Third Grade Behavior Intervention Jamie Kuntz Counselor Granby Elementary Granby Missouri
SIMS Students-Third grade students with severe behavior problems and five or more discipline referrals in the First Quarter. Interventions- The Counselor met weekly with each student individually. An average of 20 conferences were conducted with each student throughout the school year. During each student conference, discipline reports were reviewed and student behavior was discussed. Students also were able to share anything that might be affecting his behavior and ways to cope with or manage these issues. Counselor also either held a conference or called the parents of each student. Measurements- Discipline referrals were counted and compared each quarter. Settings- Counselor met with each student individually in Counselor’s office at Granby Elementary School
Purpose of Intervention This intervention was used because the behavior was so severe for the three boys it was causing problems for the entire class. Also, they were missing so much class time that their grades started to fall drastically even though they were all capable of doing the work. It has been observed that all three of them come from rough home lives and may be seeking an outlet.
Identification of Students Three students were identified at mid-first quarter based on 5 or more discipline referrals. All three are male students Two were from the same classroom and one is from another.
The Program/Intervention Counselor met weekly with each student individually throughout the 2008-2009 school year. An average of 20 conferences were conducted with each student throughout the year. Discipline reports were reviewed and discussed Identified antecedents and consequences of behaviors Open discussion Students given an opportunity to talk about any issues from school or home Discussed other ways to handle anger/confusion Came up with other interventions teachers could use in the classroom to manage behavior
Program Goals To decrease student’s discipline referrals To teach students anger management and self control skills Increase student morale and self-esteem
The Data
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Conclusions Student PR was moved to a different classroom as a Tier 3 intervention of the RTI process All three students reduced their discipline referrals All three students developed a relationship with the counselor that will hopefully benefit them throughout their school years All three students learned different anger/behavior management skills that will hopefully help them in the future
Suggestions for Future Research Contact parents more frequently for both positive and negative behaviors Have more counselor/parent/student conferences and include the classroom teacher as well Provide positive behavior supports school wide