Peter Molyneux Transport for the North
Key Functions of a Sub-National Transport Body Transport Investment Strategy includes a list of the core functions of a STB, all enshrined in the draft constitution: Prepare a pan-regional transport strategy to support economic growth and development in the region Provide advice to the Secretary of State about the development and prioritisation of transport investments in their region Co-ordinate the carrying out of transport functions that are exercisable by its constituent authorities, such as the implementation of smart ticketing initiatives Potentially, to play a role in the investment and oversight of performance on major roads in their region (that are not part of the national network maintained by Highways England) The need to produce a Strategic Transport Plan is founded in the statutory functions of TfN as a Sub-national Transport Body, clearly identifying the role of TfN in preparing the STP and the accompanying Investment Programme, so that the North can speak with one voice to the Secretary of State on the major interventions that are needed to underpin transformational growth in the North.
Pan-Northern Transport Objectives The process starts with a series of pan-Northern objectives, and the four shown here have been agreed with Partners, and are intended to provide a very clear set of principles around the role of the STP.
Locations of the Prime Capabilities Our starting point has been to take the locations of businesses within the prime and enabling capabilities across the North – this map shows this distribution of the prime capabilities, spread right across the North. In simple terms, the role of the STP is to join these dots more effectively.
Why is innovation important to TfN A driver for transformational economic growth Increase capacity, reliability and resilience of existing infrastructure Influence the design, implementation and operation of new interventions Change behaviours and attitudes to multi-modal travel Better customer information, choice, outcomes and experience Improve opportunities, skills and quality of life Retain and attract the best talent Improve environmental sustainability
Northern Powerhouse Rail Provides transformational change in connectivity between the North’s economic assets Will allow significant growth in labour markets and maximise benefits of HS2 Builds on existing investment in Northern Hub and planned investment in Trans Pennine Route Upgrade Core spine of the Strategic Transport Plan and Investment Programme, but needs to be seen as a whole network
NPR Connecting People and Businesses
Integrated and Smart Travel Tranche 1 – ITSO on Rail £18.5 million Full Business Case submitted in June 2017 The default for all season tickets across the North Progressively to be rolled out from East to West Tranche 2 – Customer Information £6.5 million Outline Business Case submitted in June 2017 Full Business Case submission in January 2018 Improving pre-journey decisions and choices Progressively rolling out starting with pilots in West and South Yorkshire Tranche 3 – Account-based Ticketing £110 million Outline Business Case submission in October 2017 Simplifying payment and providing fair price promise Progressively to be rolled out starting with the 5 key cities
Major Road Network for the North On strategic roads, TfN and our Partners have developed a Major Road Network for the North, as shown on the plan here, which will be a ‘live’ network that can respond to change in the future and will explore connections to other modes as it develops. We look forward to engaging with the DfT later this year as it consults on how to establish a Major Road Network across the country, and how schemes on this network will access the National Roads Fund beyond 2020. What we have already done, however, is agreed the priorities across the North’s Major Road Network for the next five years, with some indication of likely interventions beyond that.
Strategic Development Corridors This process has allowed TfN to identify a series of prioritised economic areas/growth corridors where the evidence to date suggests most progress towards the Transformational Growth scenario would be made by bringing forward rail and road investment over the lifetime of the STP – we have called these Strategic Development Corridors, and they show a clear deficit in east-west connectivity across the North. These corridors are also underpinned by significant work across a number of other workstreams that I will now give you a brief flavour of.