M Waseem, MD Lincoln Hospital Bronx New York Pediatric Toxicology M Waseem, MD Lincoln Hospital Bronx New York 9/20/2018
Epidemiology 2 million calls 52% of poison center calls < 6years Peak age 18 months - 3 years 9/20/2018
Epidemiology Unintentional (1-2 years) Intentional (adolescent) Exploratory Boys > girls Intentional (adolescent) Purposeful Girls > boys 9/20/2018
Children are different Unable to discriminate safe from unsafe liquid Fail to recognize the suitability of the drink 9/20/2018
Epidemiology Around Meal time Grand parents home Kerosene or gasoline in a soda bottle Older sibling can pharmaceutically treat younger sibling 9/20/2018
Very toxic! Prenatal vitamin supplements Antidepressants Hydrocarbons 9/20/2018
Most often reported Cleaning products 10.4% Analgesics 10.3% Cosmetics 9% Cough & cold preparation 5.1% Insecticides 4% 9/20/2018
ICU Admission TCA Anticonvulsants Digitalis Opiates Hydrocarbon-based house-hold products 9/20/2018
Toxic Exposures/Death Analgesics Sedative-hypnotics Alcohols Gases & fumes Cleaning substances 9/20/2018
“Fatal Sip” 9/20/2018
Fatal Sip Camphor (100mg/kg) 1gm/5 ml Methyl Salicylate 1.4gm/ml (200 mg/kg) 1/2 tsp 9/20/2018
Fatal Sip Benzocaine 2 ml Methemoglobinemia Seizure 9/20/2018
Malignant Swallow Chloroquine (20 mg/kg) 500 mg Theophylline (8.4 mg/kg) 500 mg Imipramine (15 mg/kg) 150 mg Chlorpromazine (25 mg/kg) 200 mg 9/20/2018
Malignant Swallow Clonidine 0.3 mg tablet Bradycardia CNS depression 9/20/2018
Highly Toxic Acetonitrile Ammonium Fluoride Benzocaine Camphor Pennyroyal Oil 9/20/2018
Acetonitriles Artificial Nail Tip remover Methemolobinemia Delayed presentation (4-12 hours) Must be hospitalized 9/20/2018
Ammonium Fluoride Glass etching, de-rusting and wheel cleaning commercial products Armoral Quick Silver Wheel cleaner (17% ammonium fluoride) only 2 ml 9/20/2018
Ammonium Fluoride Inactivates proteolytic & glycolytic enzymes Binds with Ca & Mg Acidosis, Dysrhythmia & coagulopathy Direct effect on CNS Seizures 9/20/2018
Benzocaine Teething gels (Orajel), first aid cream hemorrhoidal preparations Methemoglobinemia < 6 months (methemoglobin reductase) 9/20/2018
Camphor Vicks VapoRub Only 5 ml CNS effects 9/20/2018
Pennyroyal Oil Health food products, herbal preparations Depletes glutathione Toxicity to liver & lung < a teaspoon A tablespoon (fatal) 9/20/2018
Look-Alike, Sound-A-Like Albuterol Atenolol Celebrex Cerebrex Oruvail Elavil Lamictal Lomotil Lotrimin Lotensin Plendil Pindolol 9/20/2018
Look-Alike, Sound-A-Like Hydralazine Hydroxyzine Hydrocodone Hydrocortisone 9/20/2018
Plant Toxidromes 9/20/2018
Digitalis Effects Lily-of-the-valley Foxglove Oleander Yew 9/20/2018
Nicotinic Effects Poison hemlock 9/20/2018
Atropinic Effects Jimsonweed 9/20/2018
Non-Toxic Products Ball point ink Bubble bath soaps Candles (beeswax or paraffin) Chalk Cigarettes (< 3 butts) Crayons 9/20/2018
Non-Toxic Products Deodorants Lipstick Pencil (graphite) Toothpaste Water colors 9/20/2018
Evaluation History of poisoning Toxicologic physical examination Laboratory studies Gastrointestinal decontamination 9/20/2018
