………………... 3-4 ePerformance Module 1 ……………....…………………. 5-11 Chapter 1 …......................................................................... 5-9 Completing your self-appraisal Chapter2 ...............…………………………….……..............……. 10-11 Acknowledging the performance discussion ePerformance Module 2 .................................. 12-26 Chapter 1 ....................................................................... 12-14 Requesting colleague input Chapter 2 ....................................................................... 15-21 Preparing the employee’s appraisal Chapter 3 ....................................................................... 22-26 Forwarding to 2nd reviewer and completing the process
Leadership ePerformance Flowchart Begin Date: July 1st Employee completes self-appraisal Manager may request colleague input Manager reviews self-appraisal and colleague input documents, then prepares performance appraisal Yes Second Reviewer approves appraisal No Manager and employee meet to discuss performance appraisal Manager revises appraisal Manager makes performance appraisal available for employee review online Yes Employee reviews and acknowledges appraisal No Manager “completes” appraisal Manager “completes” appraisal via override Due Date: August 31st
Accessing the Training You can access the training modules two different ways. Through KnowledgeLink via the Learning & Organizational Development homepage or through NetLearning. From the Learning and Organizational Development homepage click “Online Education” and then “Performance Appraisal-Leader” From NetLearning click “Enroll in CBL”. The title of the CBL is: “ePerformance – Conducting the Leadership Performance Appraisal”. You can search for the module by typing a portion of the title into the search bar.
ePerformance Module 1 - Chapter 1. Completing your self-appraisal There are three steps to completing your performance appraisal: Completing the self-appraisal Reviewing , discussing and acknowledging receipt of your performance appraisal with your manager Setting accountabilities for the coming year This module will assist you in completing step 1. After you have logged into the PeopleSoft system, the example below uses the left menu to navigate to the document area. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Select your performance appraisal. Your goals from the previous year are available for review and are also accessible from your self-appraisal. Begin your Self-Appraisal by selecting “Start”.
With the appraisal open, you will find an overview and seven sections With the appraisal open, you will find an overview and seven sections. The following pages will describe each component and your role in completing that portion of the appraisal. “Save” your work at any time. Saving does not exit you from the document. “Save” allows you to exit the document and return at a later point. When finished, select “Complete”. This makes the document available to your manager/reviewer. Selecting “Cancel “will delete any work not yet saved and exit you from the document. You have the option to print your self-appraisal, if you would like. Section 1: Organizational Goals Ratings for the Organizational Goals will be done by your manager once the ratings have been determined. They will not be available for rating when completing your self-appraisal. You do not have any tasks to complete in this section. Section 2 – Accountabilities / Key Results View the accountabilities/key results that you have worked on for the past year. Edit information that you wish to update. However, this will not change the master appraisal . Only your manager can change your accountabilities/ key results. Select the rating from the dropdown that you feel accurately describes your results. You may add comments to support your rating in the comments box. Add accountabilities that may have been included during the past year but were not yet recorded.
Section 3 – Management Behaviors - Read the short description of each behavior and then use the dropdown to rate your performance in the five behaviors listed. Section 4 – Values & Leadership Principles – Read the short description under each Value/Principle and then use the dropdown to rate your performance in organizational values.
Section 5 – Overall Summary If you choose to calculate your overall rating at this point, understand that the calculation does not include Section 1 – Organizational Goals. This will decrease the actual score until those ratings are entered. Section 6 – Strengths (Optional) Briefly describe 3-5 strengths that you possess and how you use those strengths to achieve desired outcomes. Section 7 – Development Areas (Optional) Briefly describe 2-3 areas that need improvement or are necessary for you to progress in the organization. Final Steps The last step forwards your self-appraisal to your manager. When you select “Complete”, the final step, your manager will be automatically notified that you have completed your self-appraisal. Save your work. IMPORTANT: Select “Complete” to forward your self-appraisal to your manager.
