Male Organ Odor: Blame Thioalcohols
Until they become sensually active, most guys don’t pay much (if any) attention to male organ odor. They tend to not be too concerned with whether their member has a pronounced odor in the locker room, because locker rooms are known for strong odors. And most of the time, a guy can get used to his own odor so that he doesn’t even notice it. But when he starts presenting his manhood to a partner and a rank male organ odor gets in the way of desired activity, suddenly he pays attention! Searches for how better member care can affect male organ odor turn up lots of information – but few actually talk about one of the primary causes of odor, substances known as thioalcohols.
The odor issue While male organ odor can have several factors, one of the primary causes is what might be thought of as the “sweat factor.” Everyone is familiar with the fact that heavy sweating produces a pronounced odor, including in the manhood area. But not everyone understands where that odor comes from. For example, we blame it all on sweat – but sweat by itself is not the culprit. Many people notice that not all sweat smells. Sweat trickling down the face, for example, doesn’t offend olfactorally. But sweat pouring out of the armpits is another matter altogether.
That’s because sweat by itself does not smell. What sweat does is combine with bacteria, and when it does that, bacteria release ingredients which have a strong odor. But again, it’s not all bacteria – for example, the bacteria on the face don’t create a smell from sweat. It’s bacteria produced under the arms, in the midsection, and on the feet that have this special ability to burst forth in unwanted fragrance.
Thioalcohols Scientists have discovered ingredients known as thioalcohols present in the bacteria that create unpleasant smells. And only a small number of bacteria in “smell regions” actually have thioalcohols. This information is important for understanding body smells. Right now, there’s not much that can be done with it; however, scientists can now use this information to try to develop deodorants that are more effective. Deodorants tend to target all bacteria under the arm. In the future, deodorants could be developed that target thioalcohols, and therefore might be more effective than what is currently available.
It’s also possible that developments might also with male organ odor. Putting underarm deodorant on the midsection is not a good idea. But perhaps in the near future, some member-friendly deodorants will be developed. Or perhaps rather than a topical application, a tablet will be developed that attacks thioalcohols wherever they occur on the body.
Take steps Until that time, however, a guy needs to take what steps he can to combat unwanted odor. The first thing to do is bathe or shower regularly; keeping the member and its surrounding area clean is crucial. Intact men should be sure to clean well under the prepuce. And washing the midsection hair is also crucial; bacterial odors can cling to the hair unless it is tended to. In addition, airing out the manhood for a couple of hours a day can help, as can wearing clothing that is lighter weight so that there is less heat trapped in the area.
While awaiting a direct attack on thioalcohols to be developed, it also helps fight odor if the member is in prime health. Daily use of a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is called for. The chosen crème should definitely include vitamin A, which has anti- bacterial properties to fight the odor. But a crème with alpha lipoic acid is also necessary. This potent antioxidant fights excess free radicals which can weaken manhood health by promoting undue oxidative stress. male organ health crème