Devolution and Infrastructure Opportunities Chris Jackson Civil Engineering Contractors Association
Road to Devolution
The Northern Powerhouse One economy, £290bn GVA, 15 million residents... Our shared aim is for economic growth in the North to be at least as high as the rest of the country, to complement and act as a balance to the economic weight of London. Looking forward to the next 20 years and beyond, transport is a fundamental part of achieving these goals.
Sub-National Transport Bodies
Transport for the North TfN is developing a portfolio of strategic prioritised transport investment opportunities to support economic growth at both a national and local level. To allow this to happen, our new approach is for the North to take a lead in prioritising and planning transformative transport interventions, right across and beyond the North to: Transform connectivity Improve journey times Improve capacity and resilience Simplify the user experience.
Energy: Mining Fracking – Cuadrilla, Lancashire Cumbria Coal Mining York Potash Energy: Transmission and Storage Morecambe Bay Tunnel Humber Gas Tunnel Gas Storage Caverns
Meg-Projects (and others) -Can we deliver? CECA members deliver 80% of the country’s infrastructure It’s not only about the big stuff that grabs the headlines Through our engagement we will support and keep up the profile We can be a channel to get the message to industry
What we are doing Pipeline research – initially across the North CECA procurement review. Launched on 29 November 2016 Innovation Report – highlighted at National Conference We offer advice and support on procurement, contracts, skills and resources. Engagement with clients to get to know what they want
CECA’s Pipeline Project A project map for contractors setting out the infrastructure pipeline to 2017 The North of England set to be one of the busiest regions in the UK for infrastructure CECA’s members need easy access to information in order to take advantage of opportunities
Methodology Meticulous desk based research Creation of a mapped work bank Increase understanding of project delivery Work in progress that will be updated
Opportunities in every sector: large and small National Infrastructure Pipeline Aviation Ports Local authorities Defence National park authorities Energy Combined authorities Environmental Road Broadband Rail
Procurement Report 8 key areas of concern leading to unnecessary cost Information requirements disproportionate to bid value Lack of client engagement during process Too many bidders Poor tender documents Frameworks: a) That deliver less than forecasted revenue; b) with secondary competition(s) Poor management of the procurement process Quality of feedback post tender Lack of checking and enforcement of undertakings made by contractors in tender submissions
Procurement Report Clear recommendations on each of the 8 areas of concern Provides scope for open dialogue with our customers Should lead to greater collaboration between client and contractor Potential for procurement efficiency savings and reduced costs
Meeting the Challenge of Mega-Projects Meaningful, genuine collaboration Open approach to innovation Efficient procurement processes A robust and supported supply chain Clear pipeline of opportunities Realistic programme ambitions …and not forgetting the need for skilled resources
Devolution and Infrastructure Opportunities Thank you