Final Steps Select “Complete” a second time. Final Steps Select “OK”. Final Steps The system has recorded that your self-appraisal has been completed. A completed self-appraisal can be reviewed but it can not be edited.
ePerformance Module 1 - Chapter 2. Acknowledging the performance discussion The performance appraisal discussion between the manager and employee has occurred. The manager has electronically forwarded the appraisal document to the employee for review and the employee will now review, acknowledge and return. This module will assist you in completing step 1. After you have logged into the PeopleSoft system, the example below uses the left menu to navigate to the document area. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Select your performance appraisal. Prior to acknowledging the performance appraisal, select “View” on the Review Manager Appraisal line.
After viewing the performance appraisal document, the employee has the opportunity to submit final comment to the manager. Select “Acknowledge Review” to return the appraisal document to the manager. Select “OK”. The appraisal will then be returned to your manager.
ePerformance Module 2 – Chapter 1. Requesting colleague input Step 1 The manager may begin preparing the employee’s appraisal prior to receiving colleague input and/or the employee’s self-appraisal. This module will teach you how to request colleague input. After you have logged into the PeopleSoft system, the example below uses the left menu to navigate to the document area. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Select the employee for which you are seeking colleague input. Select “Start” from the Request Colleague Input area.
Select “Add Colleague”. Search for a colleague by typing in their last name and selecting the “Search” button. Instructions are available by selecting the triangle next to the word Instructions. Check the box to the left of the employee’s name and then select “OK”. If there are multiple employees with the same name, select the information icon for employee specific information.
Select “Save”. Select “Submit”. Upon submission, an automated email will be sent to the colleague. It will contain a link that will take them directly to the feedback area. The colleague can elect not to give feedback, and the manager will be notified of this decision. On the Appraisal Status Summary page, you will see confirmation that your request has been forwarded to the colleague.
ePerformance Module 2 – Chapter 2. Preparing the employee’s appraisal For this training: The employee has submitted his/her self-appraisal. Colleagues have completed your request for feedback. You are now ready to complete the performance appraisal for your leadership employee. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Select the employee for appraisal completion. Before clicking “Start”, note the information now available to you for review. Previous FY Employee’s Accountabilities/Key Results were entered at the beginning of the performance cycle. Input, requested by you, from colleagues The employee’s self-appraisal
Section 1 – Organizational Goals Note the instructions on the workflow of the appraisal prior to meeting with the employee. “Save” allows you to exit the document and return at a later point. “Submit for Approval” routes the appraisal to the second reviewer. “Cancel” takes you out of the document and deletes all entries for that session. “Print” provides a copy of the document. “Return to Appraisal Status Summary” backs you out of the appraisal but keeps you in the employee record. Section 1 – Organizational Goals Organizational Goals ratings for leaders will be disseminated and then populated by you, the employee’s manager. Do not submit for second reviewer approval or share the appraisal with the employee until Section 1 is completed.
Section 2 – Accountabilities/Key Results Before entering a rating you may want to update the employee’s accountabilities/key result or view the employee’s self-appraisal and colleagues’ input. View colleague input and self-appraisal by selecting “View Other Input”. There is the ability to add employee comments and colleague feedback to the document. Access this link and follow the steps below. Revise an Accountability/ Key Result, if needed by clicking on the pencil icon. The colleague’s input appears. To add the colleague’s text to the comments field, check the box to the left of the text and select “Add to Comments”. The text is transferred to the Comments area and can be revised or augmented with additional input or self-appraisal information. To find more content, use the dropdown next to “Find Additional Content”. When finished, select “Save and Return”.
To incorporate more feedback: Role: Select “Colleague” or “Employee” Name: Select the person from your list Document Section: Select the section of the appraisal that you want incorporate the feedback. Select “Search”. The colleague’s input appears. To add the colleague’s text to the comments field, check the box to the left of the text and select “Add to Comments”. The information is populated in the comments field and can be revised or augmented with additional input or other information. Select “Save and Return” to return to the appraisal.
