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HTML5 HTML means Hyper Text Markup language HTML is standard markup language for creating web pages.Hypertext means web pages are linked together.Link available on a web page is called Hypertext. HTML TYPES ●HTML 1.0: HTML 1.0 was first release of HTML.People were not aware of website creation those time and computer languages were in limited. At codexoxo we makes easily life.codexoxo ●HTML 2.0: HTML 1.0 was full include in HTML 2.0 but with new features. ●HTML 3.0: HTML 3.0 was build upon HTML 2.0.Tables are most important part proposed in HTML 3.0 ●HTML 3.2: HTML 3.2 begins with the document type and followed by head and body elements ●HTML 4.01:Text,multimedia,hyperlink were added in this version of HTML ●XHTML 1.0: Extensible hyper text markup language namespace using xmlns attribute. ●HTML 5: HTML 5 added new audio and video tag were introduced.
HTML5 HTML5 is fifth revision of HTML.HTML 5 is standard for presenting content on web. HTML 5 was developed to solve compatibility problem of HTML5.Latest version of chrome,safari,opera Support many HTML5 features.HTML 5 attributes are case sensitive HTML5 TOOLS FOR CREATING MODERN WEBSITES ●HTML5 Maker ●Google swiffy ●Sublime text ●Bootstrap ●Bluegriffon HTML5 APPLICATIONS Acalendar, Google body, Hootsuite, Tiny fluid Grid,Scribd are the few examples of HTML5 application.
HTML5 FEATURES 1.It is faster and adoptive for today users. 2.HTML5 deliver contest in the fast way and user receipt faster. 3.HTML5 code is simple and easier 4.In HTML5 does not third-party programs for play audio and video. HTML VS HTML5 1.Video and audio are not part of HTML but Video and audio are integral part of HTML5. 2.HTML works very well with old browsers but most modern browsers support HTML5. 3.Vector graphics possible in HTML with the help of technologies like Silver light,Flash
ADVANTAGES OF HTML5 1.HTML5 is based semantic enrichment.HTML5 provides developer new tags like etc. codexoxocodexoxo 2.Web applications can access and manipulate files from any browser that support HTML5. 3.HTML5 makes the mobile-friendly site for all kind of devices and users can browse the site easily. 4.We can create more understanding structure of a page in HTML5. 5.HTML5 allow you use session and cookie to store the structured data temporarily. DISADVANTAGES OF HTML5 Whenever some changes we do in Window and Ios. HTML5 tool also makes some changes in to account The change and make some necessary adjustment in code.Sometimes it takes too much time to get a mobile application ready because the developer has written to code for some necessary changes.
Conclusion HTML5 is latest version of HTML. HTML5 support all modern browsers like google chrome,opera etc. HTML5 is faster than HTML and provide faster result comparison HTML language. HTML5. HTML 5 removed div tag and introduced many new tags like article,aside,mark,main. CodexoxoCodexoxo: We are different from the rest.