Good Afternoon!! Take out your laptop and Open Fungi Cornell Notes… I’m coming around to check that you have attempted it.
There is Fungus Among Us… Fungus = 1 (singular) Fungi = 2 or more (plural)
Different Kinds of Fungi Mushrooms Molds Yeasts Mildew Rusts Smuts Multicelluar fungi are called molds or mushrooms. Single-celled fungi are called yeasts. Eukaryotes!!
How they obtain energy… Fungi are heterotrophs. Some fungi are parasites. Decomposers- Break down dead/decaying materials outside their bodies. All types of fungus have similar characteristics.
Fermentation Process used to make bread rise, brew beer/wine, make some cheese and soy sauce Yeast break down sugars in warm environment creating carbon dioxide, alcohol, and some energy.
Characteristics of Most Fungi 1. Cap/Reproductive body- top part, protects the spores, makes up the part of a fungus that can be seen (ex. Mushroom Cap) 2. Spore- a single reproductive cell that is capable of growing into a new organism, fall from Cap 3. Stalk- holds up the Reproductive Body 4. Mycelium- a mass of hyphae, makes up most of the fungi 5. Hyphae- a network of cells that form threadlike structures; make up most fungi
Cap Stalk
How do Fungi Reproduce? Most Fungi reproduce asexually, but sometimes can reproduce sexually. Yeasts- Budding Mushrooms/Molds- Spores or Hyphae Spores are single reproductive cells capable of producing new offspring.
3 types- can harm or help humans Mushrooms Made of mycellium and a cap (reproductive body). Some can be poisonous, but some can be eaten. Molds Fuzzy spore producing fungi. Can be helpful in making food or can cause disease/food spoilage. Yeasts Single celled fungi that grow in moist places. Helpful- bread making, Harmful- can cause disease.
A couple more examples…. Lichen- symbiotic relationship between fungi and algae. Penicillin- antibiotic that is made from fungus Athlete’s foot- fungal mold Some molds help make cheese or soy sauce. Toadstool= poisonous mushrooms Button mushrooms, Shitake= edible
Exit Slip How is a fungi different than a bacteria? How is similar? 2. What are 3 different kinds of fungi? 3. What is the largest part of a fungi? 4. What are the two parts of a scientific name? 5. Why do organisms need a scientific name? 6. Why would you use a Dichotomous Key? 7. How are protists grouped?