The Persian Wars Introduction 1. The Persian Empire


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Presentation transcript:

The Persian Wars Introduction 1. The Persian Empire It was the enemy of both Sparta and Athens 2. Large and powerful 3. “fierce fighters” “Murderous invaders” 4. Less land to defend, wouldn’t need as many soldiers 5. Fewer people Smaller army

Persian Wars Persian Empire and Ionian Revolt 1. Used bow and arrow before enemies could use spears and lances 2. Divided into provinces Tax collection system Appointed officials to rule local areas Conquered people kept their own customs and religion 3. The Ionian Revolt 4. Ionia in Asia Minor 5. Pay tribute, taxes Serve in Persian Army 6. Mainland Greece The mainland Greeks left after some success, and the Persian defeated the Ionian Greeks

Persian Wars The Battle of Marathon 1. They threw the messengers into pits and wells and said “if you want Greek earth and water, help yourselves!” 2. A large army of foot soldiers and cavalry 3. They sent Pheidippides to Sparta for help, ran the entire 26 miles Olympic event the Marathon comes from this story 4. The Greeks attacked the Persian center and then on the left and right They won a stunning victory

Persian Wars Battle of Thermopylae 1. Huge Darius’ son Xerxes A bridge across the Hellespont made from boats 2. The Athenian navy would stop the Persian navy and the Spartan army would fight the Persian army 3. Mountainous Spartans had 6,000 to 7,000 soldiers to hold off 180,000 Persians The Spartan stopped them at a narrow mountain pass, but a traitor showed the Persians a secret path to get behind the Spartans and attack them from the front and rear at the same time 4. The Greeks were defeated

Persian Wars Battle of Salamis 1. Because of the news of Thermopylae Board ships and headed to nearby islands Burned to the ground 2. He wanted to fight the Persian navy in the narrow channels where they could not maneuver 3. He tricked they Persians into attacking by telling them half of the Greek sailors were ready to surrender 4. The Greek ships rammed the Persian ships sinking 300 while only losing 40 5. The Greeks won

Persian Wars Battle of Plataea 1. That the Greeks would destroy the bridge that the Persians had built across the Hellespont Storms had destroyed it, and the army had to travel by boat back to Persia 2. Some of the army was left in Greece with orders to attack again in the spring 3. That the Athenians would make peace with the Persians No, they declared their common brotherhood with the Greeks and would fight 4. Greeks win again Preserved Greek independence Kept Persian from conquering Europe