Canada’s Pensions Old Age Security (OAS) Canada Pension Plan (CPP) International Social Security Agreements CPP compulsory contributory almost every person working in Canada is covered benefits paid are based on the amount of contributions and the number of years in a person’s contributory period benefits are paid from the CPP Account OAS based on age, legal status and residence in Canada benefits are funded by the consolidated revenue fund (taxes) International Agreements allows for co-ordination of two countries social security programs and makes social security benefits portable between countries Canada currently has social security agreements with 38 countries
Available Online Request your record of earnings Application Forms Tax Information Slips Online Retirement Income Calculator Request a CPP Statement of Contributions Once every 12 months you can request Canada Pension Plan send you a Statement of Contributions to the address on you have on file with the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA). If you have moved since you last filed your income tax return and have not advised CCRA of a change of address, please contact us at 1-877-454-4051. If you live or have worked in the province of Quebec, you may need to contact the Régie des rentes du Québec (RRQ). Application Forms The website provides an easy and effective way to download the forms that provide access to our various services. All of Income Security Programs’ forms can be downloaded, completed online and/or printed and completed by hand. Tax Information Slips Online The Tax Information Slips Online service will be launched in 2004, and will allow OAS and CPP benefit recipients to view their tax information slips (T4’s) online, print a facsimile of their tax slips and elect to stop receiving their tax slips by mail in future years. Retirement Income Calculator The Government of Canada has developed this calculator to help you plan for retirement. The calculator helps you assess your personal financial situation and helps you decide which steps to take to reach your retirement goals. It will take you approximately 30 minutes to use the calculator.
INFORMATION 1 - 800 - 277 - 9914 (English) 1 - 800 - 277 - 9915 (French) TTY/TTD 1 - 800 - 255 - 4786
Mailing address: P.O. Box 818 Station Main Winnipeg, MB R3C 2N4 In person: 391 York Ave 1031 Autumnwood Drive 1122 Henderson Hw 3338 Portage Ave. 1039 Princess Ave. Brandon