Greece Wars and Culture
Persian War 400’s Persia wanted to expand into Europe Began to collide with the Greeks in Anatolia Main difference between GREECE AND PERSIA GREECE- Democracy PERSIA- MONARCY
Persian War 490BC King Darius Sent 600 ships to invade Greece (Battle of Marathon) 480BC King Xerxes invaded Greece with 200,000 foot soldiers. 479BC- Greeks defeated Persia 449BC- Peace between Greece and Persia 300’s BC- Persia so weakened by outside attacks Alexander is able to over throw.
The Greek Golden Age 479-431 BC A time of achievement Pericles was the leader of Athens. He felt that every citizen had the right to vote – not just the wealthy. He arranged for jurors to be paid so they would not lose money being away from their jobs. He offered support to those working in the arts and building trades.
Philosophers Socrates (470-399 B.C.E.) An Athenian philosopher, determined to understand human beings Encouraged reflection on ethics and morality Integrity was more important than wealth and fame Was condemned to death on charge of corrupting Athenian youths Plato (430-347 B.C.E.) A zealous disciple of Socrates The theory of Forms or Ideas Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.) Plato's disciple, but distrusted theory of Forms or Ideas Devised rules of logic to construct arguments; father of western science
Legacy of Greek philosophy Intellectual authorities for European philosophers until 17th century Intellectual inspiration for Christian and Islamic theologians. Provided a powerful intellectual framework for future generations
War between Athens and Sparta 431 War broke out between the city-states of Athens and Sparta War lasted until 404BC Known as the Peloponnesian War
Peloponnesian War Athens Strategy for 2years was to stay in city walls and have navy bring in supplies. Worked well until disease broke out killing 1/3 if the populations The next 25 years Sparta and Athens fought each winning battles leaving no clear winner Sparta made a deal with Persia to give Greek land in exchange for money for a NAVY. 405BC Sparta’s Navy destroyed Athens through blockades.
The out come of the War The Greek City-states were destroyed Sparta ruled Greece for 30 years under a very strict law making allies mad Sparta spent most of the 30 years putting down rebellions 371BC Thebes seized Sparta and controlled Greece for 10years After their collapse Macedonia rose with Phillip II and Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great Son of Phillip II of Macedonia 334 BC Led all Greek city-states as one united GREECE invaded Persia 333 BC Fought through Asia Minor to gain land in Syria and the Middle East 331BC Conquered all of Egypt- Built the City of Alexandria on the Mediterranean coast 327BC Marched into Northern India ( Solders convinced Alexander to return to Greece) 323 BC Alexander Died in Babylon of a Fever
Hellenistic Culture Medicine- Hippocrates- “Father of Medicine” Believed that disease came from natural causes not evil spirts Created the Hippocratic Oath- Physicians take the oath to put patient care first and keep confidentiality.
The Legacy of Alexander Greek language, art, ideas, architecture was spread thorough out the areas of Middle East, Northern Africa, Southwest Asia Hellenistic Era “like the Greeks” began due to Alexanders Empire Empire was divided into 4 different Macedonia, Pergamum, Egypt, and Seleucid Known as the Hellenistic Kings By 100BC the city of Alexandria was the largest city on the Mediterranean World.
Hellenistic Culture History- Herodotus “The Father of History” Wrote the History of Persian War Thucydides (thoo-Sih-duh-deez) Wrote the history of the Peloponnesian War The main difference in the historians is Herodotus believe that the gods played a role in history. Thucydides believe no gods played a role in history.
Hellenistic Culture Scientist Thales- Studied Astronomy and Mathematics- Engineer. Pythagoras- Studied Mathematic and Geometry Best known for the Pythagorean Theorem- All relationship are expressed in numbers
Greek Beliefs Gods have great power however look like and act like Humans 12 Most important Gods/Goddesses lived on MT. Olympus Each City-state had a chosen god/goddess that was their protector
Greek GODS/GODDESSES Poseidon- Sea and earthquakes Zeus- Chief God Athena- Wisdom/Crafts Apollo- Music/poetry Aphrodite- Love Ares- War Poseidon- Sea and earthquakes Hades- Underworld/ Death Hera- Marriage/ Home Hermes- Messenger Artemis- Hunt/ Wild Animals
Greek Oracles Believed each person had a fate or Destiny Believed in Prophecy of the future Oracles has a sacred shrine where Priest would speak to the gods for answers and guidance.