What is TEEP? TEEP Programme: Model/Framework and Training
An introduction to TEEP Click video to play What is TEEP video link
What is the Teacher Effectiveness Enhancement Programme (TEEP)? A framework for effective teaching and learning developed from research evidence An effective CPD programme A process not a product Delivered by outstanding teacher practitioners who have themselves been through all levels of TEEP training Generic - all subjects, all phases Note: the TEEP Brochure (pdf or PPT) can be shown here.
Underpinning Elements The TEEP Framework Learning Cycle Underpinning Elements Effective Behaviours Teacher & Learner
TEEP Training Days 1 and 2 Underpinning elements Phases of learning with lesson planning challenge Day 3 Effective teacher and learner behaviours Days 4 and 5 Coaching and Mentoring or Developing TEEP Champions (Level 2) Beyond the training… TEEP Trainers training (Level 3)
The Impact of TEEP: Freebrough Academy Academy were RI and now Good – worth looking at how staff developed through TEEP – especially the teacher who was ready to leave the profession who is now thriving! Freebrough Academy Video link
The Impact of TEEP: Pre TEEP Sponsored Academy opened in 2010 17 vacant posts (no middle leaders, no DP, no SENCO) 5A*-C+E+M 30% Attendance 89.9% PA (15%) 20% Permanent Exclusions 8 FT Exclusion 13.5% of population 574 days lost to exclusion 2632 sessions where students were sent home because of an incident or prior to an exclusion 40+ students in “Alternative Provision” 32% of lessons good or better (7% outstanding) 21% of lessons of inadequate Stats before TEEP
The Impact of TEEP: Post TEEP 5A*-C+E+M 50% 3 Levels of Progress English 85% Attendance 95% PA (15%) 5.2% Permanent exclusion 0 (for the 3rd year) FT exclusion 7% of population. 73 days lost to exclusion 93% lessons good or better (33% outstanding) Ofsted Good (Jan 15) Ofsted extract: Teachers have increasingly high expectations of what students of all abilities can achieve, including the most able. Teachers are diligent and provide a wide range of interesting, thought-provoking tasks and activities. Reading and writing are taught effectively and the teaching of mathematical skills across subjects is more and more well-embedded. Increasingly methods are adopted that inspire students to think analytically, explain their thinking, make decisions, adopt solutions and provide reasons for their choices, stimulate them and hold their interest well.
Some extracts from training evaluations
Kingsford Community School Impact Video Leadership of TEEP Joan Deslandes HT Kingsford School talks about the impact on staff and students. Some interesting student voice in here too. Kingsford are Good school with outstanding features and were at the commencement of TEEP. Kingsford were awarded Ambassador status this year which is a national platform for showcasing t&l at the school. Kingsford Community School Impact Video
RSA Arrow Vale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xJgakizJOo Arrow Vale an Outstanding school across all categories. Note Mark (near end of video) talks about three things; Consistency Variety of Strategies (and why/how these work) Collaboration The image is an extract from school achievement newsletter outlining quotes from Ofsted attributed to TEEP impact https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xJgakizJOo
“The introduction of the Teacher Effectiveness Enhancement Programme (TEEP) has significantly helped to improve the quality of teaching.” OFSTED May 2014 Rare for Ofsted to quote on any programme of intervention in school, yet they did last year (written in report)
Being Explicit about Teaching and Learning How headteachers achieve success: They issued explicit guidelines on what constitutes good teaching and learning. In the early stages inadequate teaching was identified and headteachers were rigorous in eradicating it. This often resulted in the weakest teachers leaving. However, in all the schools visited there were teachers whose practice had previously been weak who had risen to the challenge and were now teaching good or better lessons. OFSTED “Getting to good – How headteachers achieve success” Sept 2012 Reference from Ofsted Getting to Good – how HT’s achieve success. Little surprise re the explicitness of ensuring t&l to high standard
Being Explicit about Teaching and Learning Mentoring and coaching were effective in improving teaching and learning in eight schools visited. Peer and team teaching, particularly for more effective teachers, were extremely successful in piloting and leading improvements to teaching in seven schools visited. A set of non-negotiable expectations for teaching and learning established by the Headteacher as a ‘preparing for quality learning: staff self-check list’ has helped to improve the quality of teaching. OfSTED “Getting to good – how headteachers achieve success” Sept 2012 Again as we see the advice unfold – all of these elements (and more) are already present in the structure of the TEEP programme
Key Questions How are we going to support and develop TEEP? How are we going to involve students and their parents to develop partnership in learning? How are we going to support and develop TEEP? Will our present policies and structures need developing? How do we build a culture which takes us from good to outstanding? Key questions for SLT. TEEP is very much done with all staff not done to
TEEP Whole School Independent evaluation 2010 TEEP final report WSM (whole school model) july 2010 Dr Judith Gunraj (IOE)
Our vision For you to populate, why opted for TEEP and their vision for the future. May include information about format of initial training and dates, set up of groups, ongoing support in between sessions, expectations...
Learners fully engaged in immersive learning experiences Impact of TEEP in the classroom "It is a fantastic way to develop good teaching practice and to help the pupils to engage and take more ownership of their learning." Learners fully engaged in immersive learning experiences
Quite simply this is some of the most enjoyable, inspirational and insightful CPD I have participated in my 25 year teaching career. Brilliant!" "Quite simply this is some of the most enjoyable, inspirational and insightful CPD I have participated in my 25 year teaching career. Brilliant!" "An excellent five days which has revealed to me all I need to do to push forward T&L at my school" e days which has revealed to me all I need to do to push forward T&L at my school" “It provides a sound underpinning set of values, for planning a cycle of lessons which is child centred, aimed at promoting independent learning and fostering effective partnerships, to impact on attainment" independent learning and fostering effective partnerships, to impact on attainment"
Evaluation Findings Increased engagement of pupils in their learning Increase in higher level thinking More effective questioning by teachers More investigative work in science Improved behaviour in lessons Lessons included a greater variety of activity Increased use of ICT Every Child Matters / Children’s Plan– being healthy, staying safe, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution, achieving economic well being. Personalised Learning – multi disciplinary projects, stage not age, collaboration between schools, reconfigure the school day. Deep learning – student voice, A4L, learning to learn Other DEEPs – Deep support (mentoring and coaching, guidance and advice), deep experience (new technologies, curriculum), deep leadership (design and organisation, workforce reforms) Competence based curriculum – diplomas (level 2) incorporate principle learning, generic learning and additional learning. Functional skills, English, Maths, ICT Pelts – personal learning and thinking skills Other initiatives – updating GCSEs to incorporate employability skills, foundation learning tier providing additional support for students not yet ready for level 2, extended project equivalent to half an A level to allow students to pursue an area of interest through independent research and learning. 2013 school leaving age 17, 2015 age 18. Enterprise Education – enterprise capability supported by financial capability and economic and business understanding. Emotional Intelligence - the ability or skill to identify, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups Improved attainment Increased use of effective feedback Increase in active learning by pupils
Bespoke training and ongoing support – website, newsletters, resources – sandbox for co-construction of resources, video toolkit : joining the community of TEEP schools. Scalable, sustainable model beyond the training