History What? When? How much? 9/20/2018
What ? Medication Illicit drug Hazardous chemical 9/20/2018
What form? Pill Solid Liquid Gaseous 9/20/2018
What route ? Ingestion Inhalation Topical Intravenous 9/20/2018
When ? Elapsed time 9/20/2018
How much ? Estimate amount Concentration 9/20/2018
“Vital signs” 9/20/2018
Bradycardia Digoxin Narcotics Organophosphates Carbon monoxide Beta-blocker 9/20/2018
Tachycardia Alcohol/amphetamine Atropine/tricyclic Theophylline Salicylates, Iron Cocaine/PCP 9/20/2018
Slow Respiration Alcohol Narcotics Clonidine Sedatives 9/20/2018
Tachypnea Amphetamines Salicylates Carbon monoxide 9/20/2018
Hypotension Methemoglobinemia Carbon monoxide Cyanide Iron Narcotics 9/20/2018
Hypertension OTC cold remedies Amphetamine PCP TCA Cocaine 9/20/2018
Ventricular Tachycardia Amphetamines Carbamzepine Chloral hydrate Cocaine Digitalis Theophylline 9/20/2018
Torsades de Pointes Chloral hydrate Cisapride Organophosphates Terfenadine Phenothiazines 9/20/2018
Hypoglycemia (HOBBIES) H-Hypoglycemia O-Oral hypoglycemic agents B-Beta-Blockers I-Insulin E-Ethanol S-Salicylates 9/20/2018
Hypothermia Ethanol Narcotics Carbon monoxide 9/20/2018
Hyperpyrexia Atropine Salicylates Theophylline Cocaine TCA 9/20/2018
Mental Status 9/20/2018
Coma Narcotic Anticholinergic Carbon monoxide 9/20/2018
Delirium/Psychosis Alcohol PCP/marijuana LSD 9/20/2018
Convulsion Cocaine/Amphetamine Lead Salicylate Isoniazid Theophylline 9/20/2018
Pupil size 9/20/2018
Miosis (COPS) Cholinergics, Clonidine Opiates, Organophosphates Phenothiazine, Pilocarpine Sedatives (Barbiturates) 9/20/2018
Mydriasis (AAAS) Antihistamine Antidepressant Anticholinergics (atropine) Sympathomimetics Amphetamine, Cocaine, PCP 9/20/2018
Caution! Polydrug overdoses with opposite pupillary actions Nontoxin diagnoses Head trauma CNS hemorrhage 9/20/2018
Unresponsive to oxygen methemoglobinemia Cyanosis Unresponsive to oxygen methemoglobinemia 9/20/2018
Cyanosis Aniline dyes Nitrites Benzocaine Dapsone 9/20/2018
Dry Skin Anticholinergic 9/20/2018
Breath Odors Arsenic Garlic Camphor Mothballs Cyanide Bitter almond Methyl salicylate Wintergreen Paraldehyde Pears 9/20/2018
Toxidromes 9/20/2018
Cholinergic DUMBBEL SLUDGE 9/20/2018
DUMBBELS D Diarrhea U Urination M Miosis, muscle fasiculation B Bradycardia B Bronchospasm 9/20/2018
DUMBBELS E Emesis L Lacrimation S Salivation 9/20/2018
SLUDGE S Salivation L Lacrimation U Urination D Diarrhea 9/20/2018
SLUDGE G GI complaint E Emesis 9/20/2018
Anticholinergic Syndrome Dry mouth Flushed appearance Dilated pupils Fever Ileus Urinary retention Disorientation 9/20/2018
Anticholinergic Hot as a hare Blind as a bat Dry as a bone Red as a beet Mad as a hatter 9/20/2018
Anticholinergic Full as a flask 9/20/2018
Anticholinergic Wet Bowel sound + Dry Absent bowel sound Sympathomimetic Dry Absent bowel sound 9/20/2018
Narcotic Pinpoint pupils Coma Respiratory depression 9/20/2018
Salicylates Fever Tachypnea & hyperpnea Lethargy Metabolic acidosis 9/20/2018
