Nose Surgery. Rhinoplasty, sometimes referred to as a "nose job" or "nose reshaping" by patients, enhances facial harmony and the proportions of your nose. It can also correct impaired breathing caused by structural defects in the nose. Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty (more commonly referred to as a nose job) is a surgical procedure that reshapes or resizes the nose. It can correct a variety of concerns, including a visible bump on the nasal bridge, a droopy or enlarged nasal tip, a nose that's off- center or crooked, or asymmetry due to a previous injury.nose job
A nose job (technically called a rhinoplasty) is surgery on the nose to change its shape or improve its function. It can be done for medical reasons -- such as to correct breathing problems related to the nose or correct disfigurement resulting from trauma or birth defects.rhinoplasty
Nose surgery, also known as “rhinoplasty,” is a procedure designed to improve the size and shape of the nose. As the central feature of the face, the nose plays a significant role in determining overall facial harmony. Rhinoplasty helps create a nose that is in balance with the rest of the face by correcting the unsatisfactory results of genetic deformities or traumatic nose injuries. Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a cosmetic surgery aimed at reconstructing the nose by removing congenital defects. The surgery restores the function of the nose and also corrects and resolves several nasal issues.
RhinoplastyRhinoplasty is surgery to reshape the nose. It can make the nose larger or smaller; change the angle of the nose in relation to the upper lip; alter the tip of the nose; or correct bumps, indentations, or other defects in the nose.
How can rhinoplasty improve my nose? Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular procedures in all of plastic surgery because of its ability to enhance facial harmony. Nose surgery can effectively achieve the following: Reduce the overall size of the nose Smooth out bumps and/or depressions on the bridge of the nose Narrow the bridge of the nose Change the size or shape of the tip of the nose Widen or narrow the size of the nostrils Adjust the angle between the nose and upper lip RHINOPLASTY METHODS Open Rhinoplasty Performed under general anesthesia Incision is made across the columella under the nose Allows the most visibility for the surgeon during the procedure Closed Rhinoplasty Performed under general anesthesia Incisions are made on the inside of the nose Shorter surgical time Best for minor revisions