Political Ideologies and Canadian Government Makeup Assignment
Communism Communism is a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. In practice, a single authoritarian party controls both the political and economic systems. Marx believed that a truly utopian society must be classless and stateless. Marx's main idea was simple: Free the lower class from poverty and give the poor a fighting chance. In order to liberate the lower class, Marx believed that the government would have to control all means of production so that no one could outdo anyone else by making more money.
Liberalism The Liberal Party was frequently the principle party of Government in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These governments were radical, reformist and far sighted, they backed the masses against the classes, swept away vested interest and privilege, and secured increased rights and freedoms for the people. Liberalism is believing in equality and individual liberty, supporting private property and individual rights, supporting the idea of limited constitutional government, and recognising the importance of related
Socialism Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. The core socialist values are common ownership of property and the equality of people. In practical terms, socialist society Socialist values democratic control over major decisions and free access to goods and services. Socialism is an economic theory of social organization that believes that the means of making, moving, and trading wealth should be owned or controlled by the community as a whole. It is a transitional social state between capitalism and communism.
NDP Party of Canada The New Democratic Party is a social democratic political party in Canada. The leader of the federal wing of the NDP is Jagmeet Singh, who won the 2017 leadership election. Sikh- Canadian politician becomes the first person of colour to lead a major federal party in Canada’s history. Founded in 1961, the New Democratic Party has formed the government in several provinces but never nationally. In 2011, it enjoyed an historic electoral breakthrough, becoming the official opposition in Parliament for the first time. Four years later, despite hopes of winning a federal election, the NDP was returned to a third place position in the House of Commons.
The Liberal Party The Liberal Party has dominated federal politics for much of Canada's history, using the formula for success of straddling the political center developed under the leadership of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Liberals have formed numerous governments and provided Canada with 10 prime ministers, but the party has also experienced defeat and internal divisions. Most recently, in the election of October 2015, the party rose from third to first place in the House of Commons, winning a majority government under leader Justin Trudeau. In accordance with this philosophy, the Liberal Party of Canada believes in the promotion of the fundamental rights and freedoms of people, under the rule of law, and commits itself to the protection of these essential values and their constant adaptation in light of the changing needs of modern Canadian society.
My Vote If I were to pick between the New Democratic Party and the Liberal party I would choose the NDP and here is my reasoning. The NDP has great health care and they have the first new social program in a generation for childcare which is something that I feel is important. New Democrats are proud to have played in the creation of Canada’s social safety net. Now promising to take the next step by creating an affordable $15 a day childcare program to help young families get ahead. The NDP say that they will increase grants for students and phase out interest on federal student loans. And invest in training and apprenticeship programs for young people. Only Tom Mulcair and the NDP have put forward a concrete plan to lower carbon pollution. Tom will work with the world instead of against the planet by introducing hard emission reduction targets and make polluters pay to achieve them. The Liberal plan calls for $6.5 billion in cuts, and Trudeau’s would be finance minister says: “nothing is off the table.” That’s not real change, that’s no change at all.