Theophylline Protracted Vomiting Tremors Tachycardia Seizures Hypotension 9/20/2018
Isoniazid Seizures Metabolic acidosis Hyperglycemia 9/20/2018
Phencyclidine (4 Cs) Combative Catatonia Convulsion Coma Nystagmus 9/20/2018
TCA Metabolic acidosis Prolonged QRS Seizures Dilated pupils Dysrhythmia 9/20/2018
Cyanide Feeling of impending doom Sudden coma Metabolic acidosis Hypotension Bitter almond odor 9/20/2018
Carbon monoxide Headache Lethargy Dizziness Influenza like syndrome Coma 9/20/2018
Ethanol Hypoglycemia Lethargy Ataxia Seizure Characteristic breath odor 9/20/2018
Methanol Severe Metabolic acidosis Sluggish pupils Hyperemic retina Blurred vision 9/20/2018
Ethylene Glycol Lethargy or coma Metabolic acidosis Urinary sediment Crystalluria 9/20/2018
Clonidine Hypothermia Bradycardia Miosis Respiratory depression 9/20/2018
Elevated anion gap Methanol Paraldehyde & phenformin Iron & isoniazid Ethylene glycol & ethanol Salicylate 9/20/2018
ABCs Anticipate Before Complications 9/20/2018
ABC Airway Breathing Circulation C-spine immobilization secure IV access 9/20/2018
ABC Disability consciousness Drugs Decontamination 9/20/2018
consciousness A: Alert V: Responsive to verbal stimuli P:Responsive to pain U: Unresponsive 9/20/2018
Drugs Dextrose Oxygen Naloxone 9/20/2018
Decontamination Ocular- copious saline lavage Skin- copious water GI-consider options 9/20/2018
No “tox panel” that is uniformly helpful Lab Evaluation No “tox panel” that is uniformly helpful 9/20/2018
Urine Screen Marijuana 5-10 days Amphetamines 48 hours Barbiturates 24 h-2 wks Cocaine 2-4 days Opiates 2 days PCP 8 days 9/20/2018
All suspected ingestion Tricyclics EKG All suspected ingestion Tricyclics 9/20/2018
Measure of oxygen saturation of normal hemoglobin Pulse oximetry Measure of oxygen saturation of normal hemoglobin 9/20/2018
Does not differentiate COHB from oxyhemoglobin Pulse oximetry Does not differentiate COHB from oxyhemoglobin 9/20/2018
False low Saturation Blue nail polish Methylene blue Poor distal perfusion 9/20/2018
Blood gas Salicylates 9/20/2018
Chest X-ray Hydrocarbons 9/20/2018
Esophagoscopy Caustics 9/20/2018
Emergent Lab Analyses Acetaminophen Salicylates Methanol Ethylene glycol Iron 9/20/2018
Emergent Lab Analyses Theophylline Carbon monoxide Lithium 9/20/2018
Optimum time Actaminophen 4 hours Salicylates 2-4 hours Iron 4 hours Carboxyhemoglobin Immediate Methemoglobin Immediate 9/20/2018
Optimum time Ethanol 1/2-1 hour Ethylene glycol 1/2-1 hour Methanol 1/2-1 hour Digoxin 4-6 hour 9/20/2018
Serial Levels Salicylates Carbamazepine Digoxin Phenobarbital Theophylline Valproic acid 9/20/2018
Radiopaque (CHIPS) Chloral hydrate Heavy metals Iron Phenothiazine Slow release 9/20/2018
Preventing absorption GI. Decontamination Preventing absorption 9/20/2018
GI decontamination in a symptomatic patient? 9/20/2018
Decontamination Syrup of Ipecac Gastric lavage Activated Charcoal Cathartics WBI (bowel irrigation) 9/20/2018
Syrup of ipecac 9/20/2018
Syrup of Ipecac Nonprescription CTZ stimulant use only under poison control direction 9/20/2018
