The Revision of WENRA Reference Levels and their Implementation Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, Berlin, 6 May 2015 Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
Agenda 01 WENRA Basic Facts 02 WENRA Reference Levels (RLs) for existing reactors 03 WENRA Updated RLs after Fukushima 04 WENRA’s Additional Activities after Fukushima 05 Outlook Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
01 WENRA Basic Facts Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
01 WENRA Basic Facts Origins Informal meetings of Heads of regulatory bodies in Europe in the 1990’s Stronger international exchange was felt to be necessary Hence, WENRA was founded in February 1999 WENRA assists EU Commission in assessing nuclear safety in applicant countries Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
01 WENRA Basic Facts Creation Association of the Heads of nuclear regulatory authorities of the EU countries with NPP and Switzerland Interested countries as observers Terms of Reference: Signed on 4 February 1999 (10 members) Revised on 14 March 2003 (17 members) Revised on 26 March 2015 (18 members) Chairpersons: 1999-2003: A.-C. Lacoste, French Nuclear Safety Authority 2003-2006: J. Melin, Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate 2006-2009: D. Drábová, Czech State Office for Nuclear Safety, 2009-2011: J. Laaksonen, Finnish Rad. & Nuclear Safety Authority 2011- : H. Wanner, Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
01 WENRA Basic Facts Policy Statements Commitment to continuous improvement of nuclear safety in our countries Develop a common, harmonized approach to nuclear safety Develop common Reference Levels (RLs) based on IAEA standards and good practices in our countries Regular revisions undertaken when new knowledge and experience are available Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
01 WENRA Basic Facts Members and Observers - Armenia - Austria - Belarus - Denmark - Ireland - Luxemburg - Norway - Poland - Russian Federation 18 Members - Belgium - Bulgaria - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hungary - Italy - Lithuania - Romania - Slovak Republic - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - The Netherlands - Ukraine - United Kingdom Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
01 WENRA Basic Facts Working Groups Two technical Working Groups have been established to harmonize safety approaches with the aim to continuously improve nuclear safety: RHWG Reactor Harmonisation Working Group WGWD Working Group on Waste and Decommissioning Ad-hoc Working Groups Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
WENRA Reference Levels for existing NPP 02 WENRA Reference Levels for existing NPP Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
02 WENRA RLs for existing NPP Development of RLs Development of Reference Levels (RLs) for harmonization of nuclear safety in Europe RLs reflect standards and practices to be implemented in the WENRA countries; they are a comprehensive collection of requirements which are: Brief High level Significant Objectives of Harmonization: No substantial differences between countries in national safety requirements and in their implementation in the nuclear installations. Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
02 WENRA RLs for existing NPP Achievements Complete set of Reference Levels (RLs) for reactor safety published in 2006 Revised set of 295 SRLs based on stakeholder comments published in 2008 Revision of RLs considering lessons learned from Fukushima Dai-ichi published in September 2014 RLs and related reports can be found at: Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
WENRA’s Updated Reference Levels 03 WENRA’s Updated Reference Levels Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
03 WENRA‘s Updated RLs Goals of the Review Perform a full review of all RLs (2008 version) focussing on Fukushima lessons learned Ensure that the RLs are internally consistent after the update Ensure that the RLs are still balanced Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
03 WENRA‘s Updated RLs Input for the Review IAEA work to revise Safety Requirements (gap analysis) Conclusions of Second Extraordinary meeting of CNS ENSREG recommendations and suggestions National requirements of WENRA member countries WENRA work performed on the safety of new reactors WENRA Position Paper on PSR of April 2013 WENRA work performed in sub-groups on Natural Hazards Containment integrity Accident Management measures Comments provided by stakeholders Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
03 WENRA‘s Updated RLs Main Changes Review took into account explicitly: safety culture safety of spent fuel pools sites with multiple reactors conditions at the site after an accident need for independent and diverse heat removal means beyond design basis conditions including margins A new “issue T” dedicated to Natural Hazards has been created Guidelines for issue E/F and issue T Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
