Cultural contrast-a Muslim family stops to film a Scottish bagpiper outside of Selfridges Department Store on Oxford Street, Hyde Park, London
NYC Marathon Runners in Williamsburg, (Brooklyn), NY Hassidic Jews in Brooklyn, Italians in North Boston, Mexicans in Pilsen in Chicago-all tight knit ethnic neighborhoods- Greatest Challenge to a local culture in a city is the migration of members of the popular culture or another local culture into their neighborhood (On Test) NYC Marathon Runners in Williamsburg, (Brooklyn), NY
Commodification How are aspects of local culture (material, non-material, place) commodified? Commodification- the process through which something is given monetary value.
Authenticity Claims of authenticity abound – how do consumers determine what experience/place is “authentic” and what is not? A young Sioux form South Dakota prepares for a festival
Irish Pub Company Pubs Irish Pub Company and Guinness Brewing Company created 5 models of pubs and export them around the world.
Little Bridge Pub in Dingle, Ireland (not an Irish Pub Company Pub)
How are hearths of popular culture traits established? Typically begins with an idea/good and contagious diffusion. Companies can create/manufacture popular culture. (ie. MTV) Individuals can create/manufacture popular culture. (ie. Tony Hawk)-video games involving extreme sports popularized skateboarding and other sports.
The hearth of Phish concerts is in the northeastern United States, near where the band began in Vermont.
With Distance Decay, the likelihood of diffusion decreases as time and distance from the hearth increases. With Time-Space Compression, the likelihood of diffusion depends upon the connectedness among places. Which applies more to popular culture?
What is the last place you went to or the last product you purchased that claimed to be “authentic?” How can one know or prove that an item or experience is authentic?
Why are popular culture traits usually diffused hierarchically? How is fashion in popular culture an example of hierarchical diffusion?
Reterritorialization of popular culture occurs when an aspect of popular culture is modified to adapt locally- e.g. Japanese baseball, European Hip Hop-MC Solaar- France, Die Fantastischen Vier-Germany, Jovanatti-Italy. Japanese Baseball-reterritorialization
Syncretism-a fusion of old and new to create a new cultural trait-this concept is similar to reterritorialization. The examples below are foreign foods that have been modified to fit American tastes.
Quebecois McDonald's patrons can get McPoutine. Signage advertising familiar products and businesses leave strong imprints among the cultural landscape. Brazil, the McCalabresa is a hamburger-sized slab of pepperoni on a bun. Quebecois McDonald's patrons can get McPoutine. Greece, burgers in pita bread with yogurt sauce, tomato, lettuce & onions Greek Mac. Israelis get to enjoy McShawarma and McCabe. Japan Tamago Double Mac—two beef patties, pepper sauce, bacon. and a poached egg. Pakistanis McChutney Burger and Poland's McKielbasa.” 14
The influence of Europe, the US and Japan in global popular culture makes many people feel threatened. France’s govt. subsidizes the French film industry and sets limits on foreign music on the radio A McDonald’s protest in France in 1999.