Syrup of Ipecac No evidence of improved outcome Delays AC or antidote for 2 hours No role in hospital setting 9/20/2018
Adverse effect Protracted vomiting Sedation Diarrhea Bradycardia 9/20/2018
Contraindications Altered mental status Seizure hemetemesis hydrocarbon corrosives 9/20/2018
Contraindications Anticipated use of oral antidote or WBI < 6 months old 9/20/2018
Gastric Lavage 9/20/2018
Gastric Lavage one hour (“golden hour”) Life threatening ingestion 9/20/2018
“NG tube is not adequate” 9/20/2018
Gastric Lavage Large bore orogastric tube (36 - 40 French) 0.9% saline 15 ml/kg max 200-400 ml/cycle 9/20/2018
Gastric Lavage < 30% by 20-30 min < 13% by 60 minutes 9/20/2018
Gastric Lavage Not a routine With in one hour Life-threatening ingestion Absence of pill fragments does not rule out toxic ingestion 9/20/2018
Gastric Lavage TCA Calcium-blocker Colchicine 9/20/2018
Complications Pulmonary aspiration 9/20/2018
Contraindications Caustic Hydrocarbon Sharp coingestion 9/20/2018
Activated Charcoal Universal antidote 9/20/2018
adsorbing the ingested substance Single dose AC adsorbing the ingested substance 9/20/2018
Activated Charcoal Oxidizing process Increases the adsorptive capacity Inert substance Reduce the bioavailability of drug 9/20/2018
Activated Charcoal Surface area 950-2000m2/g 9/20/2018
Poorly bound by AC 9/20/2018
CHEMICaL CamP C Cyanide H Hydrocarbon E Ethanol M Metals I Iron C Caustics L Lithium 9/20/2018
CHEMICaL CamP C Camphor P Phosphorus 9/20/2018
Recommended Dose Up to 1 year 1g/kg 1-12 year 25-50 gm 9/20/2018
Complications Pulmonary aspiration Emesis Constipation 9/20/2018
Contraindications Hydrocarbon Corrosive Ileus 9/20/2018
Home AC? 1,208,860 exposure in < 6 year 16 fatalities 4 might have benefited from early administration of AC American Association of Poison Control Centers Toxic Exposure Surveillance System (1998) 9/20/2018
Benefits of Home AC Early administration Reduced morbidity & mortality 9/20/2018
Risks of Home AC Inappropriate administration Inadequate dosing Pulmonary aspiration 9/20/2018
Gastrointestinal Dialysis Multiple-Dose AC Gastrointestinal Dialysis 9/20/2018
Multiple-Dose AC Continue to adsorb remaining toxin Interfere with enterohepatic circulation Lower the free drug concentration 9/20/2018
Multiple-Dose AC Phenobarbital Carbamazepine Phenytoin Digoxin Salicylates Theophylline TCA 9/20/2018
Cathartics Decrease transit time 9/20/2018
Cathartics Sorbitol 70%(0.5g/kg) 10 - 20 ml (children) 50-100ml(adolescent) 9/20/2018
Complications Nausea Abdominal cramps Vomiting Transient hypotension 9/20/2018
Contraindications Unprotected airway Ileus Absent bowel sounds Intestinal obstruction 9/20/2018
Decontaminate entire gastrointestinal tract WBI Decontaminate entire gastrointestinal tract 9/20/2018
Commonly used for agents not bound to activated charcoal WBI Commonly used for agents not bound to activated charcoal 9/20/2018
WBI polethylene glycol No fluid abnormality No electrolyte imbalance End point clear rectal effluent Sustained release preparation 9/20/2018