Section 3 – Management Behaviors You have returned to the appraisal screen. After reviewing the self-appraisal and colleague input, select the rating for this accountability/key result. Add your comments to the comments area if desired (optional). If new accountabilities were added during the performance year, add them now by selecting “Add Accountabilities/Key Results”. Section 3 – Management Behaviors You can review the self-appraisal and colleague input by selecting “View Other Input”. Complete Section 3 by entering the rating for each of the Management Behaviors. Section 4 – Values & Leadership Principles You can review the self-appraisal and colleague input by selecting “View Other Input”. Complete Section 4 by entering the rating for each of the Values & Leadership Principles.
Section 5 – Overall Summary The overall rating can be calculated at this point by clicking on the calculator icon. NOTE: If the organizational goals ratings have not yet been entered, the overall rating will not be accurate. Section 6 & 7 – Strengths and Development Areas Text input area: Enter your comments and/or add comments from colleagues or the employee about strengths and development areas. Use the same methods as in Section 2 to add other’s feedback. Section 8 – Manager Comments Optional for overall ratings that fall in the “ 2.0 Fully Meets Expectations” range. Required for overall ratings of “Below Expectations” or “Consistently Exceeds Expectations”.
Section 9 – Employee Comments The employee will have the opportunity to add comments after meeting with you for the review discussion. Ratings can be calculated here if not calculated in Section 5. Select “Save” to save your work and keep you in the document. Select “Submit for Approval” to route the appraisal to the second reviewer.
ePerformance Module 2 – Chapter 3. Forwarding to 2nd reviewer and completing the process For this training: The employee’s performance appraisal has been prepared and routed to the second reviewer. The second reviewer has reviewed and approved the appraisal. This module will assist you in the technical aspect of conducting the performance appraisal with your employee. After you have logged into the PeopleSoft system, the example below uses the left menu to navigate to the document area. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Select the employee with whom you are conducting the performance appraisal discussion. Select “View “ to open the performance appraisal. Do NOT select “Mark Review Held” until you have completed the performance appraisal discussion.
The second reviewer has approved the appraisal The second reviewer has approved the appraisal. During the performance appraisal discussion with your employee you can make changes to the appraisal. You can also print the appraisal by clicking on the printer icon. If you must step away during the discussion, select “Save”. Final comments on the employee’s performance can be added by the manager at this time. After completing the discussion with the employee, select “Review Held” and the appraisal will be sent to the employee to acknowledge. Select “OK” The “Mark Review Held “ button will change to “Acknowledge”. The employee now logs into HR Self Service and acknowledges that the performance appraisal discussion was held. If the employee refuses or is unable to complete the acknowledgement phase, you can force the process by selecting “Acknowledgement”.
Select “Acknowledge Review”. NOTE: If the employee had acknowledged the performance appraisal was held, he/she would have had the opportunity to provide comments in the appraisal document at that time. If the employee has not acknowledged the appraisal discussion was held, you will select either “Manager Override“ or “Employee Refused”, depending on your situation. If the employee is on leave, use Manager Override. Then select “OK”. Either your acknowledgment or the employee’s acknowledgement of the appraisal will move the process to the Complete phase. Select the “Complete” link.
You have one final opportunity to input comments in Section 8 of the appraisal. Select “Complete”. Select “Complete” again. Select “OK”. The performance appraisal process is now complete. The performance appraisal can not be revised once you select complete. It can only be reviewed.
For Second Reviewers: To review and approve the employee’s appraisal please follow the steps below Select the employee’s performance appraisal that you will be approving. Select “Performance Appraisal Details” to review the appraisal document. Select “Approve” to release the appraisal back to the manager. Select “Deny” to return the appraisal to the manager for updates/edits. NOTE: If denying an appraisal, always include the reason why or your recommended changes in the comment field. The manager will make the changes and return it for your approval again.