Areas where most changes occurred 03 WENRA’s Updated RLs A Safety Policy B Operating organisation C Management system D Training and autorisation of NPP staff E Design basis envelope for existing reactors F Design extension of existing reactors G Safety classification of structures, systems and components H Operational limits and conditions I Ageing management J System for investigation of events and operational experience feedback K Maintenance, in-service inspection and functional tests LM Emergency operating procedures and severe accident management guidelines N Contents and updating of safety analysis report O Probabilistic safety analysis P Periodic safety review Q Plant modifications R On-site emergency preparedness S Protection against internal fire T Natural hazards Areas where most changes occurred New issue Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
03 WENRA Updated RLs Stakeholder Consultation Dec. 2013 to Feb. 2014 95 comments were received Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
03 WENRA Updated RLs overall, 342 RLS Safety area Issue Number of RLs Safety Management A – Safety Policy 9 B – Operating organisation 15 C – Management system 26 D – Training and authorization of NPP staff Design E - Design basis envelope for existing reactors 46 F – Design extension of existing reactors 25 G – Safety classification of structures, systems and components 7 T – Natural hazards 19 Operation H – Operational limits and conditions I – Ageing management 8 J – System for investigation of events and operational experience feedback 16 K – Maintenance, in-service inspection and functional tests 20 LM – Emergency operating procedures and severe accident management guidelines Safety verification N – Contents and updating of safety analysis report 17 0 – Probabilistic safety analysis P – Periodic safety review Q – Plant modifications Emergency preparedness R – On-site emergency preparedness S – Protection against internal fire overall, 342 RLS Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
03 WENRA Updated RLs New Guidance Documents Natural Hazards T1.1 - Natural hazards shall be considered an integral part of the safety demonstration of the plant (including spent fuel storage). Threats from natural hazards shall be removed or minimised as far as reasonably practicable for all operational plant states. The safety demonstration in relation to natural hazards shall include assessments of the design basis and design extension conditions with the aim to identify needs and opportunities for improvement. Design Extension of existing Reactors F1.1 As part of defence in depth, analysis of Design Extension Conditions (DEC) shall be undertaken with the purpose of further improving the safety of the nuclear power plant by enhancing the plant’s capability to withstand more challenging events or conditions than those considered in the design basis, minimising radioactive releases harmful to the public and the environment as far as reasonably practicable, in such events or conditions. Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
WENRA’s Additional Activities after Fukushima 04 WENRA’s Additional Activities after Fukushima Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
04 WENRA Activities after Fukushima Mutual Assistance Actions taken Exchange and coordination of technical and radiological assessments HERCA (Heads of the European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities) Harmonization of Emergency Preparedness and Response in our countries together with the “Heads of the European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities” (HERCA) Several other recommendations for cooperation and exchange of expertise Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
05 WENRA Activities after Fukushima Periodic Safety Review WENRA Position Paper March 2013 see Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
04 WENRA Activities after Fukushima Concept of Continuous Improvement Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
05 WENRA Activities after Fukushima Recommendation in connection with Flaw Indications found in Belgian reactors Two-step verification of materials quality and structural integrity of reactor pressure vessels + countries feedbacks : Comprehensive review of RPV manufacturing and inspection records Examination of the base material of the vessels Document on activities in countries following WENRA recommendation published on website Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
WENRA Future Activities and Challenges 06 WENRA Future Activities and Challenges Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
06 WENRA Future and Challenges Future activities Implementation of 2014 Version of the RLs to be completed in 2017 annual reporting on progress to be published Further development of RL for existing reactors and in particular for new reactors Assessment of the implementation in NPP also in the context of the new EU Directive on Nuclear Safety (Topical Peer Reviews) Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
06 WENRA Future and Challenges Challenges How can WENRA contribute to the implementation of the EU directives on nuclear safety and waste management? How can the safety of NPP in embarking countries near the boarder of WENRA countries be harmonized with WENRA’s expectations? Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman
Thank you. WENRA Dr. Hans Wanner Industriestrasse 19 5200 Brugg RHWG REACTOR HARMONISATION WORKING GROUP WGWD WORKING GROUP ON WASTE AND DECOMISSIONING Thank you. WENRA Dr. Hans Wanner Industriestrasse 19 5200 Brugg Switzerland Tel +41 56 460 85 68 Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology | 6 May 2015 | Dr. Hans Wanner, WENRA Chairman