St Cuthbert Mayne Catholic Primary School Academisation Consultation Meeting for Parents 5pm Tuesday 27th February 2018 ST CM
Welcome Introductions Purpose of meeting Catholic education in our Diocese Academy status St. Cuthbert Mayne Primary School Xavier Education Trust Questions Next steps
Introductions Anne Halliday, Chair of Governors James Kibble, Vice Chair Other members of the Governing body Ani Magill, CEO Xavier CET
Purpose of meeting The Governing Body of St Cuthbert Mayne Catholic Primary School consultation: Conversion of St Cuthbert Mayne to an academy To join the Xavier Catholic Education Trust (CET)
Catholic Education in our Diocese Diocese of Arundel & Brighton 83 schools Voluntary Aided schools 65 “state”, 18 independent 12 academies Diocesan policy: 2 Catholic Education Trusts Xavier – Surrey (27 schools) Bosco – Sussex (36 schools)
Academy Status What is an academy? What is a multi-academy trust (MAT)? What are the opportunities? What are the threats? Academies are not maintained by the Local Authority but answer to the Secretary of State through the Regional Schools’ Commissioner. Academies have the flexibility to innovate and raise standards, including freedom from the National Curriculum and flexibility for the purchase of services. Funding Same level of funding per pupils as they would receive from the LA plus additions to cover services that are no longer provided by the LA. Allowing for freedoms to purchase quality services. Funding is received from Education Funding Agency and not the LA Academies follow the law and guidance on admissions, SEN and Exclusions as if thery were a maintained school. A MAT brings a number of schools together range of chains from 3-50+ MATs are expected to collaborate with member schools to bring improvements for all pupils and support one another.
What are the opportunities? Greater autonomy Future proofing Economic safeguarding School-to-school support Catholic identity Leadership development Recruitment & Retention Shared expertise and resource Greater good of the Diocese For the children
What are the threats? Loss of autonomy? Increased bureaucracy Financial restrictions Loss of Local Authority support
Structure Diocesan Trustees Members Diocesan Academies Strategic Board MAT Board – Directors & Executive Team Local Governing Committee Academy
Finance Money is tight! Central contribution (2.5%) Shared services Economies of scale Surplus & deficit Centralised purchasing Cost of conversion Capital projects
Xavier Catholic Education Trust Salesian (secondary), Chertsey – Teaching School SJB (secondary), Woking – Teaching School St. Anne’s, Chertsey Holy Family, Addlestone St. Charles Borromeo, Weybridge Cardinal Newman, Hersham St. Alban’s, Molesey St. Hugh of Lincoln, Knaphill The Marist, West Byfleet St. Augustine’s, Frimley …
Common questions What impact will it have on the children? Will we maintain our individual school ethos? Will we keep our current staff and Headteacher? What are the implications for staff and their terms and conditions? Will we be changing our curriculum? Will we be changing our admissions policy? What are the implications for Ofsted?
St Cuthbert Mayne Focus on the doing the best for our pupils Supporting staff through partnerships with other schools and colleagues Continued school improvements School name Staffing structure Ethos and values Uniform The education and welfare of St CM pupils will remain central to all the decisions made. Staff will be supported developed and challenged to be the best they can be and provide the best education for pupils. Increased opportunities to work with coleauges in partnership. Sharing of excellence. Shaping future of Catholic education
Next steps Consultation Due diligence Governors resolution Diocesan permission Application process Buildings Finance standards
Any questions?