EV Report Writing Kim Tree
EV Reports The reports you write are used by a range of audiences, they need to be: Useful Timely As detailed as possible Contain ALL relevant facts
Useful to the reader Centre SQA Senior EV Indirectly – wider audience
EV Activity Review the Assessment Instruments Ensure they are appropriate Review assessment decisions against marking guidelines Interview staff Interview candidates Give appropriate feedback Complete report with no surprises
Tips for EVs Your report must be informative – stick to facts Give enough detail for reader to understand what happened during the visit Remember reader wasn’t there so add enough detail to allow them to appreciate the theme of the visit and the outcomes Provide enough detail in the action points to allow centre to be in no doubt of their required actions Remember to mention any areas of Good Practice Provide details of discussions with candidates and staff.
Report Content If you have concerns about the assessment and IV process in the centre you must communicate this. Record the outcome of the discussions. ALWAYS speak to assessors and IVs ALWAYS speak to candidates. Remember to mention any areas of Good Practice
Remember Your report must be informative – stick to facts Your report is used by the SEV to review the overall situation in China Areas of concern need to be identified Areas of Good Practice need to be identified The feedback from candidates needs to be recorded