By Sandy and Scott Fisher Oral English Tips By Sandy and Scott Fisher
Groups Groups of 3-4 students Required to meet in groups and PRACTICE ENGLISH for at least 60 minutes. Homework done in groups and each group turns in a “homework packet.” Cut down on our grading time. Organized for class grading of homework. Organized for easy transitions to activities. Struggling students have access to help.
Group Jobs Each person in the group will be assigned a number pertaining to their seat, 1-4. Your number will stay the same all semester. 4 jobs are assigned to the group and will rotate every few weeks. 1 – Leader Coordinates the time and place for the group to meet. Directs the group to complete the activities assigned. 2 – Timer Keeps track of the length of time you meet together. Makes sure each member speaks English and participates equally. 3 – Recorder Writes the LOG for the meetings and brings it to class with the homework worksheets and sentences. 4 – Presenter Reads the sentences and reports on the discussion as requested in class.
Seating chart Students assigned to sit in groups. Useful for class activities. Useful for calling on students for class discussions. Useful for routine of correcting homework orally.
homework Groups required to meet together at least 60 minutes each week to do homework and PRACTICE ENGLISH. Groups turn in 1 or 2 completed chapters of vocabulary homework. Only 6-10 sets of homework to check in each class, depending of class size. A quiz given each week at the beginning of class. Compel the students to be on time to class. Graded by students in class to save my time. Students read orally the sentences and answers to practice pronunciation.
Groups assigned to complete a Paragraph Correction (PC) together. Groups required to write sentences using each of 3-6 idioms assigned each week. Only 6-10 sets of idioms to correct. Groups read orally their sentence in rotation and discussed if use was correct. Practice oral pronunciation. Groups assigned to complete a Paragraph Correction (PC) together. aph-Correction.htm Read the PC sentences aloud in rotation. Reinforce grammar knowledge.
LOG A LOG required with each group’s “packet” of homework. The reporter logs the group’s meeting time outside of class. Each student’s time of participation is recorded. A grade is written on the log for the work submitted.
Favorite Activity Fable Project Simple to present. Students were passionate and creative. Focused on emotion in language and enthusiasm. Extremely easy to grade.
Presentation Requirements Tell the fable. Act it out if desired. You may add words and more lines of dialog. Everybody must speak in English. Must use a slide or poster with the title, picture, animal, actors, moral of the Fable. No reading allowed. Graded: Projection and enthusiasm, understandable English, eye contact, and slide or poster.
Tips for activities Use activities that involve the entire class speaking English at the same time as much as possible. Individual speeches are long, boring and tedious. Keep projects of presentations where individuals speak short. Make assignments as groups if possible to reduce grading time. Call on students and don’t expect volunteers. Use the class monitor for help. Use WeChat for dissemination of assignments and information.