Introduction to Charge Symmetry Breaking G. A. Miller, UW Introduction What do we know? Remarks on computing cross sections for 0 production
Charge Symmetry: QCD if md=mu, L invariant under u$ d Isospin invariance [H,Ti]=0, charge independence, CS does NOT imply CI
Example- CS holds, charge dependent strong force m(+)>m(0) , electromagnetic causes charge dependence of 1S0 scattering lengths no isospin mixing
Example:CIB is not CSB CI ! (pd! 3He0)/(pd ! 3H+)=1/2 NOT related by CS Isospin CG gives 1/2 deviation caused by isospin mixing near threshold- strong N! N contributes, not ! mixing
Example –proton, neutron proton (u,u,d) neutron (d,d,u) mp=938.3, mn=939.6 MeV If mp=mn, CS, mp<mn, CSB CS pretty good, CSB accounts for mn>mp (mp-mn)Coul¼ 0.8 MeV>0 md-mu>0.8 +1.3 MeV
Miller,Nefkens, Slaus 1990
All CSB arises from md>mu & electromagnetic effects– Miller, Nefkens, Slaus, 1990 All CIB (that is not CSB) is dominated by fundamental electromagnetism (?) CSB studies quark effects in hadronic and nuclear physics
Importance of md-mu >0, p, H stable, heavy nuclei exist too large, mn >mp + Binding energy, bound n’s decay, no heavy nuclei too large, Delta world: m(++)<mp, <0 p decays, H not stable Existence of neutrons close enough to proton mass to be stable in nuclei a requirement for life to exist, Agrawal et al(98)
Importance of md-mu >0, influences extraction of sin2W from neutrino-nucleus scattering ¼ 0, to extract strangeness form factors of nucleon from parity violating electron scattering
Outline of remainder Old stuff- NN scattering, nuclear binding energy differences comments on pn! d0 dd!4He0
NN force classification-Henley Miller 1977 Coulomb: VC(1,2)=(e2/4r12)[1+(3(1)+3(2))+3(1)3(2)] I: ISOSCALAR : a +b 1¢2 II: maintain CS, violate CI, charge dep. 3(1)3(2) = 1(pp,nn) or -1 (pn) III: break CS AND CI: (3(1)+3(2)) IV: mixes isospin
VIV»(3(1)-3(2)) (3(1)-3(2)) |T=0,Tz=0i=2|T=1,Tz=0i isospin mixing VIV=e(3(1)-3(2))((1)-(2))¢L +f((1)£(2))3 ((1)£(2))¢ L magnetic force between p and n is Class IV, current of moving proton int’s with n mag moment spin flip 3P0!1 P0 TRIUMF, IUCF expts
CLASS III: Miller, Nefkens, Slaus 1990 meson exchange vs EFT? md-mu
Search for class IV forces A -see next slide
ant Where is EFT?
A=3 binding energy difference B(3He)-B(3H)=764 keV Electromagnetic effects-model independent, Friar trick use measure form factors EM= 693 § 20 keV, missing 70 verified in three body calcs Coon-Barrett - mixing NN, good a, get 80§ 10 keV Machleidt- Muther TPEP-CSB, good a get 80 keV good a get 80 keV
Summary of NN CSB meson exchange Where is EFT?
old strong int. calc.
np! d0 Theory Requirements reproduce angular distribution of strong cross section, magnitude use csb mechanisms consistent with NN csb, cib and N csb, cib, Gardestig talk
plane wave, simple wave function, = 23 pb Bacher 14pb Gardestig, Nogga, Fonseca, van Kolck, Horowitz, Hanhart , Niskanen plane wave, simple wave function, = 23 pb
Initial state interactions Initial state OPEP, + HUGE, need to cancel Nogga, Fonseca
et al plane wave, Gaussian w.f. photon in NNLO, LO not included 23 pb vs 14 pb
Initial state LO dipole exchange d*(T=1,L=1,S=1), d*d OAM=0, emission makes dd component of He, estimate using Gaussian wf
Theory requirements: dd!4He0 start with good strong, csb np! d0 good wave functions, initial state interactions-strong and electromagnetic great starts have been made
Suggested plans: dd!4He0 Stage I: Publish existing calculations, Nogga, Fonseca, Gardestig talks, HUGE LO photon exchange absent now, no need to reproduce data present results in terms of input parameters, do exercises w. params Stage II: include LO photon exchange, Fonseca
Much to do, let’s do as much as possible here