WBI 9 months to 6 years 6-12 years (1000 ml/hr) over 12 years 9/20/2018
WBI Calcium-channel-blockers Iron Arsenic Lead/zinc Packets of illicit drugs 9/20/2018
Complications Nausea & vomiting Bloating / cramps Pulmonary aspiration 9/20/2018
Urinary Alkalinization Salicylates Phenobarbital Chlorpropamide 9/20/2018
Urinary Acidification Never indicated Systemic acidosis Renal impairment in myoglobinuria 9/20/2018
Extracorporeal Clearance 9/20/2018
Hemodialysis Severe poisoning Renal failure 9/20/2018
Hemodialysis 8-10 fold increased clearance Corrects acid-base imbalance Corrects electrolyte imbalance 9/20/2018
Hemodialysis Small molecular weight Non-ionized, uncharged molecule Low plasma protein binding Small volume of distribution (<1.0L/kg) 9/20/2018
Hemodialysis Lithium 4 mEq/L Ethylene glycol 50 mg/dl Methanol 50 mg/dl Salicylates 100 mg/dl 9/20/2018
Hemoperfusion A charcoal or resin cartridge More effective in selected poisonings Not limited by plasma protein binding Not limited by molecular size 9/20/2018
Hemoperfusion Not effective for acid-base & electrolyte imbalance correction Ineffective in patients with renal failure 9/20/2018
Hemoperfusion Phenobarbital 100 mg/L Theophylline 60-100mg/L Paraquat 0.1 mg/dl Glutethimide 4 mg/dl Meprobamate 10 mg/dl 9/20/2018
Antidotes 9/20/2018
Use only if specific criteria met Antidotes Use only if specific criteria met 9/20/2018
Immediate use Oxygen carbon monoxide Naloxone opioids 9/20/2018
Immediate use Methylene blue 1% severe cyanosis > 40% 9/20/2018
Immediate use Sodium nitrite Cyanide Deferoxamine Iron 9/20/2018
Antidotes Acetaminophen - N-Acetylcysteine 140 mg/kg PO 70 mg/kg q4h for 17 doses Anticholinergics - Physostigmine 0.5 mg IV 9/20/2018
Antidotes Organophosphates Atropine 0.05-0.1 mg IM or IV Pralidoxime 25-50 mg/kg IV 9/20/2018
Antidotes Benzodiazepine - Flumazenil Beta Blockers - Glucagon 0.01 mg/kg IV Beta Blockers - Glucagon 50 ug/kg IV 9/20/2018
Antidotes Isoniazid Pyridoxine 5-10% TCA NaHCO3 Warfarin Vitamin K 1 gm/gm of INH ingested IV TCA NaHCO3 1-2 mEq/kg IM or IV Warfarin Vitamin K 1-5 mg IV or IM 9/20/2018
New Antidotes in the year 2000 9/20/2018
New Antidotes Glucagon Insulin & glucose ? Beta-blocker & Ca-channel blocker Insulin & glucose ? Ca-channel blocker Octreotide Sulfonylureas induced hypoglycemia 9/20/2018
New Antidotes Tricyclic antidepressant antibodies Fomepizole (Antizol) TCA Fomepizole (Antizol) Methanol & ethylene glycol Nalmefene Opioid poisoning 9/20/2018
New Antidotes Flumazenil (Romazicon) Benzodiazepine 9/20/2018
Child Abuse by poisoning High index of suspicion Its not optional! Mandated to protect these children 9/20/2018
Take home message Basic supportive care has saved more lives than all the antidotes put together Small quantities can have significant consequences Most pediatric ingestion are trivial 9/20/2018
If you watch these kids, you may not have to do anything 9/20/2018
Resources Drug Information (AHFS) Poisindex computer database Regional poison center 212-POISONS 9/20/2018