Level 3 Physical Education Introduction – Course Information
General Info 5 Achievement Standards 19 credits, 4 for physical performance, rest based on written assessments Achievement standards are often run concurrently Written assessments are assignment based rather that in class tests. A mix of theory and practical – differs throughout year and module
3.4 Assessment Opportunities 10 Km Run Lawn Bowls Badminton Assessed as part of the CHCH marathon festival – Sunday 4 June 2017 All assessed at the same time (Term 4) after a coaching programme. All assessed at end of Term 1 as part of a tournament. (rubric) Grades are time/score based and are national standards. All students will be assessed in all activities (barring injury, illness). Your best result will be your PHED 3.4 Grade. Achieved Merit Excellence Female 66:40 59:00 51:20 Male 56:40 50:09 43:40 Level Points Achieved 65-79 Merit 80-89 Excellence 90+
3.3, 3.4 Badminton Badminton Factors affecting Types of Evaluation of learning Performance Assessment Appraisal of Socio-cultural Factors Pretesting Post testing Motor Skill Learning Types of Practice Badminton Evaluation of programme Sports Psychology
3.1 Evaluate physical activity experiences to devise strategies for lifelong well-being evaluate your past and present physical activity experiences, consider your future physical activity needs, and devise strategies for lifelong well-being. Includes trialling a range of activities including participating in a 10km run (3.4)
3.2 Skill Analysis “Analyse a skill performed by self or others” Includes biomechanics, functional anatomy Choice of simple skill from a range of sports
3.5 “Issue” Examine a current physical activity event, trend or issue, impacting on NZ society Society Outdoor Education Risk Management
Keys to success Be organised for every lesson with appropriate notes, books, PE gear. GZ201 is base for all lessons – unless otherwise informed Course is largely theoretical in parts, but it is important to have appropriate clothing for when we do have practical lessons Keep up to date, it is your responsibility to catch up on lessons you have missed regardless of the reason why. Be clear in what you are doing for assessments and other tasks – READ CAREFULLY AND ASK QUESTIONS
Communication is important – if you are struggling, or behind in your work or have any issue with assessed work see me before it is due in!!! Use time wisely – whether in class or out Keep setting mini goals when working on assessments and plan your work. Check emails / OneNote – I tend to send class emails – especially during tournament weeks / sports exchanges Be consistent in your organisation of your work – use OneNote
Final note In the past PED has been about learning knowledge / skills. In Year 13 the focus is on applying the knowledge in a range of situations and to your own performance, experiences and wellbeing. It is also about thinking critically and the ability to justify your thinking with relevant evidence and research. Good luck for the year ahead!!!! Work hard!