Products / Reflections / … UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES? NW-PULSE @ NW Biology instructors Conference 2016 Inspiring Passion and Best Practices Central Oregon Community College School Logo here Sarah Fuller, Kevin Grove, Julie Gonsalves VISION – To inspire passion and best practices in teaching and learning in individual faculty, departments, and community partners as first step toward promoting Vision and Change Core Concepts & Competencies. MAIN GOAL– Individual faculty, departments, and community partners collaboratively generated and promoted excitement around active teaching and learning by providing and participating in a variety of activities. Photos should be at least 300dpi, but not more than 5-12 mgs each. Your poster is set to be enlarged 200% so do not change the page size to fit another poster size. Posters (3’ x 4’) will be printed at WWU using the same purchase order at the same time. Please email your poster as a PPT file to by Joann Otto at WWU by April 1, 2016. Please contact Joann Otto ( with questions about poster printing. Also please put your institution “logo” on your poster. Please note that this template is provided to simplify your effort to prepare a poster for the NW Biology meeting. You can change the font size, colors, column widths, add photos, institutional logos, graphics, etc. This template can also be used as a starting point and you can be as creative as you want in your poster. However, we would like to have all of the posters the same size and we will be printed at the same time, at the same print shop in order to easily pay for printing with one purchase order. ACTIONS BARRIERS & CHALLENGES Products / Reflections / … Science Dept. Collaborative Team Building : Marshmallow Challenge! Science Dept. Journal Article Discussion: Promoting Student Metacognition doi: 10.1187/cbe.12-03-0033 CBE Life Sci Educ vol. 11 no. 2 113-120 Soup Session 1: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Soup Session 2: How do our students frame learning? Friday Active Learning Journal Club - Partnership with OSU-Cascades STEM faculty Activities were open to the Science department, entire campus, and/or OSU-Cascades. There were many participants in most activities, but in general, the participants were the “Choir.” At this point there have not been any products generated from the activities conducted. Follow-up soup sessions are planned for Spring 2016 to discuss how faculty encounter and address disconnect between student beliefs about learning. RESOURCES & ALLIES SUSTAINABILITY Faculty in the department had various “connections” with passionate and knowledgeable leaders: COCC Science Department Faculty Wendi Wampler, PhD Physics Education Provided epistemological framework training Kevin Grove, Science Dept. Chair Provided leadership on team-building OSU Cascades Faculty Ann Peterson, PhD Biology Provided journal club leadership Lane Community College Dennis Gilbert, PhD Physics Provided expertise about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Regional Network STRENGTHS & LEVERAGE Soup session attendance increased from the first to the last session. Consistency of date and time, as well as continued offerings may improve attendance. Utilizing department meetings with a captive audience may broaden participation beyond the “Choir.” Providing a summary of activities, distributed among faculty, may increase visibility and curiosity. Data regarding attendance at activities, and surveys regarding implementation of practices is valuable Soup Sessions--seminars about active learning--were enhanced by providing soup for attendees at lunch time. Department meetings ensured a captive audience for some activities. FUTURE GOALS Broaden the discussion beyond the “choir”. Connect the conversation about learning goals to course outcomes and V & C Core Concepts & Competencies UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES? There was a lot of left over soup at the first soup session. This work was supported in part by an NSF RCN UBE award # 1345033.