MAIN IDEAS The Aztecs developed an agricultural society and founded a great empire in the Valley of Mexico. The Aztecs had a highly structured society, with authoritarian rulers. The Aztecs made advances in art, architecture, and astronomy.
Valley of Mexico
Settling in the Valley of Mexico Aztecs Settle in Central Mexico EQ: How did the Aztecs adapt to the Valley of Mexico? Settling in the Valley of Mexico Aztecs, nomadic hunter-gatherers, lived in what is now northwest Mexico In 1325, Aztecs settled on small island in large lake and built a city—Tenochtitlán— “place of the Prickly Pear,” the site of Mexico City today Aztecs began serving as paid warriors for local rulers
Aztecs Settle in Central Mexico EQ: How did the Aztecs adapt to the Valley of Mexico? Adapting to the Land The land was swampy, little farmland; little wood or stone for building Constructed chinampas on the lake—raised garden beds— where they grew corn, squash, peppers Building an Empire By 1500s, Aztecs ruled empire of 6 to 12 million people that stretched from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Aztecs demanded tribute—forced payment— of goods such as corn, gold, jade from conquered people
Aztec Society and Beliefs EQ: What was the structure of Aztec society? Aztec Class Structure Three main classes: Emperor/Nobles (landowners, priests) most powerful; ran government & army Artisans, merchants made up intermediate class Commoners (farmers, craftspeople, soldiers, serfs) majority Slaves at bottom of commoners All classes limited womenʼs roles
Aztec Society and Beliefs EQ: What was the structure of Aztec society? Family Life and Religious Practices Men farmed the land; women cooked, raised children Boys formally taught religion, battle skills; girls educated at home Religion dominated society; Aztecs believed in around 1,000 gods Priests kept calendars; sometimes war prisoners were sacrificed to gods
Aztec Society and Beliefs EQ: What was the structure of Aztec society? Aztec Warriors and Warfare War was sacred duty; boys trained as warriors by age 15 Fall of the Aztec Empire Emperor Montezuma II demanded more tribute, land, sacrifices (1502) Hernán Cortés—Spanish explorer—arrived in 1519 seeking gold Montezuma hoped to avoid war; taken prisoner by Cortés during meeting and later killed during fighting with Spanish Disease, guns defeat Aztecs; Cortés captured Tenochtitlán in 1521
The Cultural Legacy of the Aztecs EQ: What cultural advances did the Aztecs make? Art and Architecture Aztecs built huge, unique temples and palaces in Tenochtitlán - part of Great Temple visible today in Mexico City Archaeologists have also uncovered gold beads, pottery, headdresses, sculptures, jewelry, gems
Tenochtitlan Great Temple
The Cultural Legacy of the Aztecs EQ: What cultural advances did the Aztecs make? The Aztec Codices Aztec used glyphs (colorful pictures, symbols) as their writing system Codex were deerskin or bark books; reflected details of Aztec life Advances in Astronomy Aztecs studied stars, planets to predict planting, harvest seasons Aztecs created two calendars—one for farming, one for religion
Creation, Vitality, Life Astrology, Order These spiraling seeds Creation Symbol: Creation, Vitality, Life Astrology, Order These spiraling seeds are all moving together in perfect harmony. Aztecs understood life works in this rhythmic pattern Represents life: Birth, Child, Adult Death, Afterlife
Lesson Summary & So What The Aztecs adapted to the environment of the Valley of Mexico and built an empire there. The Aztecsʼ harsh treatment of their subjects weakened their empire and made it easier for the Spanish to conquer them. The Aztecs made contributions in art, architecture, and astronomy. Why It Matters Now . . . The Aztecs ruled much of what is now Mexico and built their capital where Mexico City, one of the worldʼs largest cities, now stands.