Strategic pastoral planning process Archdiocese of Milwaukee Strategic pastoral planning process
- Note well - Every organization has been perfectly designed to get the results they are currently getting. RISK and CHANGE can lead to new possibilities and BETTER RESULTS.
Purpose of Pastoral Planning Strengthen our ability to realize our vision: PROFILE View new approaches and raise effectiveness: POSSIBILITIES Think strategically five to ten years forward: PLAN
THE PLAN IS A LIVING DOCUMENT Visionary Practical Inspiring Flexible Updated THE PLAN IS A LIVING DOCUMENT
Pastoral Plan Current Reality Preferred Future
viewing the Current reality External Demographic Sources Internal Data from Diocesan Sources Internal Data from Parishes and Schools On-site Visits Parishioner Survey (Optional) Focus Groups
Overview of the Process Activity Options Data Collection/Analysis Survey of Parishioners Meeting with Leaders Mission Inventory Interviews and Focus Groups Council/Team Role Document: Profiles and Possibilities Envisioning Our Future I: Demographics and Set Priorities Writing Group(s) to Draft Plan One or more groups Envisioning Our Future II: Review Implementation Council Monitors Committees Implement Timeline
Conducting the Process Diocese Parish Provide Data Analysis Conduct Interviews Set up Interviews Determine Planning Group Present Data Schedule Meeting Prepare: “Profile and Possibilities” Schedule, Promote and Organize Meeting Provide Writing Group Materials Determine Writing Group Prepare: “Strategic Plan” Review and Edit Implementation Timeline
Planning Documents 1 MissionInsite Reports 2 Pastoral Activity Report
Planning Documents 3 Profile and Possibilities 4 Strategic Plan
timeline 2 months for interviews and data reports 2 months for profile and possibilities
timeline 2 months for writing plan 2 months for consulting and editing plan
What does planning ask of you? Active participation Listening and praying Commitment to the process Communication An open mind A long-term perspective
Will the plan make a difference? The difference will be determined by Leadership and Implementation
Pope Francis says “ Don’t be scared, Dare to have fabulous plans. I encourage you to not be afraid, To dream, to have great ideals, To be builders of hope.”